Sunday, July 04, 2021

Sun 4th July 2021 Current Affairs

Editorial NSA spying on US citizens for political masters

When Nixon was asked about the NSA he replied it stood for 'No such agency.' Recently, FBI joined with numerous other police agencies worldwide to wrap up a sting where criminals had used a communication network the FBI had invented for criminal use. Thousands around the world were arrested, but not in USA, as their communication was protected. The US government was not allowed to read them. Except, it is apparent that the US government has been reading such intelligence involving people not engaged in criminal activity. Why give criminals a free pass? Is it because many of those criminals were Democrats? 

How are we to respond to news that NSA have been spying on Tucker Carlson? We know that they bungled spying on Carter Page over Spy-gate. NSA have emails from Tucker Carlson after Carlson met with a world leader from central America. Why is it that those without 'Democrat Insurance' are faced with lawless bureaucracy from USA, while Democrats maintain no oversight? Or can the FBI begin prosecuting the criminals whose emails they have? Hillary Clinton 'wrote' a book called "It takes a village." Did that village include police?

Editorial Cancel culture claims woke

Babylon Bee, satirical media outlet, had been cancelled by Mail Chimp. Mail Chimp corrected their 'mistake' but Babylon Bee have taken their services elsewhere. The 'mistake' severed communication for Babylon Bee with their subscribers. Mail Chimp had declared the email content of Babylon Bee as being 'harmful information.' It is an escalation of FB's practice with users. FB users have public content. Mail Chimp merely facilitates email. Not only had Mail Chimp lawlessly mislabelled private content of their users, but they had accessed it to judge it, illegally. 

Imagine a teen girl maintaining a secret diary where she revealed her personal thoughts for herself to consider. Imagine how that girl would feel if her worst critic had snuck into her room, found the diary, and corrected it, posting the correction publicly at school. That is what Mail Chimp did to a paying client. However, is what other sites are doing lawful? What about FB's activity censoring accounts for no reason other than disagreeing with their politics? How about those who were censored for posting on Wuhan lab leak theory? Or for posting on Hunter Biden's laptop? What is happening to the land of the free, and the home of the brave? 

Editorial Dan Andrews obfuscates on his fall

He felt he was so badly off that he refused an ambulance or anyone who might have screened his blood toxicology. And he has had a press conference to obfuscate details. We know that after time, Andrews lies and claims he forgets. He cannot remember details of his choices giving a security gig to mates who failed during a COVID lockdown, killing over a hundred Victorians. Andrews says he thought he was going to die. So why the cover up? And why does the article finish with a shaming statement for anyone who asks why? 

If Andrews fell because he was blotto, then Victorians need to know. Letting Andrews take the reigns off power when he has flagrantly failed in his duty in the past is wrong. Over a hundred Victorians have died because of Andrews' mismanagement. Billions of dollars have gone missing. 
Sidebar with Sytyxhexenhammer666 - Viva & Barnes LIVE!
Styx. Enough said. Be there.
=== Bongino Headlines ===
Report: Biden Plans to End Critical Border Control Measures READ MORE

Now Dems Want to Defund the Border

Russia-Linked Group Hits 200 Businesses in New Large-Scale Ransomware Attack

Americans Give Biden Low Marks for Handling of Crime Surge

Biden’s Pick for Ambassador to Germany Is President of University That Gave Him $1M

Taxpayers Shelling Out $50M for White House Payroll, Highest on Record

Poll: Majority of Teachers Say Critical Race Theory Should Not Be Taught in School

Capitol Hill
White House Responds to Accusations VP Harris Runs an Abusive Workplace by Saying She Has a Hard Job
Harris Had History of Mistreating Employees Before White House Run
Eric Trump on Why Father Wasn’t Charged After Four Years of Investigations: “They Found Nothing”
When Will White House Admit Joe Was Involved in Hunter’s Shady Business Dealings?
Labor Secretary Says It’s Still Not Time to End Unemployment Bonuses
Biden on Reporters’ Afghanistan Questions: “I’m not going to answer… It’s a holiday weekend”
Pentagon Says COVID Vaccines to Be Mandatory for Military Starting in September
Remembering With Gratitude the Words of the Declaration of Independence
Dems Scared VP Harris Won’t Be Able to Defeat Any Republican If She’s the Nominee in 2024

Culture War
Donald Trump Jr. and Mark Robinson to Join “Unfiltered With Dan Bongino” Saturday 10PM ET
Poll: Police Get Much Higher Favorability Rating Than BLM
Virginia’s Loudoun County Public Schools Spent $34k for 55 Hours of Critical Race Theory Coaching
Disney World Drops “Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls” From Park Greeting
LEGO Targets Children With Drag Queen Marketing
Anthem Protester Gwen Berry Is Sponsored By Defund Police Activists
Boston Attack Against Rabbi Investigated as Hate Crime
UAE Citizens Say It’s “Not Acceptable” for US Embassy to Fly “Pride” Flag
Chicago Police Retiring in Record Numbers
Miami Firefighter Finds Own Daughter’s Body in Collapsed Condo

Red States Doing Better Without Biden’s Economic Help
Renowned Economist Warns Inflation Not Transitory
IMF: Fed Will Need to Increase Interest Rates Because of Higher Government Spending
California Increases Its Highest-in-the-Nation Gas Tax
Arizona to Implement Largest Tax Cut in State’s History
Democratic Rep. Trying to “Shut Down” Cryptocurrency Is Funded by Big Banks
Mexican State-Owned Company Suffers Huge Undersea Gas Pipeline Rupture in Gulf
Cities With the Best and Worst Unemployment Recoveries
Cargo Plane Ditches Off Hawaii

Swamp Watch
Maryland Sheriff Outraged After Democratic Councilman Interferes With Traffic Stop of Black Driver
Fauci Says He Hasn’t Reviewed Intelligence on Sick Wuhan Lab Workers
Synergy: Assisted Suicide Advocacy Group Hires Planned Parenthood Board Member
Former Dem. Sen. McCaskill Bizarrely Says Watching Capitol Rioting Video Will Be Her Family’s New Fourth of July Tradition
Virginia Governor’s Race Blows Up Over Loudoun County School Culture War
Gaslighting White House Assures America That Their Higher Food Prices Are Actually Lower
French Scientists Call for Investigation Into COVID Origins
Sen Cotton Tells Dan Bongino the US Must Get Tougher on China
Progressives Now Say Bernie Isn’t Progressive Enough

National Security
How China’s New Super Carrier Compares to the U.S. Ford Class
China’s Grand Strategy Is Revealed in the South China Sea
Belgorod: Russia’s New Submarine Has the U.S. Navy (and the World) Really Confused
First F-35B to Be Delivered to Italian Aircraft Carrier “Within a Few Days”
As Tensions With Russia Grow, More NATO Ships Enter the Black Sea
Awards Upgraded by U.S. Army for 60 Special Operators For “Black Hawk Down” Battle
Lightfoot’s Chicago: 32 Shot in City on Thursday Alone
OPLAN 5029: The U.S. Military’s Secret Plan If North Korea Ever Collapsed
Japan Warns of “Pearl Harbor” Style Attack from China and Russia

Around the World
Hong Kong Media Company That Owns Anti-Communist Apple Daily Says It Is Not Shutting Down
War Looms in Afghanistan as American Forces Leave Main Military Base
Woke Mobs in Canada Tear Down Statues of Queen, Victoria, Captain Cook
Explosion at Romanian Black Sea Refinery Kills One, Injures Five
Spain Proposes Law To Allow People to Change Gender Without Seeing a Doctor
Withdrawal By Ethiopian Government From Tigray Capital Marks New Chapter in War
Report Shows That Gaza Rockets Killed More Palestinians Than Israelis
Germany Signals Quarantine Relaxation for Britons After Meeting With UK PM Boris Johnson

Tim Graham: The Media’s Collapsing Trust
Gabriella Hoffman: Here’s How to Stamp Out Socialism in America
Miranda Devine: Hunter Biden Used Joe’s VP Perks to Pursue Deal With Carlos Slim
Josh Hammer: Yes, We Should Ban Critical Race Theory From Our Schools
Michael Barone: New York Mayoral Primary Shows Split Between Democratic Constituencies
David Harsanyi: Tucker Carlson Says the NSA Is Spying on Him. Sadly, It’s Plausible
Rich Lowry: The GOP Should Abandon the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal
Jeff Jacoby: Democrats Discover that “Defund the Police” Is Political Poison

Bill Cosby Denies “Non-consensual Sexual Contact”, Drugging Women After Prison Release
Arnold Schwarzenegger Panics Over Nonstop Climate Alarmism: It Has Left People “Confused or Tuned Out”
Princes William, Harry Reunite at Kensington Palace for Unveiling of Princess Diana Statue
Seth Rogen Says Team USA Is “Racist” for Suspending Olympian Sha’Carri Richardson Over Drug Use
Alyssa Milano Admits to Mental Health Struggles, Says “I Take My Medication Every Day”
Here’s the Reason Kate Middleton Didn’t Attend Princess Diana Statue Unveiling
Meghan McCain Was Reportedly “Miserable” at “The View”
FX’s Woke “Alien” Series to Explore “Inequality”, Failure to “Spread the Wealth”

U.S. Sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson Tests Positive for Marijuana, Will Not Be Participating in Olympic 100 Meter-Race
Amid Sexual Assault Investigations, MLB Pitcher Goes on Leave
Former Seahawks, Seminoles Player Tamorrion Terry Indicted on 2018 Murder Charge
Washington Football Team Hit With $10 Million Fine After NFL Sexual Misconduct Probe
Two Knicks Rookies Selected to USA Basketball Select Team
Shaquille O’Neal Goes After LeBron James For Complaining About NBA Schedule
World Series Champion Dodgers Set to Visit White House to Celebrate Victory
In Crucial Game 5, Bobby Portis Becomes Bucks’ Unlikely Game Hero
=== Newsmax Headlines ===
Delivering a message of patriotism on the eve of the July 4 holiday, former President Donald Trump vowed "it will not be canceled," and American founders and patriots "will never be purged from history or canceled from our hearts." [Full Story]
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Newsmax TV

Fire Official: Demolition to Collapsed Condo to Start Sunday
A top Miami-Dade fire official on Saturday told family members of people missing in the rubble of a collapsed condo building that demolition workers planned to bring down the remainder of the building on Sunday.... [Full Story]










Here is a video I made Battle Hymn of the Republic

"The Battle Hymn of the Republic" is an American abolitionist Hymn. The lyrics were written by Julia Ward Howe in November 1861 and first published in The Atlantic Monthly in February 1862. It became popular during the American Civil War. Since that time it has become an extremely popular and well-known American patriotic song.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: 
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; 
He hath loosed the fatal lightning of his terrible swift sword: 
      His truth is marching on. 

I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps; 
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps; 
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps. 
      His Day is marching on. 

I have read a fiery gospel, writ in burnished rows of steel: 
“As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal; 
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel, 
      Since God is marching on.” 

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat; 
He is sifting out the hearts of men before his judgment-seat: 
Oh! be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet! 
      Our God is marching on. 

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, 
With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me: 
As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, 
      While God is marching on.

=== From 2018 ===

Don't give up on hope. The Podesta email leaks, Pizzagate, illustrate why Democrats have been led to the extreme left. Such corruption would not like independent scrutiny. Via ZT "He sent an email saying he loves pizza but only pizza without any hair on it. Who sends an email like that?" " be honest have you ever dreamt of a hot dog stand? “I’m dreaming about your hot dog stand in Hawaii…” Wikileaks ID 30231Who remembers Hillary's "Great success in Libya"? or how DJT's entrance into politics would ensure HRC's 2016 win?

Former mentor of Graeme Kennedy died, aged 84. Harry M Miller was described by his clients as the Devil. Miller reputedly took 80 percent of his client's pay, as promoter, but made the arrangement profitable for them. One client once quipped '95 percent of nothing is not as good as 20 percent of great wealth.' 

According to Gallup, 74 percent of GOP supporters are proud to be American. What about the rest? Do they support McCain? 34 percent of Dem supporters support America. But many of those may be GOP who ticked the wrong box? judge has tossed a suit alleging Russia collaborated with Trump in election hack. British couple victim of nerve agent attack which may have come from Ukraine, or Russia. Nurse suspected of killing babies in UK. If she is innocent or being set up, her working life is over. Monsoon season may 'rush' Thailand to free boys trapped in a cave tunnel.  

David Leyonhjelm has criticised Turnbull while defending his reasonable position. Reporter comments "Reasonable demands for an apology, all men are not responsible for the violent actions of individual people and women should be allowed to carry defensive weapons. Oh and Turnbull is a pussy for his political correctness and his refusal to promote individual responsibility"

Member for Melbourne Ports, ALP's Michael Danby, is retiring next election. He has held the seat for 20 years. It has become marginal Green under his tenure. ALP policy is killing the labour industry which supported Danby. 

Left winger, comedian desecrated tribute to murdered female comedienne to make a point. True to form, it wasn't funny. 

As part of the November 24th Vic election campaign I have a petition I want to bring before the Opposition Leader Matthew Guy. I believe Matthew will be the next premier of Victoria and so I am petitioning him as I raise the issues of Employment, Crime and Education in Dandenong. I am also seeking money for my campaign. I don't have party resources, and so my campaign is on foot, and on the internet. Any money I receive that is not spent on the campaign will go to Grow 4 Life. I am asking questions like "What do you love about Dandenong?" and "If you could change something in Dandenong to make it better, what would it be?" I'm not limiting the questions to state issues. I'm happy to discuss anything, and get things done.

Western clothing was designed by women for women. This woman was considered a great beauty in her time. But, not at this age. She was a remarkable intellect too. Her name was Zahra Khanom Tadj es-Saltaneh and there do not seem to be pictures of her as a younger woman ..

=== from 2017 ===

Some things should not happen, but they do. Australia's peak racist body, the Australian Human Rights Council, has divided Australia into four races. Indigenous, Anglo-Celtic, Other European and Non-European. Israeli Jews are designated non European. MP Bob Katter has declared he is Aboriginal. Racial designations should not have meaning in public administration. That there are such divisions is sinister. No good purpose is served by apartheid. Even JFK knew that. 

Today is US independence Day. The US has to deal with a world that contains North Korea, whom today launched a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. How will President Trump respond? Obama would have found a way of giving NK access to better equipment. Trump is likely to deal with China to isolate NK, but he also might be more direct. General MacArthur would have prevented NK's activity, but Truman stopped him, because Truman wanted the kind of cold war activity NK is engaged in. It is difficult to find a single competent Democrat President.  

In 362 BC, Battle of Mantinea: The Thebans, led by Epaminondas, defeated the Spartans. The fight was a standstill, with the Thebans losing their king and his successors, and the Spartans losing prestige from another defeat. It presaged their kingdoms losing to Alexander the Great soon after. 414, Emperor Theodosius II, age 13, yielded power to his older sister Aelia Pulcheria, who reigned as regent and proclaimed herself empress (Augusta) of the Eastern Roman Empire. Brother and sister got along for half a century.  1054, a supernova was seen by ChineseArab and possibly Amerindian observers near the star Zeta Tauri. For several months it remained bright enough to be seen during the day. Its remnants formed the Crab Nebula

1776, American Revolution: The United States Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress1803,the Louisiana Purchase was announced to the American people. 1826, Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States, died the same day as John Adams, second president of the United States, on the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the United States Declaration of Independence. 1827, Slavery was abolished in New York State. 1831, Samuel Francis Smith wrote My Country, 'Tis of Thee for the Boston, Massachusetts July 4 festivities. 1855, in BrooklynNew York City, the first edition of Walt Whitman's book of poemsLeaves of Grass, was published. 1862, Lewis Carroll told Alice Liddell a story that would grow into Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequels. 1865, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was published. 

1903, Dorothy Levitt was reported as the first English woman to compete in a 'motor race'. 1910, African-American boxer Jack Johnson knocked out white boxer Jim Jeffries in a heavyweight boxing match, sparking race riots across the United States. 1911, a massive heat wave struck the northeastern United States, killing 380 people in eleven days and breaking temperature records in several cities. 1914, the funeral of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie took place in Vienna, six days after their assassinations in Sarajevo. 1918, World War I: The Battle of Hamel, a successful attack by the Australian Corps against German positions near the town of Le Hamel on the Western Front. Also 1918, Bolsheviks killed Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his family (Julian calendar date). 1934, Leo Szilard patented the chain-reaction design for the atomic bomb. 1939, Lou Gehrig, recently diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, informed a crowd at Yankee Stadium that he considered himself "The luckiest man on the face of the earth", then announced his retirement from major league baseball

In 1941, Nazi troops massacred Polish scientists and writers in the captured Ukrainian city of Lviv. Also 1941, World War II: The Burning of the Riga synagogues: The Great Choral Synagogue in German occupied Riga was burned with 300 Jews locked in the basement. 1946, the Kielce pogrom against Jewish Holocaust survivors in Poland. In some ways the pogrom continues today. In 1950, Radio Free Europe first broadcasts. 1951, a court in Czechoslovakia sentenced American journalist William N. Oatis to ten years in prison on charges of espionage. 1976, Israeli commandos raided Entebbe airport in Uganda, rescuing all but four of the passengers and crew of an Air France jetliner seized by Palestinian terrorists. 1977, the George Jackson Brigade planted a bomb at the main power substation for the Washington state capitol in Olympia, in solidarity with a prison strike at the Walla Walla State Penitentiary Intensive Security Unit. In their defence, they wanted to overthrow Jimmy Carter. 1987, in France, former Gestapo chief Klaus Barbie (a.k.a. the "Butcher of Lyon") was convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to life imprisonment. 2012, the discovery of particles consistent with the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider was announced at CERN
=== from 2016 ===
 If a managing director of a fortune five hundred company were to seize it with a hostile takeover, and perform as abysmally as Malcolm Turnbull has done, you would expect the MD to resign. Consider as well that the MD had refused sound advice because of irrational beliefs. Maybe the MD starts to blame everyone else. Would you expect the company to tear itself apart, or to unite under a different, better MD? Malcolm Turnbull claims he is a businessman. Malcolm Turnbull must resign from the PM's position immediately and parliament as soon as logistically possible. Mr Turnbull need not concern himself with his legacy. It is assured. It will be as long as Australia is known. And it is high time journalists like Miranda Devine and Nikki Savva apologised for their role in promoting this tragedy. 

For some, at the moment, the Sex Party has more credibility.
=== from 2015 ===
The US celebrates nationhood, independence and many of the things her current President does not seem to support. In 1951, communist Czechoslovakia sentenced journalist William N. Oatis to ten years in prison on charges of espionage. He had only been doing his job. The despicable communist government renewed the charges for political reasons, and later dropped them again. Oatis was tortured during his incarceration. When we fight for freedom of the press we fight against such atrocities. But some in the west fail to fight for press freedoms, but take partisan positions in politics. The enormity of the crime of jailing and torturing a journalist for doing their job should never be rewarded. The US has incarcerated Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli, after failing to supervise him when he was engaged in espionage. It is time to free him. Think of it as a celebration of freedom. 

Ice may be behind Phil Walsh killing. Matt Noffs, grandson of Ted Noffs, who founded a crisis centre in Kings Cross for addicts, wants to include a specialised Ice room for addicts to charge up. The tragedy of Walsh's killing is amplified by the drug angle. The only way to deal with drugs is zero tolerance. An Ice laboratory isn't good enough, and would only (possibly inadvertently) promote it. Pity Walsh's son if he ever realises what he has done. 

A Turkish mother forgot her baby. She had placed it in a floating device. The baby floated out to sea a kilometre before being rescued and returned. It is again with it's mother. But is it safe?

A US Judge recognised her middle school class mate in dock. She did her job, ascertaining his identity, providing testimony too. It is hoped he turns his life around. 
From 2014
Independence day for the land of my birth. Two ambitious young lawyers had drafted the declaration. Their friendship was stretched as they began the party system and became second and third Presidents of the US but for diametrically opposed parties. After politics, they became friends again. They died on this day in 1826, fifty years after the paper they authored was signed. I despise Thomas Jefferson as being a man of words without substance. But John Adams befriended him, so he couldn't have been too bad. 

Some people say things and it is as if they have no idea what they are saying. Such was the case with Jacqui Lambie and Dio Wang as they berated the PM for having daughters who volunteered to campaign with him. Maybe they are trying to distract the left from their support in abolishing a carbon tax? Words have power as simple bigot Karen Bailey discovered. Karen claims her disappointment at spending $100k on a dutch date who wasn't swayed led her to berate children and ethnically diverse people on a train journey after seeing her husband. She gave her name as Sue Wilkins while apologising to a tv camera over the incident. 

Sparta lost a battle on this day in 362 BC. Athens had been the ally of Sparta .. in 1054 the world saw a supernova which could be seen in the day sky too, it was that strong. In 1831, in tribute, Samuel Francis Smith wrote "My country 'tis of thee." In 1862, Lewis Carroll told Alice Liddell a story he published on this day in 1865, called "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." Fittingly, the same day Rolf Harris is sentenced. In 1918, the Tsar and his family were murdered. In 1941, Nazis murdered writers and scientists in the Ukrainian city of Lviv. But the great testament to independence happened on this day in 1976 at Entebbe. Israeli commandos freed hostages held by Palestinian terrorists with the approval of Idi Amin. Yonatan Netanyahu organised the successful raid, and died executing it. And so the tree of freedom is fed with fresh blood of the good and great. Yonatan has the company of Marie Curie who died in 1934.
Historical perspective on this day

In 362 BC, Battle of Mantinea: The Thebans, led by Epaminondas, defeated the Spartans. 414, Emperor Theodosius II, age 13, yielded power to his older sister Aelia Pulcheria, who reigned as regent and proclaimed herself empress (Augusta) of the Eastern Roman Empire. 836, Pactum Sicardi, a peace treaty between the Principality of Benevento and the Duchy of Naples, was signed. 993, Ulrich of Augsburg was canonised as a saint. 1054, a supernova was seen by ChineseArab and possibly Amerindian observers near the star Zeta Tauri. For several months it remained bright enough to be seen during the day. Its remnants formed the Crab Nebula. 1120, Jordan II of Capua was anointed as prince after his infant nephew's death. 1187, The CrusadesBattle of HattinSaladin defeated Guy of LusignanKing of Jerusalem. 1253, Battle of West-Capelle: John I of Avesnes defeated Guy of Dampierre. 1359, Francesco II Ordelaffi of Forlì surrendered to the Papal commander Gil de Albornoz. 1456, Ottoman wars in Europe: The Siege of Nándorfehérvár (Belgrade) began. 

In 1534, Christian III was elected King of Denmark and Norway in the town of Rye. 1610, the Battle of Klushino was fought between forces of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and Russia during the Polish-Muscovite War. 1634, the city of Trois-Rivières was founded in New France (now Quebec, Canada). 1744, the Treaty of Lancaster, in which the Iroquois ceded lands between the Allegheny Mountains and the Ohio River to the British colonies, was signed in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 1754, French and Indian WarGeorge Washingtonsurrendered Fort Necessity to French Capt. Louis Coulon de Villiers. 1774, Orangetown Resolutions were adopted in the Province of New York, one of many protests against the British Parliament's Coercive Acts 1776, American Revolution: The United States Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress. 1778, American Revolutionary War: American forces under George Clark captured Kaskaskia during the Illinois campaign

In 1802, at West Point, New York, the United States Military Academy opened. 1803,the Louisiana Purchase was announced to the American people. 1817, in Rome, New York, construction on the Erie Canal began. 1826, Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States, died the same day as John Adams, second president of the United States, on the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the United States Declaration of Independence. 1827, Slavery was abolished in New York State. 1831, Samuel Francis Smith wrote My Country, 'Tis of Thee for the Boston, Massachusetts July 4 festivities. 1837, Grand Junction Railway, the world's first long-distance railway, opened between Birmingham and Liverpool. 1838, the Iowa Territory was organised. 

1855, in BrooklynNew York City, the first edition of Walt Whitman's book of poemsLeaves of Grass, was published. 1862, Lewis Carroll told Alice Liddell a story that would grow into Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequels. 1863, American Civil WarSiege of VicksburgVicksburg, Mississippi surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant after 47 days of siege. One hundred fifty miles up the Mississippi River, a Confederate Army was repulsed at the Battle of Helena, Arkansas. Also 1863, American Civil War: The Army of Northern Virginia withdrew from the battlefield after losing the Battle of Gettysburg, signalling an end to the Southerninvasion of the North. 1865, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was published. 1878, thoroughbred horses Ten Broeck and Mollie McCarty ran a match race, recalled in the song Molly and Tenbrooks. 1879, Anglo-Zulu War: The Zululand capital of Ulundi was captured by British troops and burned to the ground, ending the war and forcing King Cetshwayo to flee. 1881, in Alabama, the Tuskegee Institute opened. 1886, the people of France offer the Statue of Liberty to the people of the United States. Also 1886, the first scheduled Canadian transcontinental train arrived in Port MoodyBritish Columbia. 1887, the founder of PakistanQuaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, joined Sindh-Madrasa-tul-IslamKarachi. 1892, Western Samoa changed the International Date Line, so that year it had 367 days, with two occurrences of Monday, July 4. 1894, the short-lived Republic of Hawaii was proclaimed by Sanford B. Dole

In 1903, Philippine–American War officially was concluded. Also 1903, Dorothy Levitt was reported as the first English woman to compete in a 'motor race'. 1910, African-Americanboxer Jack Johnson knocked out white boxer Jim Jeffries in a heavyweight boxing match, sparking race riots across the United States. 1911, a massive heat wave struck the northeastern United States, killing 380 people in eleven days and breaking temperature records in several cities. 1913, President Woodrow Wilson addressed American Civil Warveterans at the Great Reunion of 1913. 1914, the funeral of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie took place in Vienna, six days after their assassinations in Sarajevo. 1918, Ottoman sultan Mehmed VI ascended to the throne. Also 1918, World War I: The Battle of Hamel, a successful attack by the Australian Corps against German positions near the town of Le Hamel on the Western Front. Also 1918, Bolsheviks killed Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his family (Julian calendar date). 1926, Knoebels Amusement Resort was opened in Elysburg, Pennsylvania. 1927, the Lockheed Vega first flew. 1934, Leo Szilard patented the chain-reaction design for the atomic bomb. 1939, Lou Gehrig, recently diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, informed a crowd at Yankee Stadium that he considered himself "The luckiest man on the face of the earth", then announced his retirement from major league baseball. Also 1939, Huỳnh Phú Sổ founded Hòa Hảo Buddhism

In 1941, Nazi troops massacred Polish scientists and writers in the captured Ukrainian city of Lviv. Also 1941, World War II: The Burning of the Riga synagogues: The Great Choral Synagogue in German occupied Riga was burned with 300 Jews locked in the basement. 1942, World War II: The 250 day Siege of Sevastopol in the Crimea ended when the city fell to Axis forces. 1943, World War II: The Battle of Kursk, the largest full-scale battle in history and the world's largest tank battle, began in Prokhorovka village. Also 1943, World War II: In Gibraltar, a Royal Air Force B-24 Liberator bomber crashed into the sea in an apparent accident moments after takeoff, killing sixteen passengers on board; only the pilot survived. 1946, the Kielce pogrom against Jewish Holocaust survivors in Poland. 1946, after 381 years of near-continuous colonial rule by various powers, the Philippines attained full independence from the United States. 1947, the "Indian Independence Bill" was presented before the British House of Commons, proposing the independence of the Provinces of British India into two sovereign countries: India and Pakistan

In 1950, Radio Free Europe first broadcasts. 1951, a court in Czechoslovakia sentenced American journalist William N. Oatis to ten years in prison on charges of espionage. Also 1951, William Shockley announced the invention of the junction transistor. 1960, due to the post-Independence Day admission of Hawaii as the 50th U.S. state on August 21, 1959, the 50-star flag of the United States debuted in Philadelphia, almost ten and a half months later (see Flag Act). 1966, U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Freedom of Information Act into United States law. The act went into effect the next year. 1976, Israeli commandosraided Entebbe airport in Uganda, rescuing all but four of the passengers and crew of an Air France jetliner seized by Palestinian terrorists. 1977, the George Jackson Brigade planted a bomb at the main power substation for the Washington state capitol in Olympia, in solidarity with a prison strike at the Walla Walla State Penitentiary Intensive Security Unit 

In 1982, four Iranian diplomats were abducted by Lebanese militia in Lebanon. 1987, in France, former Gestapo chief Klaus Barbie (a.k.a. the "Butcher of Lyon") was convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to life imprisonment. 1994, Rwandan GenocideKigali, the Rwandan capital, was captured by the Rwandan Patriotic Front, ending the genocide in the city. 1997, NASA's Pathfinder space probe landed on the surface of Mars. 1998, Japan launched the Nozomi probe to Mars, joining the United States and Russia as a space exploring nation. 2004, the cornerstone of the Freedom Tower was laid on the site of the World Trade Center in New York City. 2005, the Deep Impact collider hit the comet Tempel 1. 2009, the Statue of Liberty's crown reopened to the public after eight years of closure due to security concerns following the September 11 attacks. 2012, the discovery of particles consistent with the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider was announced at CERN. 2013, the Death of Hung Chung-chiu: A Republic of China Army corporal died under suspicious circumstances while serving a detention sentence during his enlisted service.

=== Bible Reading ===


Today's reading: Job 25-27, Acts 12 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Job 25-27

1 Then Bildad the Shuhite replied:
"Dominion and awe belong to God;
he establishes order in the heights of heaven.
3 Can his forces be numbered?
On whom does his light not rise?
4 How then can a mortal be righteous before God?
How can one born of woman be pure?
5 If even the moon is not bright
and the stars are not pure in his eyes,
6 how much less a mortal, who is but a maggot--
a human being, who is only a worm!"

Today's New Testament reading: Acts 12

Peter's Miraculous Escape From Prison
1 It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. 2 He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword. 3When he saw that this met with approval among the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. This happened during the Festival of Unleavened Bread. 4 After arresting him, he put him in prison, handing him over to be guarded by four squads of four soldiers each. Herod intended to bring him out for public trial after the Passover.
5 So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him....

=== Morning and Evening ===



"The ill favoured and leanfleshed kine did eat up the seven wellfavoured and fat kine."
Genesis 41:4
Pharaoh's dream has too often been my waking experience. My days of sloth have ruinously destroyed all that I had achieved in times of zealous industry; my seasons of coldness have frozen all the genial glow of my periods of fervency and enthusiasm; and my fits of worldliness have thrown me back from my advances in the divine life. I had need to beware of lean prayers, lean praises, lean duties, and lean experiences, for these will eat up the fat of my comfort and peace. If I neglect prayer for never so short a time, I lose all the spirituality to which I had attained; if I draw no fresh supplies from heaven, the old corn in my granary is soon consumed by the famine which rages in my soul. When the caterpillars of indifference, the cankerworms of worldliness, and the palmerworms of self-indulgence, lay my heart completely desolate, and make my soul to languish, all my former fruitfulness and growth in grace avails me nothing whatever. How anxious should I be to have no lean-fleshed days, no ill-favoured hours! If every day I journeyed towards the goal of my desires I should soon reach it, but backsliding leaves me still far off from the prize of my high calling, and robs me of the advances which I had so laboriously made. The only way in which all my days can be as the "fat kine," is to feed them in the right meadow, to spend them with the Lord, in His service, in His company, in His fear, and in His way. Why should not every year be richer than the past, in love, and usefulness, and joy?--I am nearer the celestial hills, I have had more experience of my Lord, and should be more like Him. O Lord, keep far from me the curse of leanness of soul; let me not have to cry, "My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me!" but may I be well-fed and nourished in thy house, that I may praise thy name.


"If we suffer, we shall also reign with him."
2 Timothy 2:12

We must not imagine that we are suffering for Christ, and with Christ, if we are not in Christ. Beloved friend, are you trusting to Jesus only? If not, whatever you may have to mourn over on earth, you are not "suffering with Christ," and have no hope of reigning with him in heaven. Neither are we to conclude that all a Christian's sufferings are sufferings with Christ, for it is essential that he be called by God to suffer. If we are rash and imprudent, and run into positions for which neither providence nor grace has fitted us, we ought to question whether we are not rather sinning than communing with Jesus. If we let passion take the place of judgment, and self-will reign instead of Scriptural authority, we shall fight the Lord's battles with the devil's weapons, and if we cut our own fingers we must not be surprised. Again, in troubles which come upon us as the result of sin, we must not dream that we are suffering with Christ. When Miriam spoke evil of Moses, and the leprosy polluted her, she was not suffering for God. Moreover, suffering which God accepts must have God's glory as its end. If I suffer that I may earn a name, or win applause, I shall get no other reward than that of the Pharisee. It is requisite also that love to Jesus, and love to his elect, be ever the mainspring of all our patience. We must manifest the Spirit of Christ in meekness, gentleness, and forgiveness. Let us search and see if we truly suffer with Jesus. And if we do thus suffer, what is our "light affliction" compared with reigning with him? Oh it is so blessed to be in the furnace with Christ, and such an honour to stand in the pillory with him, that if there were no future reward, we might count ourselves happy in present honour; but when the recompense is so eternal, so infinitely more than we had any right to expect, shall we not take up the cross with alacrity, and go on our way rejoicing?

=== Bible Quote ===

=== Message ===


I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

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I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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