Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Carmen Lawrence? I Forget

Carmen Lawrence
Originally uploaded by Sydney Weasel.
Shadow Minister for Health, Jillian Skinner, has accused the Iemma Government of being more focussed on peddling rubbish about her visit to North Coast hospitals than on treating patients.

“Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Paul McLeay, has been peddling a press release making ludicrous claims,” Shadow Health Mister Jillian Skinner said.

“The Government knows where I go because I have to get the Health Minister’s permission to set foot in a hospital.

“This has triggered a rush of absurd press releases wherever I visit. Last week it was Moree and Narrabri, this week it’s Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour and Grafton.

1 comment:

  1. “I'm out talking to patients, doctors and nurses about how a Liberal/Nationals Government will improve their situation.

    “Nurses are particularly keen to learn that we will not only keep them on State Awards and protect their pay and conditions, but our $207 million policy gives them extra benefits and will employ around 1,800 additional nurses.

    “In response to the Iemma Government’s desperate disinformation campaign I am spreading the good news that a Liberal/Nationals Government would protect all health front line jobs, restore nurse career path jobs that have been abolished in the Iemma restructure, and focus attention on better outcomes for patients.

    “What makes me really mad about the dishonest press releases that are following me around the state is the cost.

    “Last week I met Richard in Moree. He has to drive himself six hours a day to and from Tamworth hospital for five hours of dialysis. He does this three days a week because his local hospital can't afford the $30,000 per annum to treat him there.

    “The money Mr McLeay and other Iemma Government apparatchiks spent employing spin doctors to track me down and issue rubbish press releases could have paid for Richard and several other patients to have their treatment in a hospital ten minutes from home,” Mrs Skinner said.
