Saturday, June 14, 2008

Promoting New Music Saturn's Day 14th June

Beautiful Sunset
With Or Without You
by eagle_1 and irok

A couple of days ago Irok uploaded a fine bactrack for U2's -with or without you- always loved the song and i wanted to give it a try...
I hope Irok will like it, coz i've added and changed the song a bit...
the original is here

hope u enjoy...
Beautiful Sunset
A Voyage Through Starburst Galaxy M82
by Heightened

The universe is such a beautiful place! But it is also incredibly violent with Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR), Solar Particle Events and all sorts of nasty radiation ready to do us harm. In this composition I tried to capture both the beauty and violence that is forevermore the last frontier - so if you don't mind taking a little space voyage with me, fasten your galactic seatbelts. But be forewarned, this music may do you permanent harm.

* I recommend that you don't play the song too loud on the first trip. But if you like this sort of thing, crank it up and get ready for your head to explode. Well, at least your ears.
Beautiful Sunset
by birdmix77

this one has been awhile coming. getting more industrial by the day! expect many more happenings over the next two months...
Beautiful Sunset
Smile (remastered cover)
by Geechi3

I sang this song before when I first started singing a couple of years ago. I started up voice lessons with a new teacher and this was the first song she introduced to me. More acapella covers are coming soon like "My Romance", "Where or When", "Love is here to stay".

oh boy oh boy!
Beautiful Sunset
Gas Price Blues
by Illuminator

Music made with GB's Magic Band "Slow Blues".

Babs suggested that I put together a little something about gas prices. Here is a little something - quick and dirty. Apologize for the production.
Beautiful Sunset
by ShadowofNine

I've been stuck in retro mode for the last little while and this tune proves that I'm still stuck there. I wanted to do something with a Dance groove, and this one has been hanging around unfinished for a couple of months. Influenced a tad by the Rondo Bros.
Jam pack voices
Looped percussion
Looped bass synths
Shadow synths
and some looped synths.

My wish is that this gets you off your duff for a few minutes, or at least gives you a head shake or 2.

Hope you like Dance,Dance...
Beautiful Sunset
E.A. Poe's The Bells
by Mystified and atwood1956

A little something for Halloween...

Mystified: This was a poem read often by my father when I was a mere kidlet (along with the poem "Annabel Lee") and I'm certain that many of the vocal inflections you'll hear in this are exactly what I heard when the poem was being read to me....

A huge 'thank you!' to Tom Atwood. I didn't realize what an undertaking it would be to make this composition happen, but when he took Part IV of this poem and composed a setting to my reading, it was pure magic--and insanity. I can't imagine a more perfect setting to that segment, and the additions to Part III are brilliant as well. (Thank you!

Tom Atwood: (quoted) "My head is still ringing."

Mystified: Vocals, Instrumentals-- Parts I, II, (bells on III)
Tom Atwood: Instrumentals--Parts III and IV, (and humor throughout the process)

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