Monday, October 16, 2006

US business execs become familiar with CJTF-HOA mission

Business in Kenya
Originally uploaded by Sydney Weasel.
By Capt. Jonathan Friedman CJTF-HOA Public Affairs

NAIROBI, Kenya - Eight members of the Business Executives for National Security embarked on a journey of Eastern Africa Oct. 8 to gain a better understanding of the region and to assess the issues facing these countries.

The group -- hosted by Combined-Joint Task Force Horn of Africa Commander Rear Adm. Richard Hunt -- consist of successful business executives from the United States. The group began their 6-day journey by speaking with US military and embassy officials about the humanitarian efforts being made in the region

"We hope to stimulate innovative thinking across all areas of our efforts in the CJTF-HOA area," said Navy Capt. Kevin Hutcheson, deputy foreign policy advisor and BENS trip coordinator.

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