Tuesday, October 26, 2021

25th Oct Review of Historical and Current Affairs

 My name is David Daniel Ball and I am Voice DDB dot locals dot com a voice of freedom supporting freedom around the world for all peoples. I write on historical and current affairs. I look for the conservative voice where mainstream media eschews it. Around the world media espouses liberalism orthodoxy and proclaims a history of liberalism that never happened. Liberalism of today is based on repeated lies that have been accepted from the past. 

Consider these recent truths

A year ago today, FB dumped their God Emperor Trump account, claiming the 5 yo account had been merely created to overcome FB censorship. The obvious reality being that the partisan outfit of FB was (illegally?) campaigning for Democrats. FB protects pedophiles and terrorists, but attacks conservatives? Did Zuckerberg learn from what happened to Epstein? It is dangerous to have a posture when the wind changes. 

The incompetence of Joe Biden mirrors the past. Gough Whitlam

I dispute that Gough was the worst ever Australian PM at the time of his death. His abysmal foreign policy is still felt around the world, his debt crisis is still unbalancing the Australian economy and his bad 'reform' of ALP has kept it in the nineteenth century and prevented good people from achieving anything, but Rudd, then Gillard were worse. It is worth listing Gough's achievements. Gough distrusted the US who were allies, and embraced Communist China before Nixon went to negotiate freedoms. He ended conscription and pulled Australia out of Vietnam sooner than high command had planned. That meant when US pulled out in '75 that lots of weapons were left behind that were dangerous for the communist world to have. The threat that Communist Vietnam would sell those weapons to Timor's communist rebels meant Gough gave the nod to Indonesia to invade to prevent those communist Timor rebels from buying and using those weapons. The Timor invasion by Indonesia resulted in the apparently planned deaths of Australian journalists at Balibo by Indonesian special forces, some of whom vie for Indonesian politics today. Gough distrusted Southern Vietnamese who had been supported by the US and spurned their pleas for help. Because of his disastrous spending, Gough needed lots of money and sought to embroil Australia with Iraq. Gough had become leader of a disunited infighting ALP and he took steps to reform it by aligning it more closely with unions and producing the model that cannot be reformed now without disentangling from corrupt union leadership. In Australia, Gough spent unsustainably, and made reckless promises. He promised free education and made it harder for better students to study at university, ultimately making it more expensive for everyone. He promised fair access to health care but delivered a faulty product that needed to be reformed. He politicised the High Court and Governor General's position and created the family court which even today is highly criticised for poor decision making. Gough cared little for those he was responsible for and complained when his holidays were interrupted for disasters, like Cyclone Tracy and the Melbourne floods. Gough was the champion of empty symbolism and claimed to do things he hadn't done, like ending the White Australia Policy. He divided Australia on racial lines by creating a body which has failed to address needs of Aboriginals adequately. Gough felt betrayed by the governor general he appointed and he ruined the man who served faithfully, John Kerr. Gough was patron to notable ALP failures in Keating, Gillard and Clare. He was a charming man who could joke about his megalomania in a pasta advert. On the plus side, he got rid of McMahon as Liberal chief. But he ruined that with Fraser. 

We are not lost, despite what we are told by elite. Consider Margaret Thatcher 

It was the radical Socialist writer and patriot, the late George Orwell, who described the left-wing intellectuals as men motivated primarily by hatred of their own country.

Socialists who spoke most about brotherhood of man [sic] could not bear their fellow-Englishmen, he complained. Their well-orchestrated sneers from their strong point in the educational system and media have weakened the nat
ional will to transmit to future generations those values, standards and aspirations which made England admired the world over.
It is just because their message is that self-discipline is out of date and that the poor cannot be expected to help themselves, that they want the state to do more. That is why they believe in state ownership and control of economic life, education, health.

Their wish to end parental choice in where and how their children shall be educated, in spending their money on better education and health for their children instead of on a new car, leisure, pleasure, is all part of the attempt to diminish self and self-discipline and real freedoms in favour of the state, ruled by socialists, the new class, as one disillusioned communist leader called them.


1974 Oct 18 Fr, Joseph (Sir Keith).
Speech at Edgbaston (“our human stock is threatened”).

via The Grocer's Daughter

We are not lost, despite what we are told by elite. Consider Trafalgar

To set the scene in 1805, England's greatest sailor was facing near certain death and humiliation off the Spanish coast on the morning. He had a desperate plan that had never worked successfully before. He was faced with a larger force of a combined fleet of Spanish and French fleet, under the command of Pierre-Charles Villeneuve for France and Federico Gravina for Spain. Nelson had 27 ships of the line to 33. Classically, the ships would form in two lines and shoot at each other with broadsides until the fleet with less guns and ships was annihilated or surrendered. But Napoleon had had plans to march his grand army into Britain and if Napoleon's fleet was free, her massive army would easily take London. So Nelson was faced with a battle he couldn't surrender or lose, but couldn't win through conventional means. So Nelson's plan addressed it by promoting the superiority of British ships on one to one combat. Britain had had better ships thanks to her guns having triggers instead of lit wicks for firing, better trained men and copper lined bottoms to her ships. Nelson's desperate plan was to sail his ships directly towards the enemy line in two lines at a right angle. He knew the front two British ships would have to weather about thirty minutes of direct fire from the enemy line, but when the closed, he would be able to fight ship to ship with the centre and vanguard of enemy ships, while the enemy ships in the top of the line would have to turn around and re engage. Nelson had two lines because when the tactic had been applied in the past, the concentrated fire on one ship had sunk it and every subsequent one. Two lines, he calculated, would diminish the damage taken to either. Nelson led one line, Cuthbert Collingwood another. Nelson wanted to tell his men he was confiding in them, and he knew they would do their best. But the flag signal man told him he could transmit the message more easily if he substituted a few words. The message, approved by Nelson, is recorded in history and stirring. Instead of Admiral Nelson, the word used was England. Instead of confides, the word used was expects. The message had become "England expects every man will do their duty."

In battle, the forecastle of Victory (Nelson's ship) had lines of marines. Some six were picked off before he gave instructions that they could break ranks and seek cover. Nelson's secretary was adjacent to him when a cannonball knocked his head in, splashing his brains onto Nelson, who remarked he didn't like the taste and regretted that the secretary would not experience victory. Nelson stood with full assignations on his uniform, including a stunning diamond. Smoke obscured the scene as Victory closed with Redoubtable and a sniper shot from Redoubtable's Mast Nest mortally wounded Nelson. Captain Hardy was on hand, and carried Nelson below deck to see the surgeon. Hardy could have been charged with negligence for deserting his post later. Nelson took some five hours to die. Near death, Hardy returned to report success. Nelson thanked God he had done his duty. Britain had not lost a ship, but captured 21 ships and destroyed another. Napoleon would march his Grand Armee on Moscow later. As a result, England would rule the waves around the world until WW2.

We are being lied to. But not by everyone. Our nations and their justice machinery are not broken, but damaged. Things are bad, but they are supposed to be bad, rather than merely breaking. We can't give up. We must reject the liars, and remove them from public office, and prosecute them lawfully. Things can get better, but we must persevere or risk losing hope. We must not fight the Devil by playing the Devil's game. Rather we must resist the Devil by being free. There is no law against doing what is right. Their utter depravity kills us. They target us and they seek to restrain us. But while the greatest among us a hundred years ago has died, their legacy has not. That which we are, we are. Lockdowns were ineffective in dealing with COVID. Effective medication has been denied whole populations. Herd immunity will prevail. Fraud deleteriously affected recent elections around the world. But, Democracy will prevail. Our oppressors will pass. For us to win, we must assert our freedoms. For us to lose, we must willingly surrender our freedoms forever. Our children will have to pay back our debt. We must sacrifice now so that they can. That means telling truth to power. That means pointing up when when some get confused and lose their way. Stand by the one who sacrificed their pension and freedoms to speak out. Prosecute the ones forgiven by a debauched and self interested administration. Vote for those who help you exercise your freedom. Don't wait for free speech. Exercise free speech. 


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Intro to Locals.com

My name is David Daniel Ball I'm a teacher with three decades experience teaching math to high school kids.I also work with first graders and kids in between first grade and high school. I know the legends of why Hypatia's dad is remembered through his contribution to Math theory. And I know the legend of why followers of Godel had thought he had disproved God's existence. 

I'm not a preacher, but I am a Christian who has written over 28 books all of which include some reference to my faith. Twelve blog books on world history and current affairs, detailing world events , births and marriages on each day of the year, organised by month. Twelve books on the background to and history of Bible Quotes. One Bible quote per day for a year. An intro to a science fiction series I'm planning, post apocalyptic cyber punk. An autobiography with short story collections. 

I'm known in Australia for my failure as a whistleblower over the negligence death of a school boy. I had reported the issue responsibly and had not known I'd blown the whistle. The embarrassed left wing government had responded by imposition of a nationwide ban on the use of peanut butter in canteens, despite failing to address the issue of peanut allergy appropriately. 

I've been de-platformed on Facebook and twitter despite not being an activist. Twitter did not like me asking for Obama to face justice in 2011. FB gave no specific reason for removing me following Jan 6th 2021 in Washington DC where a policeman killed an unarmed woman, so a crowd would know he was in control.


=== From 2020 ===


Victoria erupts as lockdown continues despite virus average dropping below 5

Frustrations have boiled over and Melburnians have lashed out at the Premier after he backtracked on a promise from last week to reopen today.


Andrews breaks more promises by hyping the danger from infections he won't let doctors treat. In some ways, Andrews is echoing school girl advice "Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen"


=== From 2017 ===
Don't give up on hope. Malcolm Turnbull's Liberals have shot themselves in the foot. We know that the unions are corrupt and too close to the ALP. We also know that corruption has prevented the federal police on acting .. because of bad legislation inserted into work practices by the ALP. New legislation allowed a raid on AWU and that was entirely predictable. However, ALP repeatedly claimed in parliament that the Turnbull Government had foreknowledge of the police raid. Minister Cash repeatedly denied it, and then apologised, admitting that a staff member had had knowledge, and the staff member has resigned. Meanwhile, the AWU are desperate to prevent the police looking at seized documents. The developments are interesting, as the two worst party leaders in recent history might not survive politically. Does Shorten have the poison chalice to keep and use? Or will it be taken from him? Can incontinent Liberals hold it for another night? 

SSM advocate made an interesting claim that Marriages and Civil Unions were not treated equally by the law, because Marriages and De Facto relationships were treated differently. A De Facto relationship does not have a contract. A civil union does have a contract. The law is blind as regards religion, which is why SSM is a vexing issue. As a conservative, I'd be happy if the state were to stop regulating marriage and protect churches which act on conscience. But many churches are extreme left wing and don't care about issues, but sides. The Australian government is not promising to protect churches, but asking the public to trust the government. It is an awful sales pitch. I have voted 'no' because the proposal is awful, although I'm sympathetic to the cause. 

LA Dodgers go one up against Astros after a quick World Series game one. Astros pitcher Keuchel pitched well, but got tagged for two homers providing all three runs to LAD. Still anyone's series, but rumour has it Hillary Clinton congratulated LAD on their series win. 
=== from 2016 ===
I am a little annoyed at formatting problems that are affecting my writing. It is related to new.com.au’s decision to change their blogs. I like to reply to them and keep the headlines for my historical review. I can then replay them year by year. But formatting Gremlins have struck, and whole paragraphs have been ‘eaten’ and gone without trace. And erasing formatting hasn’t helped to stabilise things. So now I write things off site and paste on site. But it still doesn’t help all things. Todays, column, which I typed the names Tim Blair and Andrew Bolt above their columns, but all but the first initial was ‘eaten’ and won’t let me type it back in. But those are niggles. I need to give thanks for things.

I thank the Liberal party and IPA (Institute for Public Affairs) for their tremendous support and work that allowed me to campaign in the local council elections recently. I’m not connected to the dysfunctional council and I found the mainstream media useless in understanding local issues. Neither the Libs nor the IPA supported me in any substantial way, but their very existence meant I was clued into things. The crime stats from the police showing the relative increase in crime during the life of the last council was significant. Council is not responsible for crime, but they can do things that make it easier to fight crime. Youth unemployment is one issue which feeds into crime statistics, yet Greater Dandenong frequently opposes development which would see young people employed, and restricts business trading with ridiculous red tape. The information I needed was from Liberal press releases and IPA publications like IPA Review. I don’t have to agree with everything either organisation says, but I find their writing provocative for my thought processes. I am sorry local news services are so poor. There is no excuse, but there are many reasons for it, with journalists stretched to cover items and editors biased and unapproachable. Many candidates for each position, and limited print space, means that a journalist cannot cover a campaign, but only focuses on pre identified candidates. 

Donald Trump's speech at Gettysburg is frightening media. They have supported and protected insider corruption for a long time. Trump will clean up the festering wound, and make America great again. 
=== from 2015 ===
When Malcolm Turnbull trashed former leader Brendan Nelson, he did it with the aid of the press. He took no responsibility to the harm his actions did to the Liberal Party. It was all about Malcolm. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
From 2014
Yesterday this column posted on the issue of free speech after Lachlan Murdoch spoke about Keith Murdoch's efforts to end Gallipoli. The theory is not made up, but comes from other sources not mentioned, and is supposed to provoke debate. On the site 'Australian Political Debate-Open Forum' Evan Carter posted "Gobledook" a more enlightening riposte was posted by Russell Loye on Bolt Report Supporter's Group. Initially, the post had Russell wondering openly if his Aunty had a dick. Katrina Anthoney pointed out he hadn't addressed any arguments but had been openly sexual in abuse. Russell denied it was an opinion and instead compared it with a successful Hollywood screen play which was fictional. So the core arguments were restated to him and Russell responded with what had happened prior to Keith Murdoch's intervention. Russell, that reply of yours is gobbledegook. 

They say what they think

Frightbats don't want to be laughed at. But they make it so hard. Has anyone ever successfully not thought about what they thought about? Fright bats reported Tim Blair to the censors over the term "Frightbat" and the censors considered the issues. It was posted as satire and involved female columnists who had behaved badly. Censors listened to the arguments against, but decided they couldn't see it. It is true Frightbats say what they think, but maybe they haven't really thought about it. Not *really.* And none of them have successfully predicted the end of the world, or even a small town.

Plibersek plans to spread plague but is opposed by responsible people .. and supported by irresponsible ones. Australian volunteers are serving in Africa fighting Ebola. Plibersek wants Mr Abbott to order people there without an evacuation plan. Plibersek wants infected people brought to Australia without quarantine and forcing them into the general community. Such an irresponsible plan might be modelled on Obama's community organisation response. Naturally the AMA is critical of the government and in support of Plibersek.

Terrorist attack by Islamic wannabe in NYC. The crazed Islamic convert approached police and started swinging at them with an axe, seriously wounding two. Luckily they shot him dead before he killed others. Did he fail his Islam entry test? Someone in the Islamic community has sponsored him. Recently, in several 'lone wolf' engagements, family and friends of the convert have claimed the terrorist was quiet and a lovely person. Many of the converts are drug users and criminals who turn to terrorism. So where is the issue of redemption in Islam?

ALP embraces Whitlam's failure, and the friends of the ALP deny that Whitlam had any. His foolish, cold lack of compassion for those who suffered and died from his idealist positions should be red flags even for his supporters. Leadership positions within the ALP are protected. Vietnamese couldn't even kill to obtain one. But worse, the realisation that a solid budget is needed to underpin reform has been lost. Neither Hawke nor Keating had that, but they were also not as totally destructive as Gillard and Rudd had been. Seeming but not doing, no policy, corrupt opportunism the ALP is no different now than the worst of Whitlam's years. Unreformed. Nakedly obstructive and opportunistic.

Peter Carey conspiracy theorist and writer claims the CIA overthrew Gough Whitlam in 1975. In fact the Australian voters did that. The CIA never even polled.

Shorten declares he is Catholic in a fierce declaration against Catholic Policy on Gay Marriage. Shorten then declares that because he is Catholic he feels that the Liberal Party should support Gay Marriage. Personally, gay marriage should be 'legal' because it isn't up to government to decide conscience issues. Only secular administration should be government. An argument Shorten seems to not understand. There are many fine Catholic peoples in all walks of life. Shorten is not one of them.

Issues in isolation

Witch hunt for those who aren't left wing, where the new Salem witch hunt extends from totalitarians wishing to control thoughts. Brendan O'Neill asks "WHY is it bad to hack and expose photographs of a woman’s naked body but apparently OK to steal and make public the contents of a man’s soul?" A poet, Barry Spurr, has had his private emails hacked and published. He has had no opportunity to defend himself. His public views seem to be normal.

ABC stands for anything but conservative as a new show set to replace the 7:30 report is described as having a panel of left wing hosts. Meanwhile the ABC has spent big on the tax payer's dime to take a soccer tournament away from commercial tv. Meanwhile ABC is spending big on Google to promote their left wing programs.

Jim Molan wants to run as Liberal for the senate. He co authored the successful Sovereign Borders policy. And he has served as a Major General.

Tax and spend means poverty

Debt needs to be paid back, as Tony Abbott says "I said constantly before the election, and I have said frequently since the election, that our plan was to build a strong and prosperous economy for a safe and secure Australia…" ALP policy is for children and those yet to be born to pay for ALP whims. Currently the ALP is blocking about $30 billion in cuts.

Europe taxes prudence as the UK refuses to pay a bill to the EU for having higher growth than expected. It would be better for Europe to tax nations that under performed.

World Series Update

Royals take 2-1 lead over Giants in a close game where a single in the first innings proved the difference.
From 2013
What is in a name? The ABC refuse to accurately describe illegal arrivals to Australia, preferring the more emotive and political 'Asylum Seekers' so as to inflame argument and division. Weasel words defend their choice "Stylistically it is acceptable as anyone could claim asylum" Is that what US Democrats were doing in holding to big spending policies that push US debt beyond $17 trillion? Maybe Venezuela will welcome them. Cuba? Cuba passed a law on this day in 2004, banning US dollar transactions. So that is the Democrat plan? To wring the value out of the currency and then throw themselves onto Cuban health care? There is a name for those who raise taxes and spend irresponsibly. But the ABC won't use it.

Bob Carr defends his backflip on his promise to stay in office for many terms. It was an election promise. Much like that carbon tax thingy ALP are defending to their end. As issues go, it is certainly heating up in much the same way the world isn't. Gore sees a link between a cooler world and bush fires. It is just a piece of trivia, but fire fighters sometimes douse flames with carbon dioxide. So now AGW believers are trying to cure the world by taxing plant food and fire retardant. I would never call a disabled child retarded, but certainly those who claim to be scientists who spruik AGW hysteria are.

Mr Abbott is being criticised for being too slow. But every movement he has made is methodical, purposeful and effective. He hasn't been hysterical. For the ALP love media, this doesn't *look* like leadership. They yearn for the empty gestures and broken promises. The days when corruption could be excused as *doing something.* Will Soros sponsor Clinton for a presidential bid? It would be similar in nature to the backing of Rudd over Gillard, for much the same reasons, with much the same result.

Germany is upset the US was spying on them. Something allies don't do. Quite so.
Historical perspective on this day
285 (or 286) – Execution of Saints Crispin and Crispinian during the reign of Diocletian, now the patron saints of leather workers, curriers, and shoemakers.
473 – Emperor Leo I acclaims his grandson Leo II as Caesar of the Byzantine Empire.
1147 – Seljuk Turks defeat German crusaders under Conrad III at the Battle of Dorylaeum.
1147 – Reconquista: After a siege of four months, crusader knights led by Afonso Henriques reconquered Lisbon.

1415 – Hundred Years' WarHenry V of England and his lightly armoured infantry and archers defeat the heavily armoured French cavalry in the Battle of Agincourton Saint Crispin's Day.
1616 – Dutch sea-captain Dirk Hartog makes second recorded landfall by a European on Australian soil, at the later-named Dirk Hartog Island off the West Australian coast.
1747 – British fleet under Admiral Sir Edward Hawke defeats the French at the Second Battle of Cape Finisterre.
1760 – George III becomes King of Great Britain.

1812 – War of 1812: The American frigate, USS United States, commanded by Stephen Decaturcaptures the British frigate HMS Macedonian.
1822 – Greek War of Independence: The First Siege of Missolonghi begins.
1828 – St Katharine Docks open in London.
1854 – The Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War (Charge of the Light Brigade).
1861 – The Toronto Stock Exchange is created.

1900 – The United Kingdom annexes the Transvaal.
1920 – After 74 days on hunger strike in Brixton Prison, England, the Sinn Féin Lord Mayor of CorkTerence MacSwiney dies.
1924 – The Zinoviev letter, which Zinoviev himself denied writing, is published in the Daily Mail; the Labour party would later blame this letter for the Conservatives' landslide election win.
1927 – The Italian luxury liner SS Principessa Mafalda sinks off the coast of Brazil, killing 314.

1940 – Benjamin O. Davis, Sr. is named the first African American general in the United States Army.
1944 – Heinrich Himmler orders a crackdown on the Edelweiss Pirates, a loosely organized youth culture in Nazi Germany that had assisted army deserters and others to hide from the Third Reich.
1944 – The USS Tang under Richard O'Kane (the top American submarine captain of World War II) is sunk by the ship's own malfunctioning torpedo.
1944 – World War IIBattle of Leyte Gulf: The largest naval battle in history, takes place in and around the Philippines between the Imperial Japanese Navy and the U.S. Third and U.S. Seventh Fleets. Afterward is the first Kamikaze attack of the war.
1945 – The Republic of China takes over administration of Taiwan following Japan's surrender to the Allies.

1962 – Cuban Missile CrisisAdlai Stevenson shows photos at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council proving that Soviet missiles are installed in Cuba.
1971 – The United Nations seats the People's Republic of China and expels the Republic of China(see political status of Taiwan and China and the United Nations).
1973 – Yom Kippur War officially ends with a ceasefire.
1977 – Digital Equipment Corporation releases OpenVMS V1.0.

1980 – Proceedings on the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abductionconclude at The Hague.
1983 – Operation Urgent Fury: The United States and its Caribbean allies invade Grenada, six days after Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and several of his supporters are executed in a coup d'état.
1995 – A commuter train slams into a school bus in Fox River Grove, Illinois, killing seven students.
1997 – After a brief civil war which has driven President Pascal Lissouba out of BrazzavilleDenis Sassou Nguesso proclaims himself the President of the Republic of the Congo.
2009 – The October 2009 Baghdad bombings kills 155 and wounds at least 721.

285 (or 286) – Execution of Saints Crispin and Crispinian during the reign of Diocletian, now the patron saints of leather workers, curriers, and shoemakers.
473 – Emperor Leo I acclaims his grandson Leo II as Caesar of the Byzantine Empire.
1147 – Seljuk Turks defeat German crusaders under Conrad III at the Battle of Dorylaeum.
1147 – Reconquista: After a siege of four months, crusader knights led by Afonso Henriques reconquered Lisbon.

1415 – Hundred Years' WarHenry V of England and his lightly armoured infantry and archers defeat the heavily armoured French cavalry in the Battle of Agincourt on Saint Crispin's Day.
1616 – Dutch sea-captain Dirk Hartog makes second recorded landfall by a European on Australian soil, at the later-named Dirk Hartog Island off the West Australian coast.
1747 – British fleet under Admiral Sir Edward Hawke defeats the French at the Second Battle of Cape Finisterre.
1760 – George III becomes King of Great Britain.

1812 – War of 1812: The American frigate, USS United States, commanded by Stephen Decaturcaptures the British frigate HMS Macedonian.

1854 – The Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War (Charge of the Light Brigade).

1900 – The United Kingdom annexes the Transvaal.
1920 – After 74 days on hunger strike in Brixton Prison, England, the Sinn Féin Lord Mayor of CorkTerence MacSwiney dies.
1924 – The Zinoviev letter, which Zinoviev himself denied writing, is published in the Daily Mail; the Labour party would later blame this letter for the Conservatives' landslide election win.
1927 – The Italian luxury liner SS Principessa Mafalda sinks off the coast of Brazil, killing 314.

1940 – Benjamin O. Davis, Sr. is named the first African American general in the United States Army.
1944 – Heinrich Himmler orders a crackdown on the Edelweiss Pirates, a loosely organized youth culture in Nazi Germany that had assisted army deserters and others to hide from the Third Reich.
1944 – The USS Tang under Richard O'Kane (the top American submarine captain of World War II) is sunk by the ship's own malfunctioning torpedo.
1944 – World War IIBattle of Leyte Gulf: The largest naval battle in history, takes place in and around the Philippines between the Imperial Japanese Navy and the U.S. Third and U.S. Seventh Fleets. Afterward is the first Kamikaze attack of the war.
1945 – The Republic of China takes over administration of Taiwan following Japan's surrender to the Allies.

1962 – Cuban Missile CrisisAdlai Stevenson shows photos at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council proving that Soviet missiles are installed in Cuba.
1971 – The United Nations seats the People's Republic of China and expels the Republic of China (see political status of Taiwan and China and the United Nations).
1973 – Yom Kippur War officially ends with a ceasefire.
1977 – Digital Equipment Corporation releases OpenVMS V1.0.

1980 – Proceedings on the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction conclude at The Hague.
1983 – Operation Urgent Fury: The United States and its Caribbean allies invade Grenada, six days after Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and several of his supporters are executed in a coup d'état.

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