Sunday, September 12, 2021

12th September Review of Historical and Current Affairs


Robert Barnes turned me onto Matthew Crawford's newsletter. I'm just getting the free stuff, and it is powerful journalism. Matthew or any of these doctor's meeting in San Juan would be amazing for a sidebar.

=== From 2018 ===

Scott Morrison deserves a chance as PM. His work is cut out for him, as he negotiates chaff thrown up by Turnbull and mates. Turnbull is still attacking Dutton, running a commentary from NYC but declining to be interviewed by 3AW. A 9 y/o child grandstands over the Australian National anthem, taking the knee because she feels that the anthem should not say Australians are young and free. She feels Australians are not young. She also does not like Australia being described as fair. She feels that a fair go refers to colour, not appropriate odds. Such an opinion is not normally newsworthy, but the child has academic parents who 'inform' her bias. For the record, the anthem is fine. Australians should proudly recite it. 

Recently I've spoken to some young people on touchy subjects. One sixteen year old boy felt Turnbull was a good PM and did not have to be rolled. Another twelve year old girl feels that Serena was hard done by, by Mark Knight's cartoon. It is ok to have opinions, but they should be backed up by more than feelings. Turnbull betrayed his constituents and backers by outsourcing policy for power. He has cost Australia $billions in lost opportunity and his continued presence was going to place Bill Shorten in the PM's position. Further  to secure the PM's position, Turnbull lied about Tony Abbott. Serena was wrong to receive coaching during her match, and the code violation penalties were appropriate. She was wrong to blame sexism, or to threaten the umpire's future in the code. What young people see in either is probably related to appalling low standards of reporting. 

Serena Williams whispered to Osaka that the boos Osaka received after winning the grand slam event of the US Open were not for her. It was the most gracious thing Serena has said since the start of that match, and hints at her greatness as a player. But why was it whispered? And why were her ridiculous complaints spoken? 
From my article on Quora
What are the effects of the lack of education?
A research grant on gender neutral surf boards

= =
A daily column on what the ALP have as a policy, supported by a local member, and how it has 'helped' the local community. I'll stop if I cannot identify a policy. Feel free to make suggestions. Contact me on FB, not twitter. I have twitter, but never look at it.

Gabrielle Williams was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers, working with the Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing and the Minister for Families and Children. Williams was given those titles when elected in 2014. It is difficult to find what value she has been to Dandenong, but clearly the ALP see her as the future. The Andrews government is spending $2.8 million on biodiversity. As part of the project, students in Dandenong are being given $4500 to provide seating for them while they grow a garden preserving biodiversity. The garden includes flora sourced locally. It is nice students can sit while they garden together. One imagines the seats will have appropriately placed plaques with the minister's name. Do you approve of the lessons learned by your child as they sit on the minister's name and replant local flora for biodiversity? What does this teach children about biodiversity? How might it be viewed in terms of immigration? Does multiculturalism promote cultural diversity? What about gender diversity being locally sourced? Should the word 'biodiversity' appear in the national anthem? 

As part of the November 24th Vic election campaign I have a petition I want to bring before the Opposition Leader Matthew Guy. I believe Matthew will be the next premier of Victoria and so I am petitioning him as I raise the issues of Employment, Crime and Education in Dandenong. I am also seeking money for my campaign. I don't have party resources, and so my campaign is on foot, and on the internet. Any money I receive that is not spent on the campaign will go to Grow 4 Life. I am asking questions like "What do you love about Dandenong?" and "If you could change something in Dandenong to make it better, what would it be?" I'm not limiting the questions to state issues. I'm happy to discuss anything, and get things done.
=== from 2017 ===
Some things should not happen, but they do. Iran is backing terror around the world, including NK. NK have not developed nuclear weapons by accident. But to be fair, Iran did not give NK the technology to pin a flag on the sun. That was entirely home grown. 

Proposed citizenship reform is revealed to be a fad which does not address issues. The so called reform is to have new citizens competent in English. But the issue is law breaking among new immigrants, not bad grammar. 

A Californian writer, Richard Stockton, posts a series of lies about Australia's history regarding Aboriginals. Among his claims is one that the "stolen generations" began in 1830's. In fact, ten people have not been identified as 'stolen' since 1788. Everyone born in  1830 is now dead. Europeans are not to blame for that. Diseases that vectored from Europe were terrible. But settlers often tried to care for and help Aboriginals and the reason why any Aboriginal culture is known today is because some early settlers and missionaries tried to help, not murder. But sadly, the Aboriginal industry of today exploits Aboriginal peoples for political ends, victimising Aboriginal peoples, even as that industry claims to help. 

A 19 yo Chicago teen is found dead in a freezer. Apparently too intoxicated to have gotten in without help. Searchers were prevented from looking while she was alive. 

US state department still seems gripped with anti semitic positions. What will the ground look like when Trump has drained the swamp? 

Dan Andrews spends hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money on his personal Facebook Page, boosting posts. What else is he spending big on? 

Special laws are being touted to prevent debate on Same sex marriage ahead of the postal vote. NSW Liberal government working through fair trading move to prevent elderly people from being exploited with retirement home contracts. 
=== from 2016 === 
We must vote for Hillary now, before she collapses completely. Don't worry about today's mishap. What happened was Harambe needed to talk to her about the direction her campaign is taking. Everything is good now. She won't need to stay with Harambe until after she is elected.
Abbott's brilliance is in stark contrast to Turnbull's much-vaunted intelligence
David Morrison seems to represent the finest values of the Turnbull administration. He doesn't seem agile, or smart. He doesn't seem to be the same one invited to the party. But he stands for something. 'Be all you can be' applies to him, except competent or responsible.
Is this pre plebiscite stance of Bill the same he will adopt at Plebiscite, or, as with last election, is he saying something different now, to what he will do then?
vote for Clinton is a vote for hatred, for class envy, for division. Clinton wants to divide USA. Trump wants to unite USA. Trump wants to make America great again. If you vote, let that inform your decision.
If I had superannuation, I'd be angry on my behalf. Instead, I shake my head at the injustice a conservative Liberal Government is inflicting on her supporters.
Tim Flannery is often misquoted about rain. He meant money. If you support AGW, you'll never have money again.
And they say Dan Andrews is not a community organiser?

If Dan Andrews was not involved, how come the juvenile prisons are so bad?
Michael Kroger was asked about this on Sky this morning. His answer was loyal and masterful. "I think the Turnbull government has been good. I have heard others talk about achievement, but the Abbott government followed from an ALP administration and they needed to make more changes. Turnbull followed a Liberal government and change wasn't needed."

Change wasn't needed. Except the Liberal Party were desperate to end Turnbull's undermining.

I posted on that and was told by one person that Turnbull was more popular now than Abbott ever was. I asked the person about their view. Turns out they don't like the Liberal Party. Turnbull is the leader for the Liberals if you don't like that party.
Don't call it aid. It is Turnbull dollars. Aid is used to prop up corrupt governments. Turnbull dollars go straight to the source. Aid money is diverted by terrorists. Turnbull dollars will never be diverted from terrorists. Turnbull dollars are the smart, agile currency that literally slips through fingers.
For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility. 
=== from 2015 ===
 None for 2015 .. because of Melbourne promotional trip
From 2014
Oscar Pistorius acquitted of murder. A grave injustice has happened with this verdict, as yet incomplete. Pistorius murdered his girlfriend. He just wasn't convicted of it. Shades of OJ Simpson's unfair acquittal. Today is the anniversary of Steve Biko's death from an evil apartheid regime. Injustice is injustice for all time. One feels for Reeva's loved ones. A cohabiting couple must be assumed to be aware of each other's presence. A gun owner has a greater responsibility for the safe operation of the weapon. The argument that the prosecution could not prove so beyond a reasonable doubt is wrong. Had Oscar had less support, as with a normal person, he would not have been able to argue as he has. The evidence would have been deemed conclusive. It will be a complete disgrace if Pistorius ever participates in elite sport again, or gets less than a maximum sentence for manslaughter. 

A reminder of the importance of saying 'no' to constitutionalised racism. Australia is culturally diverse and thrives from that diversity. Should Australia decide to separate Australians by race it won't address the needs of people in need, but will instead become a tool of division. There are no admirable apartheid regimes anywhere in the world or in history. Israel doesn't divide by race, but Palestine does. South Africa did. The Conservative Voice will similarly oppose any reintroduction of slavery. Even if the US Democrats, or ALP really want it. A reminder of what a 'Yes' vote in Scotland might mean .. The Queen could abdicate the Scottish throne in favour of Charles, while keeping the English Throne for William .. think about that. But more seriously, those who favour a 'yes' vote claim that the disadvantages are overstated. Precisely which disadvantages are acceptable? 

Gillard faces a royal commission and lies about her memory of activity. One hopes that she is taken to task for lying. She corruptly created a slush fund from misappropriated money involving a Union employing stand over tactics to extort money from business. Some of that money was used to build her home. Yet there is no one ever who forgot getting caught for theft when they were young and naive. It becomes foundational to their character. And so it is with Gillard. A thief and liar. By way of contrast Arthur Sinodinos is fronting the corrupt body of the ICAC again. Sinodinos has not been accused of doing anything wrong, but is believed to be thought guilty by the ICAC of being a Liberal member. Mr Sinodinos, are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Liberal Party? 

Meanwhile incompetent State ALP Member Nick Lalich has posed next to a street named after him. A car park might have been more appropriate. Although the only reason why there are now some more car parks in his electorate is thanks to a campaign initiated by Dai Le. ALP leadership in NSW deny their constituents to force a PUP candidate into a campaign as an ALP member. That there is true colours that is. Meanwhile RACV in Victoria argues "And studies show that as soon as you increase capacity, that capacity is taken up by people driving more cars on those roads. Congestion does not ease." The argument is a furphy, people only drive one car at a time and they need sensible road management to make their experience better. 

Obama's secret service is keen to catch them all as they tackle a Pikachu on the White House lawn. Gay activists complain after a straight couple agree to get married to win a prize of Rugby seats at a test. The activists argue that the wedding will trivialise gay marriage. The friends agree not to divorce for two years. Big Macs are the same size now as they were in 1970. However, a large number of products have become smaller so as to retain their supermarket price. 
From 2013
The Australian PM elect has not yet announced a ministry. Partly because a campaign against prospective industry Minister Sophie Mirabella has been successful, and her actual seat is in doubt. This is a tragedy because unlike Gillard or Wong, Mirabella has talent. The person who might defeat her is supported by a so called conservative independent who supported the left wing minority government and helped trash the political career of Nick Greiner. So naturally the press, in the interim,  are asking who or what will be the next ALP leader. Will it be from the corrupt ALP right in the form of Shorten, or from the corrupt ALP left in the form of Albanesi. It is in fact of no consequence, as both have the same policy of the other. Shorten will follow Gillard's lead regardless of what it is. Albo, as leader,will do what his mandate tells him. It is yet to be revealed what sweet nothings the mandate whispers. Some say it is Carbon Tax. Some say it is Gay marriage. Gillard opposed Gay marriage, but Shorten can be his own man, as soon as he works out what she really meant. Apparently the mandate isn't Tim Matherson and so the press have many questions they want answered, and are increasingly irritated Abbott hasn't told them yet. 

Also, there is leadership speculation in the US. Some say Obama is President. Obama is taking the lead from Putin. At first the press had thought Obama was dithering as over a hundred thousand people have died and millions have been made refugees in Syria. Clinton, who had a similar experience in Rwanda before he learned bombing could be ineffective in former Yugoslavia has given a lead to Obama. In order to be assertive, Obama wants to bomb something. So, in a masterclass display of dithering, Obama asked for permission to bomb Syria. But time passes, people die, a Christian village with the world's oldest Christian church has fallen to rebels (the CIA labels them Al-Qaeda, but the press know they are sensitive to leaks, so they call them rebels) and Obama is agreeable to a brokered position by Putin. This puts Russia in the box seat of negotiations between Iran and the US on nuclear issues. So the US President has abrogated US policy to Russia. Which is just as well, as it turns out that the weapons available to the Rebels include the high tech weapons stolen by Al-Qaeda at Benghazi last year. Confused? Think of it as a cancelled episode of Glee. 
Historical perspective on this day
490 BC – Battle of Marathon: The conventionally accepted date for the Battle of Marathon. The Athenians and their Plataean allies, defeat the first Persian invasion force of Greece.
372 – Sixteen KingdomsJin Xiaowudi, age 10, succeeds his father Jin Jianwendi as Emperor of the Eastern Jin dynasty.
1185 – Emperor Andronikos I Komnenos brutally put to death in Constantinople.
1213 – Albigensian CrusadeSimon de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester, defeats Peter IIof Aragon at the Battle of Muret.
1229 – Battle of Portopí: The Aragonese army under the command of James I of Aragon disembarks at Santa PonçaMajorca, with the purpose of conquering the island.
1309 – The First Siege of Gibraltar takes place in the context of the Spanish Reconquista pitting the forces of the Kingdom of Castile against the Emirate of Granada resulting in a Castilian victory.

1609 – Henry Hudson begins his exploration of the Hudson River while aboard the Halve Maen.
1634 – A gunpowder factory explodes in Valletta, Malta, killing 22 people and damaging several buildings.
1683 – Austro-Ottoman WarBattle of Vienna: Several European armies join forces to defeat the Ottoman Empire.
1814 – Battle of North Point: an American detachment halts the British land advance to Baltimore in the War of 1812.
1846 – Elizabeth Barrett elopes with Robert Browning.
1847 – Mexican–American War: the Battle of Chapultepec begins.
1848 – Switzerland approves its 1st Constitution and becomes a Federal state.

1857 – The SS Central America sinks about 160 miles east of Cape HatterasNorth Carolina, drowning a total of 426 passengers and crew, including Captain William Lewis Herndon. The ship was carrying 13–15 tons of gold from the California Gold Rush.
1885 – Arbroath 36–0 Bon Accord, a world record scoreline in professional Association football.
1890 – SalisburyRhodesia, is founded.
1897 – Tirah CampaignBattle of Saragarhi.

1906 – The Newport Transporter Bridge is opened in Newport, South Wales by Viscount Tredegar.
1910 – Premiere performance of Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 8 in Munich (with a chorus of 852 singers and an orchestra of 171 players. Mahler's rehearsal assistant conductor was Bruno Walter)
1915 – French soldiers rescue over 4,000 Armenian Genocide survivors stranded on Musa Dagh.
1919 – Adolf Hitler joins the German Workers' Party (later the Nazi Party).
1923 – Southern Rhodesia, today called Zimbabwe, is annexed by the United Kingdom.
1933 – Leó Szilárd, waiting for a red light on Southampton Row in Bloomsbury, conceives the idea of the nuclear chain reaction.
1938 – Adolf Hitler demands autonomy and self-determination for the Germansof the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia.

1940 – Cave paintings are discovered in Lascaux, France.
1940 – An explosion at the Hercules Powder Company plant in Kenvil, New Jersey kills 51 people and injures over 200.
1942 – World War IIRMS Laconia, carrying civilians, Allied soldiers and Italian POWs is torpedoed off the coast of West Africa and sinks with a heavy loss of life.
1942 – World War II: First day of the Battle of Edson's Ridge during the Guadalcanal CampaignU.S. Marines protecting Henderson Field on Guadalcanal are attacked by Imperial Japanese Army forces.
1943 – World War II: Benito Mussolini, dictator of Italy, is rescued from house arrest on the Gran Sasso in Abruzzi, by German commando forces led by Otto Skorzeny.
1944 – World War II: The liberation of Serbia from Nazi Germany continues. Bajina Bašta in western Serbia is among the liberated cities.

1952 – Strange occurrences, including a monster sighting, take place in Flatwoods, West Virginia.
1953 – U.S. Senator and future President John Fitzgerald Kennedy marries Jacqueline Lee Bouvier at St. Mary's Church in Newport, Rhode Island.
1958 – Jack Kilby demonstrates the first working integrated circuit while working at Texas Instruments.
1959 – The Soviet Union launches a large rocket, Lunik II, at the moon.
1959 – Bonanza premieres, the first regularly scheduled TV program presented in color.

1961 – The African and Malagasy Union is founded.
1962 – President John F. Kennedy, at a speech at Rice University, reaffirms that the U.S. will put a man on the moon by the end of the decade.
1964 – Canyonlands National Park is designated as a National Park.
1966 – Gemini 11, the penultimate mission of NASA's Gemini program, and the current human altitude record holder (except for the Apollo lunar missions)

1970 – Dawson's Field hijackingsPalestinian terrorists blow up three hijacked airliners in Jordan, continuing to hold the passengers hostage in various undisclosed locations in Amman.
1974 – Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, 'Messiah' of the Rastafari movement, is deposed following a military coup by the Derg, ending a reign of 58 years.
1974 – Juventude Africana Amílcar Cabral is founded in Guinea-Bissau.
1977 – South African anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko dies in police custody.

1980 – Military coup in Turkey.
1983 – A Wells Fargo depot in West Hartford, Connecticut, United States, is robbed of approximately US$7 million by Los Macheteros.
1983 – The USSR vetoes a United Nations Security Council Resolution deploring the Soviet destruction of Korean Air Lines Flight 007.
1984 – Dwight Gooden sets the baseball record for strikeouts in a season by a rookie with 246, previously set by Herb Score in 1954. Gooden's 276 strikeouts that season, pitched in 218 innings, set the current record.
1988 – Hurricane Gilbert devastates Jamaica; it turns towards Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula two days later, causing an estimated $5 billion in damage.

1990 – The two German states and the Four Powers sign the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany in Moscow, paving the way for German reunification.
1992 – NASA launches Space Shuttle Endeavour on STS-47 which marked the 50th shuttle mission. On board are Mae Carol Jemison, the first African-American woman in space, Mamoru Mohri, the first Japanese citizen to fly in a US spaceship, and Mark Lee and Jan Davis, the first married couple in space.
1992 – Abimael Guzmán, leader of the Shining Path, is captured by Peruvianspecial forces; shortly thereafter the rest of Shining Path's leadership fell as well.
1994 – Frank Eugene Corder fatally crashes a single-engine Cessna 150 into the White House's south lawn, striking the West wing. There were no other casualties.
1999 – Indonesia announces it will allow international peace-keepers into East Timor.

2001 – Ansett Australia, Australia's first commercial interstate airline, collapses due to increased strain on the international airline industry, leaving 10,000 people unemployed.
2003 – The United Nations lifts sanctions against Libya after that country agreed to accept responsibility and recompense the families of victims in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.
2003 – Iraq War: In Fallujah, U.S. forces mistakenly shoot and kill eight Iraqi police officers.
2007 – Former Philippine President Joseph Estrada is convicted of plunder.
2008 – The 2008 Chatsworth train collision in Los Angeles between a Metrolinkcommuter train and a Union Pacific freight train kills 25 people.
2011 – The 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York City opens to the public.
2014 – Three year old Toddler William Tyrrell disappears in Kendall, New South Wales, Australia
2015 – A series of explosions involving propane triggering nearby illegally stored mining detonators in the Indian town of Petlawad in the state of Madhya Pradeshkills at least 105 people with over 150 injured.

For Quora
What are the effects of the lack of education?
A research grant on gender neutral surf boards

490 BC – Battle of Marathon: The conventionally accepted date for the Battle of Marathon. The Athenians and their Plataean allies, defeat the first Persian invasion force of Greece.
Ten years later would be Battle of Thermopylae where the legendary Spartans took their stand against millions. 

1634 – A gunpowder factory explodes in Valletta, Malta, killing 22 people and damaging several buildings. 
How old is Biden? 

She was 38 when she eloped, and was disinherited by her dad. She was a sickly child who prodigiously wrote poetry of such calibre, that on the death of Wordsworth, she was thought an alternative to Tennyson as poet laureate. Robert was also an accomplished poet. 

1857 – The SS Central America sinks about 160 miles east of Cape HatterasNorth Carolina, drowning a total of 426 passengers and crew, including Captain William Lewis Herndon. The ship was carrying 13–15 tons of gold from the California Gold Rush.
The number of deaths could have been higher. The captain arranged for saving women and children, electing to go down with his ship. A few survivors were rescued from a life raft a few weeks later. 

1915 – French soldiers rescue over 4,000 Armenian Genocide survivors stranded on Musa Dagh.
The allies knew what was happening, but withdrew from Gallipoli after press lobbied against it. It is disingenuous to say the genocide was restricted to WW1, atrocities had been perpetrated by Ottomans against Armenians since 1880's as news had reported. 

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