Saturday, January 10, 2009

Liberal Messages

Gillard must guarantee no Vegemite tax
Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard has failed to rule out new taxes on food favourites such as Vegemite and jam.

Coalition welcomes release of unit pricing regime details
The Rudd Government today announced that mandatory code of conduct for unit pricing will apply from December 1, 2009.

Jobs critical for recovery in housing sector
Restoring confidence and creating jobs are critical to bringing about a recovery in the housing sector as new figures show further falls in housing approvals.

Rudd government threatents Aussie icon
The Australian reported today that vegemite, some cheeses, jams and preserves were threatened with being hit with “fat taxes” under proposals the Rudd Government’s National Preventative Health Taskforce could recommend to the government later this year.

Garrett's EIS must guarantee the future of the lower Lakes
It is crucial that Peter Garrett’s environmental assessment of South Australia’s Lower Lakes looks at all options to preserve the wetlands in their natural state.

Unions threaten jobs
The number one priority of the Rudd Government, first and foremost, must be keeping Australians in jobs. The Rudd Government cannot afford to pander to the unreasonable demands of unions that may threaten the job security of the very people they claim to represent.

Appointment of chief of staff
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Chris Kenny as my Chief of Staff. Mr Kenny, 46, is an outstanding political and media professional having previously served as Chief of Staff to South Australian Premier Rob Kerin and to Foreign Minister Alexander Downer.

Government fees and charges are a tax on jobs
The Government is asking business to maintain jobs yet it is imposing new taxes and higher fees and charges on individual businesses and entire industries that are already experiencing the effects of the global economic downturn.

Labor policies drive price hikes
Ten million Australians are facing a double whammy of price hikes for private health insurance over the next two years thanks to the Rudd Government’s short-sighted policies.

New Rudd impediment for doctors
Its decision to cease distribution of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) as a book and to push doctors to electronic and online versions was an impost on the efficient operations of some GPs.

Gillard's Gunns speak louder than Garrett's
Peter Garrett has been forced to ‘clarify’ comments over the proposed Tasmanian pulp mill after an embarrassing mix-up of messages which saw him contradict the Acting Prime Minister today.

Conroy must release ACCC broadband report
Crucial ACCC regulatory and competition advice regarding bids for Labor's delayed National Broadband Network (NBN) due tomorrow, must be released with opportunity for public comment.

Death of Australian soldier in Afghanistan
The thoughts and prayers of all Australians will be with his family. Their loss will be deeply felt at a time of the year when Australians traditionally gather with their loved ones to celebrate the New Year.

Death of Australian soldier in Afghanistan
The loss of another Australian soldier a sad reminder of the dangers faced by our personnel in Afghanistan.

Turnbull Doorstop - Australian soldier killed in Afghanistan, Gunns pulp mill, toxic waste export
I was very sad to learn of the death of an Australian soldier in Afghanistan. He was bravely defending the values of liberty and democracy on which our nation was founded. He died wearing our uniform, serving under our flag.

Current penalties not tough enough to deter wildlife smugglers
The maximum fine for smuggling wildlife into Australia is $30,000, which is often less than the value of the trafficked animal on the black market.

Will Labor revise their Employment Services Model?
The story in the Australian is the first confirmation that the Employment Services model is not adequately designed for the current economic and labour market outlook.

Garrett approves construction of the Gunns Pulp Mill
Peter Garrett today did his best to hide the fact that he had given the green light for the construction of the Gunns pulp mill in Tasmania.

Guantanamo Bay detainees
The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, should immediately reverse his decision to accept Guantanamo Bay inmates for resettlement in Australia.

2008 - a year of broadband stagnation under Labor
Despite all the broadband hype, rhetoric and big promises from Labor when in Opposition, 2008 will be remembered as a year of wasted opportunity; a year of stagnation and uncertainty, as a direct result of the Rudd Government’s bungled handling of broadband policy. The Rudd Labor Government enters 2009 having delivered absolutely nothing in relation to high-speed broadband, with confusion, the prospect of further lengthy delays and legal risks hanging over its troubled National Broadband Network (NBN) tender.

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