Sunday, February 07, 2021

Sun 7th February 2021 Current Affairs

Editorial Sun Feb 7th 2021


On Friday, at work in the adjacent suburb of Hallam, a lightning storm resulted in power going down across Hallam. Children at the tutorial centre at 8pm were forced to work from fading daylight across summer of Melbourne. Lights returned fifteen minutes later. Work was done and children got a new appreciation of Zeus. When I got back home, I found the internet was down from wifi, but I had phone data operative. I searched for internet failure and found nothing. I waited until next morning, and found a report of NBN failure the night before. I went to work in the morning. At work I was called by my estate agent who had tried to reset the modem in the share accommodation, without success. I told them of the NBN outage report, with the news that the anticipated recovery was on Monday at 6pm, the fourth day from the failure. 

I went home and checked the internet again. Still down, I checked the outage reports, and there were none. Not even at my address. Clearly, the estate agent had not got the landlord to raise the issue with the ISP. There is no reason to believe the internet will be restored on even the fourth day if no one is looking at the issue. 

What has caused this outage? Internet gets slow whenever there is a thunderstorm. I live in Dandenong, a suburb of Melbourne. There is no excuse for such poor service. 


Editorial Thursday 11th February 2021

Having reported the outage to my landlord’s agent, I queried them as to why no fault was reported on the address a day later, two days later, three days later and four days later. The estate agent raised their voice to me “It is not my job to sit by a phone for a telecommunications company hours on end. I’ve alerted the landlord.” 


“Yes, but the telecommunications company needs to know there is a fault or they cannot address it.”


“I take your point but I have told you I have alerted the landlord.”


“Have you advised them to report the fault?”


“They said they will fix it. If they haven’t fixed by the end of working day tomorrow I will see to it. Have a good day, sir”


It wasn’t working on day five, but another member of the share household found mail addressed to the landlord from the telecommunications company and opened it. It said that the company was sending a final warning before cancellation. The company was forced to close their cable service and link to NBN instead. The cancellation was to take place on the 15th February, ten days after they in fact cancelled it. Had the company been called when the ‘fault’ was detected, the problem could have been addressed immediately. The agent has still not apologised to me. Neither is the internet connected after seven days. 


My oldest sister sent me a near fifty year old school photo of me. I told her that I had lost all my photos when FB booted me. I have no place for such memories, but I’m thankful she thought of me. I had been booted from FB after Jan 6th for not being a good citizen, as I endorsed Donald Trump for President. I am not uncivilised  and never condone violence or racism, but FB booted me. My sister, a left wing loony, said I should go somewhere else where I’m accepted. She suggested I use the library to access the internet. She was taunting me. That is how they behave.


Here is a video I made for people supporting Che Guevara

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (June 14, 1928[1] -- October 9, 1967), commonly known as Che Guevara, El Che or just Che was an Argentine-born Marxist revolutionary, political figure, and leader of Cuban and internationalist guerrillas.

But that is not how I know of Che. The Che I know, I know only from pictures. A rather handsome South American man who was a monster. Today, few people discuss the monstrous activities of Che Guevvarra, and I would like to share with you what some of the things were that people ignore when they praise Che.

Script from Wikipedia, or modified, images sourced Google Image and related.


Boss Player3 years ago
In the process 100000000 millions of Latin Americans families have been raped slaughtered tortured massacred thanks to greedy hands of USA capitalists!!!

Boss Player3 years ago
USA came to Central America and south america to steal land for their fruit companies and vegetation the same way they are overthrowing governments in the Middle East for oil !!!! America is the real monster!!!

Boss Player3 years ago

Che Guevara is no monster he is hero and so is every Latin american leader that tried to fight against the American capitalist propaganda coup's attacks fallen but not forgotten!!!!
Wenceslao Futanki3 years ago
Alright he was a monster, but no more than bush, obama, hitler, putin, mao, etc etc you get the point, another asshole who trusted violence to achieve his goals fuck them all
Telmo Monteiro3 years ago
Even many right wing politicians, admit they respect Che for his struggle and honesty concerning his convictions, the guy that ordered a soldier to kill execute him, confessed to Che that he didn't agree with him politically, but that he respected him very much for everything he had done. Many soldiers in Cuba wanted to fight with him, even if that means lose their lives. Che always fought in front line against enemy bullets. How many people exists or existed like him?
wblakesx3 years ago
batiseroes are weak on truth , strong on half truth
David Ball4 years ago
@davisoneill Davis, you made a video praising Gadaffi?
-NoOutSiders-5 years ago
no shit hes a murder it was a revolution and im pretty sure if he would of just preached this shit nothing would of changed he had to take action 
Maxime Bérubé5 years ago
your stupid he was a hero 
YourOasis975 years ago
@Rauydian then why do you live where you live and not in Communist countries?

YourOasis975 years ago
@truthslap And you're a fool who knows nothing as well, tainting the memory of those who died fighting Castro's regime and the likes of him from oppression. Educate yourself and undo you're indoctrinated programming: therealcuba(dot)com/index(dot)htm (dot)cubanet(dot)org/ref/dis/const_92_e(dot)htm (dot)biography(dot)com/articles/Che-Guevara-9322774 (dot)independent(dot)org/newsroom/article(dot)asp?id=1535 youtube(dot)com/watch?v=iQcUkd1w_TY

yark park5 years ago
haha dude you just read this from wikipedia look up "che guevara" and it will say the same thing

avid Ball5 years ago
@desmondmyers Thank you for the pronunciation tip. Is it something that changes depending on location? I don't know and am saying what I have heard others say .. The Irish pronounce 'Celtic' differently from time to time .. 

Desmond Myers5 years ago
I hate the way you say his last name. It's "GE-VARA" not "GWAY VERA" soooo annoying. 

David Ball5 years ago
@mathexalias I have also opposed those I know to be evil. 

David Ball5 years ago
@moochabod I have fought for my nation to home more refugees, many of whom are desperate to come here (Australia) and are willing to risk their lives to do so. I have fought to make it better for them when they arrive here, with good housing, good jobs and freedoms they don't get elsewhere. I have sacrificed my work life for the cause of the parents of a school child who died from school neglect. The issue has been covered up by left wing politicians. And people like you.

moochabod5 years ago
what i have to say about this is, che guevara was one of VERY few people who acted with all of his conviction to make a change in the world for the better, out of moral values, compassion and a dedication to equality and justice for those who have not, and are exploited without end by imperialist interests, driven only by what he thinks is right. what you would do for justice and equality may be very different, but what HAVE you done? he undeniably got things done for his purpose of morality

David Ball5 years ago
@warbap11 You are based in the UK. Why not spend your time in Cuba? Or is your mind open to the abuses of power there, but not your mouth?

Julio Kompoloi5 years ago
well... only guys that would ever demonize a world hero would be americans right? there you go. if che didnt walk this earth at all, U.S.Assholes would be happier and richer... open a book, look outside your freakin country, open your mind and then open your mouth. ignorance is a choice not a state of mind 

David Ball5 years ago
@sarzamineiran As fools go I bow to your higher status

sarzamineiran5 years ago
What an ignorant fool you are

David Ball5 years ago
@bfoaliali I know him to be a smart man. But I believe he is a fool. That is a compatible combination. 

David Ball5 years ago
@OurFadedGarden I note you support Michael Moore

David Ball5 years ago
@truthslap From a Noam Chomsky supporter? I have played chess against that fool. You merely parrot his thoughts. 

David Ball5 years ago
@Soulja4Jesus2001 Che's killings were not related to a political system. He chose to kill people he knew to be innocent as a warning to those who might oppose him. That alone is enough for good people to oppose him even the disinterested ones. But what does it say about those who still support him?

Daniel Garcia5 years ago
Every political system has its bad side. Che is a symbol of fear to the eyes of those who punish the poor to get richer, aka the United States. Yes Che killed people, that's what people do in war. Che could have lived wealthy with Castro after the revolution but he continued on fighting for what he believed was right. Don't see like that these days anymore. Che saw people suffering, picked up a gun and did something about it. Keep kissing the asses of politicians if you want. 

andyperkins995 years ago
@taschenrechner relax he is obviously english

marcoitalie5 years ago
@ddball1 What about you ? I know lots of things about him and the only thing I think is "Holy shit, he's really a hero..". He killed people, that's sure, but he did same things than Lenine, who was a hero all around the world, and today too. We all want to make a better day, but sometimes we must use the violence. "Che's life is an inspiration for every human being who loves freedom. We will always honor his memory." -- Nelson Mandela (Sorry for my English) Hasta la victoria siempre. 

David Ball5 years ago
@tomthegd have you heard me support Batista?

Rex Kuntz6 years ago
Poor people are exploited by rich people all over the world, thats just the way it goes. If you try to change it, The CIA will kill you. Yes Che was a murderer, and yes the system he was a part of has alot of blood on it's hands, but so do the dictators that the developed countries support. It's all for money.

David Ball6 years ago
@tntdynomitedontlite You know more? You drank with him? You know some of the killers he supported? You weren't one of his victims.

Laughing Storm6 years ago
that was batista's mistake, he was fighting a peoples war, a war with a man who fought every latino or afro latino, i know the executions weren't right but it happened, che planned to leave cuba shortly after fidel became confused about wat he wanted, democracy or socialism, u obviously kno the latter

Laughing Storm6 years ago
my granfather fought with che in the revolution, a colored latino, those execution were eye for an eye. Batista massacred over two thousand on isla de pinos, and twenty five thousand in havanna, thats why america stop supporting him,

Lt Tegger6 years ago
@pprbackwriter1 Well said.

jonofh6 years ago
viva che, viva che guevara! a monster? hahaha, you are a westen provagandaist eny one there likes this, don't know you just try to make fasisme back to latin america go home yankie...

David Ball6 years ago
@taschenrechner Seriously? That is your sole complaint? Pronunciation? You aren't outraged that some more reputable media outlet hasn't covered this .. as part of your research?

taschenrechner6 years ago
Man, if you're going to do a multi-part commentary on a Latin American figure, it'd do you a lot of good to break out that high school Spanish textbook and brush up on some simple phonetics. It's really annoying. Fool-jenzio Batista, eh? Villagrande? How about Vallegrande. Had I not already been familiar with these and other proper nouns pertaining to this story, it'd be really difficult to do further research on the topic going by what's said here.

David Ball6 years ago
@hutton4059 Actually, that is how Democracy works .. 

David Ball6 years ago
@pprbackwriter1 And you support John Lennon too. Imagine that.

Collin Reyman6 years ago
Your 'pronunciation' of the Spanish language is bad enough, jackass- never mind the fact that your entire premise is myopic and ridiculous. There are those of us who consider el Che a hero, rather than just a t-shirt logo. That said, it is my observation that our heroes, in a very general sense, are not heroic because they're perfect, or because we agree with everything they do, but rather because they commit their lives to a heroic CAUSE.

Collin Reyman6 years ago
@sorchanib Muy bien dicho, amigo. 

Collin Reyman6 years ago
@albertmarriner Eres un cabrón sin cerebro, compadre. Como dijo el Che, ¡PATRIA O MUERTE! ¡HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!

David Ball6 years ago
@sorchanib You have a valid argument. It is hard to know what the conditions were like as a result of the rhetoric that exists now, and then. The argument is a double standard when applied to the US, as it is these days. I am hesitant to accept the argument for fear of diminishing the pain and injustice of Che's victims. 

Mamba6 years ago
so why is che a monster...? I still think he was a hero. 

David Ball6 years ago
@JayIceGod Death is inevitable in the best of times. Castro has had over 16000 people executed to protect the state in his time, and now says that Cuba isn't being run well.

David Ball6 years ago
@Alternate2GOP Done I have also added some of my other docos to a Che Guevarra list.

AvEryBadApPLe6 years ago
@juzblazejr i'd buy 'em a beer. lmfao

David Ball6 years ago
@someonex011 I thought about that too. I actually cover every single good act he did in his life. 

David Ball6 years ago
@Voltage2014 Yes, that sums it up. 

David Ball6 years ago
@luckyswine That would be a yes. 

David Ball6 years ago
@luckyswine Colonel Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán September 14, 1913 – January 27, 1971) was a Guatemalan military officer and politician. He served as Defense Minister of Guatemala from 1944 - 1951. He served as President of Guatemala from 1951 to 1954. He was ousted in a coup d'état in which the United States government was complicit and was replaced by a military junta, headed by Colonel Carlos Castillo. He went into exile after the coup and died in Mexico in 1971.

luckyswine6 years ago
@AvEryBadApPLe Yeah I kind of felt the same about those RE ELECT BUSH IN 2004 T-Shirts.

luckyswine6 years ago
Interesting that Guzman is mentioned here. Would that be the same Guzman who was legally elected socialist president of a sovereign nation and who was violently deposed in an illegal coup d'etat by the United States as a favour to the United Fruit Corporation?

David Ball6 years ago
@MYacono Wiki doesn't have the images or association. Were I to continue with the project I would eliminate their words too .. too many words and they dance around the enormity of Che's crimes. The problem is that people like Castro, Che, Ortega etc ad nausiem kill moderates.

MYacono6 years ago
He is copying Wikipedia. PLAGIARIZER!!! Che tried and killed Batista's guys who tortured and killed women and children and hung their bodies up in public as a warning. If the US treated latin America as a true friend and partner, instead of subject than people like Che, Fidel, Ortega, Farabundo marti , Chavez, Morales, Correa wouldnt exist.

David Ball6 years ago
@CCCP4Life2612 You are a Che lover. I have seen your wall. Is that the only criticism you have to offer .. one that was explained? I made a few mistakes with this attempt at doco, but you aren't smart enough to find 'em.

David Ball6 years ago
@JOEYGOLDCOMEDY I played chess with Noam Chomsky when I was a child. Your abuse of the language to confuse in a friendly appearing manner won't wash. Castro did not want Che in Cuba either, which is why he took his killing to foreign lands. A terrorist whose friends gave up on him, but who has found celebrity among those he despised.

David Ball6 years ago
@mepgssp I did this years ago. I made mistakes and learned a bit about compiling documentary and will improve it one day.

David Ball6 years ago
@JOEYGOLDCOMEDY Moral relativism does not extend to national security. there is a false dichotomy drawn suggesting that soldiers are killers when in fact that is not true. The abuse is unhelpful for actual debate. I have a US accent from my childhood, but I'm not from there. Jamie was projecting his arguments. Seriously, how do you dismiss murder as bias?

David Ball6 years ago
@JamieRiggans95 I can make valid claims and I have justified them. Can you justify any of your claims? I didn't think so.

Charles McIntosh6 years ago
Thats bullshit people enter public service for power. Only a few set themselves up as a man of the people.

Mahfuz Munir Khan PT6 years ago
@WingChunGeologist the usgay suports dictators throughout the middle east in order to control oil. the only people who start wars in the region are so called emocratic nations such as usgy, uk and israel

David Ball6 years ago
you have posted this garbage which may attract the ignorant in lots of places. Given your support for indigenous peoples expressed elsewhere, it devalues what you try to achieve. Like with Dems patting themselves on the back for endorsing the 'Indian Killer.'

David Ball6 years ago
British? You atheists get so little right. Look into your fourth dimension with Carl again, and see if you can find that nipple again, the one you like to suckle on when the truth doesn't sound right. to you.

David Ball6 years ago
Almost all who enter public office do so with good intentions. Che's bloody legacy speaks for itself. I recognize that some are deaf.

David Ball7 years ago
Regulation is a blunt tool. It works best when it isn't called on a lot. People don't like lining up, but they like knowing where they need to stand to get things. A regulation can be dumb and overbearing if it requires people to go out of their way. A regulation can be useful if it prevents bullies from preying on the weak and defenseless. It is ok to like socialism for its aims, but it is foolish to think socialism would achieve them.

David Ball7 years ago
Well, Mikey Red, you casually accept from your heroes what you would despise from a conservative. Substitue the name Che with Reagan and see if you think the behaviours are acceptable. Of course, Ragan was a great President who would never stoop to such depths, but the exercise is to do with perception, not reality. Thank god that Che did not have as much support as people wish him.

MikeyRed767 years ago
So why is Che a monster. Of course a revolutionary is going to kill the people he revolted against. That's what revolutionaries do. This piece is pretty incoherent. Text doesn't match images. The primary statement is that he's a monster and then the narration is broad statements ripped from Wikipedia. I don't get it. Was I supposed to learn something with this other than your own dislike for Che Guevara?

hotchoccolate237 years ago
n chrisitna fundameantalism , extemrinated south americans nativ americans n oh wait most people int he world! fucking dumbass! whats ur point? ur not even specific , u dont even know what communism is dumb motherfucker , viva che !

AvEryBadApPLe7 years ago
i can't understand why your grandmother's legendary donkey shows are not available on dvd.

LiquidT3nsion7 years ago
Don't worry he is dead, and u know what? more people is dying not for his beliefs but their own conviction that is leading them to the same situation Che was fighting for. And i don't think is religion or power or political beliefs....its a deeper human sense that ur right wing specimen can't understand.

LiquidT3nsion7 years ago
Wrong. Intervention, preemptive war, violation of sovereignty, conspiracy are the main cause of casualties of WAR. There are many democratic socialist governments that were elected peacefully but CIA got rid of 'em on behalf of Corporated America interests. They used all means to do this from organizing strikes and propaganda to military intervention as a last resource. Look at North Korea for example an isolated country with more embargos than Cuba and that's only the beginning.

LiquidT3nsion7 years ago
You are so right. But probably will have the same faith as Che or Martin Luther King or JFK.

Mat Miller7 years ago
All I can say is the United States needs a Che Guevara. People in this country need to pull their heads out of their asses and take a look at the big picture. People just go day to day not giving a shit. This is revelation, not a threat. But the US will have its day, and I think it is coming soon.

AvEryBadApPLe7 years ago
i can't stomach the stupidity of some douche bag waking around some mall with this murderous cock sucker, plastered on some t-shirt.

carloks17 years ago
are you kidding me, guy?

alex incera7 years ago
I am cuban and let me tell you fucking idiots who claim he was a hero, I lived in cuba and the man was a fucking coward, even in the end he tried to trade himself to the usa, but they did not buy it and rightfully so executed his worthless ass. God bless America and may they kill all who oppose it.

David Ball7 years ago
I would expect an 18 yo UAE resident to not know the historical settings. There is such thing as evil and what Che did was undeniably wrong. What Truman did was undeniably wrong. What Kennedy and LBJ did was undeniably corrupt. But what the US soldiers are asked to do, they have done to their best. Lawfully. I guess it is hard for you to know the difference.

David Ball7 years ago
Che executed people. We do not know why, because that didn't concern him. He claimed he did it for common justice reasons as well as other reasons. Because he denied justice to his victims he is a monster. You call that a humanitarian, but I don't think yoy know what 'Humanitarian' means. Dude.

David Ball7 years ago
Meanwhile the guy from the United Arab Emirates can't distinguish between a US accent and an Australian one. He definitely does not know my mother who would have given herself to Che for the adventure.

alejandroUT7 years ago
funny is to watch spanish people or spanish speaking people to try and speak any other language than's like they are mentally incapable...

ColdFlo7 years ago
you are a stupid faqqot no one will ever listen to you read off wiki you pukeboy faqqot pasty fuq. lol @ handsome south american man stop fantasizing you maricon

alexmottram077 years ago
The guy on the audio doesn't even know how to pronounce the word "Che"... It is so funny, for most "americans" anyone who is not mentally retarded (as they are) must be called "a monster"; according to "american" standards in order not to be "a monster" you must watch Hollywood crap and enjoy it !!! "Americans" are the most stupid people ever existed in history...

OlenkaWagner7 years ago
It is very difficult to fight myths. Some people are resistant to facts, although Che accused himself writing that hate is very important, that guilty-not guilty issues do not matter in revolution, etc.

Raul Reyes7 years ago
Filthdrive: can you express a coherent line of thought? Do you understand this expression (doesn't have any profanity in it, so maybe you don't). Anyway, what knowing the people he killed has to do with anything? Does it mean they don't count because I didn't know them? Killing "a few hundreds" is allowed? At what number do we start feeling outrage: 250, 253? You did got something right: you call Che "little". Yes, he is just a "little man" (hombrecillo, en Espanol).

Raul Reyes7 years ago
"I have never seen that quote... so that quote is fake" Excuse me? Have you ever seen Jupiter? No? Then Jupiter doesn't exit? What kind of moron are you? Read Fontova's book and learn about the real Che, not the one that CNN, The New York Times and the Hollywood left has sold to you. Ah! And please understand, things that you have seen still exist in real life. I just came back from North Korea. Yes, It does exist. They control people worst than Fidel does with Cubans. Yes, it exists.

Ronny Cycles7 years ago
i have never seen that quote around and i have read numerous books on che, so that quote is fake.

Raul Reyes7 years ago
Hey, ecuadouche17: (is 17 your IQ). I was going to answer, but I see that SwampDog1957 has done a good job explaining it to this board (I copy and paste now) "...He was known to execute women and teenaged boys without trial or evidence of wrong doing. One of his quotes: "To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary...These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. --

Raul Reyes7 years ago
Hey, locoBielsa1981: Google Humberto Fontova and buy his book about Che and the Useful Idiots that believe in him. Let me know what you think about Che after that.

David Ball7 years ago
Even were one to accept that argument, it doesn't explain his guerrilla tactics in other nations. He would terrorize villages into doing his bidding. Murder was part of that. That was the final reason as to why the locals turned him in at the end. However, I don't accept the premise he was compelled to be unjust in Cuba, either.

Ronny Cycles7 years ago
Che had to execute all the corrupt government officials, etc, in order to clean Cuba of the individuals that exploited the nation. I believe those executions were right, and necessary in order to put an end to all the corruption, explotation, etc.

Jer G7 years ago
um, why dont u guys read his own books and histories not the false idol just a book about him and you will see that most of this is bs

Chilibill Gault7 years ago
He was known to execute women and teenaged boys without trial or evidence of wrong doing. One of his quotes: "To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary...These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the The Wall! (El Paredón)" --Ernesto 'Che' Guevara When you see his image you are looking at a terrorist and mass murderer.

Jordan Farrell7 years ago
I don't know if anyone has noticed this yet...but he's almost reading verbatim (I wouldn't even call it paraphrasing) from Wikipedia's article on Che...unless it's HIS article which seems unlikely. At any rate, man if this is you just reading out a wikipedia page in 7 parts, shame on you. Why don't you DO some research and have your OWN opinion on Che before you go and call him a monster denouncing other people's praises of this man.

SAINThoodSEEKER7 years ago
Oh, b/f one of you try the typical, petty attacks, I'm in my 20's and middleclass...done it all bluecollar work > graduate education, union labor > management. I know what I'm talking about.

budfr8 years ago
what a terrible accent to pronunce spanish names, it´s ok if you don´t know the language but,gimme a break! By the way, CHE IS MY HERO, AND THE HERO OF MILLIONS!!! HE´S NOT THE HERO OF THE MENTALLY STUPID OR RICH OR WOMEN WHO WANT TO LIVE AS PROSTITUTES.

blmacdo8 years ago
I'm retarded? I bet I'm more educated than you and speak more languages. Since you're a pinko like Che you're probably in your early 20's w/o a lot of life experience. He killed when he had to? You mean blindfolded people with bags on their heads? Interesting. He allowed executions? I thought he ordered them. Some people deserve to die and he was one of them. I like the pic of him dead with his flabby belly and wimpy arms and chest.

blmacdo8 years ago
He ruined the economy. Wacth Che: False Idol. Yes, he did what he had to do, like wearing a rolex, living in a mansion he stole from its owner and begging for his life like a little bitch when he got a taste of his own medicine. I like the pic of him dead with his flabby belly and scrawny arms and chest.

blmacdo8 years ago
You're racist. Also, I met about a dozen Cubans in Canada when a friend of mine married a Cuban woman around the time Fidel got sick about 2 or 3 years ago. Some wanted him to die, the rest didn't care. Not a single one wanted him to live.

jhaskoll8 years ago
Che was just a man...Why are you scared?

blmacdo8 years ago
Che begged like a bitch before he got what he deserved and was executed. Watch Che: False Idol. Why's it so hard for pinkos to find heroes who never killed anyone?

juarezrt8 years ago
Were you reading a script in the bathroom?

David Ball8 years ago
This left vs left conversation is tiresome, but I will leave it as an illustration of lefties talking ..

David Ball8 years ago
Why does the left always resort to racism, slander and abuse?

David Ball8 years ago
The problem is that you are misinformd or deliberately misleading about facts.

David Ball8 years ago
Language, David. You achieve more by being polite.

David Ball8 years ago
McCain is like a lot of Americans. Brave, graceful and hard working.

David Ball8 years ago
Not according to the Bolivians that killed him.

David Ball8 years ago
Thanks for your comment, lucifer

Corvusdotensis8 years ago
Americans are like McCain, they spread lots of slanders and calunies on you, but when they get face to face with you, they are sweet as a sheep, as McCain with Obama. Why McCain didn´t say that Obama was an agent of terrorism when he sat down in front of him, as he cowardly did at his campaign? McCain = typicial American, liar, fat, warlike and coward.

Corvusdotensis8 years ago
America is the best, and the comments(like yours) of American users of Youtube are a proof of that and how best is it´s people... hahaha! The best anti-American propaganda is to let an American speak/type.

Corvusdotensis8 years ago
Your posts make me laugh, I´d love to see you saying it in face-to-face. You would not do it because you Americans are great cowards, who attack only weaker countries and "lesser people", since your conceptions on the world is the same as the nazi. I am proud to be a communist, look at me, a man with values, good manners, civilized and... you. Hahaha, thank you for make me laugh, clown, and thank you for leaving Cuba too, Latin America does not need you.

Corvusdotensis8 years ago
lol! What´s the problem with playing video games? It´s better than consume drugs, as you probably did to post such things. Btw, for your account, I am 173, 63kg, very well body shaped, because I pratice sports, instead of using drugs like you. Btw, lets suppose that I am a fat nerd... it doesnt make my statement true. When you attack the person, and not the argument, its called "ad hominem", its a phallacy without any value to rational thinking. Did you learned about rationalism in US?

Canal da Vitória8 years ago
Ahora tudo está claro... És mismo bueno que dejaste la isla de Cuba.

Corvusdotensis8 years ago
Conspiracy theory detected!

Corvusdotensis8 years ago
"leaved", what is that? Chinese? Learn to spell firstly!

Corvusdotensis8 years ago
Che did what he should, punishing the opressors of people and hate spreaders like you, fascists by the service of Imperialism! Дадим отпор душителям Всех пламеных идеи НАСИТЕЛЯМ, ГРАБИТЕЛЯМ МУЧИТЕЛЯМ ЛЮДЕЙ!

Canal da Vitória8 years ago
Insult is the best argument for ppl who lack of brains. I have friends who live in Cuba and I was there last year. You will never see a kid sleeping at streets, as you see in US, and ppl are much more polite than an ignobious creature like you, that´s the basic difference.

Canal da Vitória8 years ago
Not just in paper... In the countries that adopted Marxist orientations(not necessarely socialist regimes and never communist regimes) misery and illiteracy were eliminated, education and health were obligatory and free, corruption was almost eliminated and countries which were backyards got a quick development without exploiting another countries.

BigD19878 years ago
Communism is dead and a mere pipe dream. It sounds good on paper, but as they say, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." In other words, the people in power will ALWAYS take advantage of their system of government. If you can think of a better idea, let me know ASAP.

kragord8 years ago
I wont arguee beacause we all have our opinion i will just say: VIVA EL COMANDENTE CHE GUEVARA!!! HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!!!

David Ball8 years ago
Stuman, you bring up Vietnam. I have spoken with former North Vietnamese children. It turns out they were being used by the communists. Their blood motivated their countrymen. I don't blame the US, I blame the communist leaders.

stuman w8 years ago
What a pathetic waste of time. If I sounded like the man narrating this rubbish Id keep quiet as much as possible.This guy sounds like the Aussie I meet in Vietnam that was for the use of Agent Orange and mass murder. Oh well it takes a lot of people to make up this world. Hasta La Siempre Victoria

guidoulolo8 years ago
great !!!!!!!!!!

NoRestForTheWeary8 years ago
It's all a matter of opinion. Not even "god" can be expected to be praised by all...

Corvusdotensis8 years ago
This video is nothing more than maniqueist crap without any scientific value, look its title "why Che is a monster?". The title speaks by itself how "serious" it is.

Corvusdotensis8 years ago
American economy is built over the blood and bones of millions. The reason for that they portrait communists(and even liberals, socialists or nationalists as "commies") is that it´s against the private ownership, the root of a greater evil, as shown by Rosseau and K. Marx. Americans never understood what Frenches tried to show. Communism is a humanist ideal which presumes a society that works for all the workers and peasants, the majority of population.

Corvusdotensis8 years ago
Senseless comments... What kind of revolutionary DOES NOT kill? The difference between Che and another revolutionaries or kings, is that Che was not afraid of appearing with aa sword at his hands, while another revolutionaries prefered to appear with a mace... The swords cuts, the mace hurts, but both weapons kill, despite of all the simbolism.

David Ball8 years ago
Can't decent people disagree with you, Constantinov?

David Ball8 years ago
I think the truth is widely known, but not adequately discussed. Castro is responsible for the 'cult of che.' Many in the liberal media want it that Che is a hero. Che was hard working, but he was also a killer. Che killed indiscriminately, but he also targeted people for political reasons. Innocent people were killed because Che thought it looked good, although they were innocent of the crime they were accused of, if they had been accused.

He murdered many innocent people... The truth about his legacy is not widly known. He sent thousands of Cubans non batista followers to death swads wo a Trial this video is not an exageration..Castro killed him along with the cIA

zoidburg0028 years ago
You sound sort of smug

killingfloor708 years ago
shouldnt you at least know how to pronounce guevara before you criticise him?

David Ball8 years ago
You are correct. I missed much. In a revision, there are some things I would highlight. This was only a first draft.

qbacreative8 years ago
You skipped the part where he send to die and some times personally killed, many Cubans who question the new communist turn of the revolution (Including minors). Because they don't only killed members of the previous regime after 1959. You fail to mention the innocents people he executed in the sierra maestra mountains while fighting the revolution. Read a little bit more about those details and you will understand why he is a monster.

Samuel Jimenez8 years ago
Ok this video explains all!!! So why was he a monster? Cuz he fought for what he believed in. You are still executed in America for treason and who decides it's treason. Why couldnt Che say someone commited treason? Cuz we don't believe in his political ideas. Why was army special forces and CIA in bolivia. The same they are doing in Iraq. nothing. all those kids dying. Bush is a monster. The founding fathers of this country are monsters if its like that at one point they were the rebels too.

Nefan Dix8 years ago
i dont admire him neihter hate 'im, but i will say that in this times is very wealthy to sell his image, paradoxies of reality, jajaja

efiz gr8 years ago

David Ball8 years ago
Yoseman, you mean dead like Fidel Castro? You mean dead by US assassins like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Breshnev, Mugabe, Idi Amin, Bin Ladin and Ratko Mladic? Just to name a few. US foreign policy sadly did not work soon enough to save the victims of these, who run into the 100 millions in number.

Yoseman18 years ago
I will say this, if the USA wants someone dead, then I tend to side with the wanted. The US has a pretty solid history of killing good people.

Chuikov238 years ago
By 'researched' you must mean 'plagiarized.'

David Ball9 years ago
Not true. I have modified elements. The research, images and so on are my own. I ask questions not asked in Wikipedia and I take a direction independent of Wikipedia.

David Ball9 years ago
This is part 1 of a series. Putting aside the allegation of state sanctioned killing of innocents, The guerrilla activity involved some pretty terrible things which has left every single nation he had significant involvement with in poverty. Nothing to do with my skin color, but I'm sorry you can't see past that.


=== From 2018 ===

Don't give up on hope. Australia is not alone in supporting terror. We claim we don't, but people like Julie Bishop give Australian aid money to people who are proud of killing innocent peoples. A year 4 Palestinian Math problem has students adding up martyrs. There once was a time that leftwing collectivists opposed exploiting children that way. Now they fund it. But look to the right and it is also disappointing. An image of a woman being spooned water while buried to her neck is captioned as an actual Iranian image. And some extremists, who accept it happens and claim it should not, question the image and demand to know who, where and when. I don't know the answer to such questions, and don't like searching for it. Because it is an atrocity and it happens. I've seen too much. Maybe the image is from a movie. One suggested it was from an earthquake in Italy .. absurd as the woman was not some survivor of tragedy, she was unmarked, unbruised. Yet she was buried to her neck. Someone said that that was not how it was done. I don't want to know. 

I thank those who stand for the abused. Witold Pilecki and Irena Sendler are two Poles who risked all to do what is right. FDR sold Jews down river, and Al Gore got the Nobel Prize for scaring people for profit, denying Sendler who saved over 2500 lives and could have been tortured and killed for it. A former student of mine, a mum, witnessed an awful incident as a middle aged dad beat and cursed a seven year old daughter in a supermarket. The dad knew he'd gone too far and demanded other customers look away. Some don't deserve children. I'm glad my student did not interpose herself with the 'dad.' Scum like that 'dad' can turn uber violent, and my student's children need her. She is a good mum. 

=== from 2017 ===
Cory Bernardi has left the Liberal Party. But, to be fair, they left him first. The Liberal Party under Malcolm Turnbull do not represent conservative constituents. Malcolm Turnbull is now a worse Liberal Leader than Malcolm Fraser was. Fraser was 'leader' when Don Chip left and began the Australian Democrats for similar reasons as Cory now begins another party. Bernardi is forewarned that Australian Democrats were captured by the left too. Media are protecting Turnbull as long as he is an ineffective Liberal leader. Malcolm Farr, political editor has written he doesn't understand why Cory left. 

I have supported the Liberal Party even as it has betrayed me, abandoning me to lose everything and be forced interstate, and then banning me under its constitution from ever being a member. I am a conservative with libertarian leanings. I am not reactionary. I am a whistleblower by accident, having responsibly reported a bungled pedophile investigation and child's death. The Liberal Party does not represent me either. The Australian Labor Party, on the other hand, is opposed to my welfare. Turning to various members who offered to help, they tell me they can do nothing. Is that what their supporters believe they offer? I support Cory Bernardi as a conservative. I still support the Liberal Party where Malcolm Turnbull is not involved. I support the National Party and LNP. 
=== from 2016 ===
The Royal commission into institutionalised responses to pedophilia appears corrupt. It doesn't appear to be focused on institutionalised responses to pedophilia, but persecution of the Catholic Church and Cardinal George Pell. Incompetent reporting on the issue by the ABC obscures how badly the Royal commission is failing. Instead of smearing Cardinal Pell, who has clearly complied with all the requests of interview, despite apparent attempts to merely vilify, the RC needs to make recommendations which can be acted on while victims live. My issue has been given a very low priority by the commission and there will be no action until after their grandstanding is over. There have been pedophiles in churches. Those pedophiles abused also the trust of administration. No one is seriously accusing Pell, although some seem to be abusing process to vilify Cardinal Pell. And the Royal commission is letting them. 

For some at the moment, the sex party has more credibility.
=== from 2015 ===
Wishing Alex Melusky well in his campaign to take McCain's seat in congress for Arizona. Alex is a long time campaigner for a flat tax to replace other taxes which are unfair. Australia needs someone of his initiative too. McCain's service is exemplary, but it is time for change and Alex offers what is needed, if he can get the funds to make the campaign. There are rules as to who can contribute to Alex's campaign and The Conservative Voice would be happy to pass on essential details to any US citizen wishing to help. 

Smoke and mirrors surrounds the Liberal Party Leadership as the press fight to keep their narrative which is divorced from reality. Staggering is the recent creation of a political position within the conservative movement, the 'Moderate.' The Moderate is not a conservative. They are centrist and wet, whereas a conservative is hardline and dry. Inside the Moderate fantasy, the conservative will unreasonably try to make rational economic decisions even if they are at odds with social needs. The Moderate is a kind of swing voter, who will embrace what is 'best for all.' The problem with the Moderate fantasy is that it is divorced, totally separate from reality. It doesn't provide for rational decision making, but excuses bad policy under the understanding that the Moderate leader meant well. It is literally promising but not doing of the type that scarred many Australian governments under the ALP. No policy which is unaffordable can survive because it will be gone once the nation is broke. Conservatives  of the economic variety actually are providing generously for those they administer, if given the chance. As an example, under Howard, Australia paid people to be parents and own houses while still providing a surplus and future fund. Rudd labelled it reckless spending and so ALP took government and now there is no baby bonus and fewer housing incentives and substantial, crippling debt. Any spending program that might have been supported is gone. And now cuts must be made or it will be harder in the future, with other spending programs that are made unaffordable by debt having to be cut. The myth of the Moderate may be seductive, but it is dangerous and stupid. 

Malcolm Turnbull is an effective Minister with drive and energy. But he is also not a PM and has nothing to offer the position. Malcolm does not offer a clear vision, but a banker's choice of policy where even a carbon tax can be embraced as one more tax. But a carbon tax is an impost on industry and limits growth and opportunity. A carbon tax is not a good impost on an economy, although it could raise tax funds. The kind of decision making is a warning for the kind of PM Malcolm could be. He betrays the trust constituents place on him and does what he feels is pragmatic. Mr Abbott, on the other hand, is complex and with scruples that inform his leadership. Mr Abbott correctly belied the cat on a carbon tax because his nuanced ideology allowed him to see it offered nothing worthwhile. As I wrote to Malcolm while he was leader of the Liberal Party, it is ok to have scruples, conservatives do, and so long as one follows their vision a conservative leader will prosper. By embracing the carbon tax, Malcolm showed he had no vision. He claimed he believed in anthropogenic global warming .. a dangerous belief no rational person can hold. Recently, Mr Turnbull has copied Mr Abbott's expressions of listening more and being more consultative. The truth is he has undermined the leadership for years and it has cost a number of elections as a result. It is to be expected that a conservative Minister is ambitious. But Malcolm is old, past his date as a party leader, and not a natural conservative, fitting more into the role of Moderate. That is why, if there is a spill on Tuesday, I will advocate that Mr Abbott be PM, and Scott Morrison should be Deputy. 

Julie Bishop is an outstanding talent and has much to offer the leadership team of the Liberal Party. But she has failed abysmally in any mentoring role of her fellow WA colleagues. Any prospective leader of the Liberal Party must be able to influence their colleagues and work to improve and focus their drive. Instead, Bishop has been embarrassed by her dopy colleagues making outrageously stupid  and obstructive comments on a host of issues, so that they threaten to bring the party into disrepute, making it harder to elect. It isn't hard to sell the conservative brand .. they will make you richer. They will give you more than you know and keep it sustainable. But those yokels have delved into tribal 'us vs them' arguments which the ALP employ. And to use an ALP expression, we aren't them. 

In 1301, on this day, Edward of Caernarvon became the first Prince of Wales. Later he became Edward II. Just like the longest serving Prince of Wales, Edward was of dubious integrity. In 1497, the 'bonfire of the vanities' occurred in Florence, inspiring book burners to this day. The Action of 7th February 1813 saw a French and a Great British ship squared off for a draw after four hours of fighting. Both ships returned to port to claim victory. Neither ship had had an advantage. In 1856, Tasmania's colonial government passed the second ever legislation providing for a secret ballot. In 1898, Writer Émile Zola was charged with libel for his article J'Accuse which correctly belled the injustice of falsely accusing a Jew of treason and covering it up. In 1935, Monopoly was made a board game. In 1940, Pinocchio, the second full feature length animation was completed by Disney. In 1962, JFK bought his last Cuban cigar. In 1964, Beatles arrived in the US for the first time. In 1979, for the first time since either had been discovered, Pluto went inside Neptune's orbit. In 1990, the Central Committee agreed to give up its' monopoly on power in the Soviet Union. 1995, Ramzi Youssef, who masterminded the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing was arrested in Pakistan. 2009, an inept ALP Victorian government killed 173 from mishandling forest with forest fires. They were returned to government in late 2014. 
From 2014
Some years ago Al Gore put out an example of Pascal's Wager to prevent a Hobson's Choice of embracing AGW hysteria or death for all. The idea was to list options, embrace hysteria or not, matched with the binary possibility of it being real or not. According to Gore, the outcomes were: to address a global warming that was happening; to address a global warming that wasn't happening; to lose everything by failing to address global warming; or, to gain little by business as normal. His rhetoric suggested that Pascal would say that it was wisdom to spend big addressing global warming. But, it was rhetoric, and the actual choices were as follows: Impoverish the poorest and restrict industry from being able to address Global warming in the future; Impoverish the poorest and restrict the ability of industry to grow for no reason; Enable business to change and adapt to a future that is challenging; Enable business to change and adapt to a future that isn't challenging. In the cold hard light of reality, the choice is obvious. If you really believe that Global Warming is a reality, you need to strengthen industry and allow poor people to be able to lift themselves out of poverty and assert what is in their best interests. If Gore's fears are real, then it is important the world find anyone who, like Gore, has stolen trillions of dollars from the poorest people in the world and make them face justice at the Hague, charged with crimes against humanity. I suggest a guillotine as being compassionate justice for the hundred worst offenders. 

Bill Shorten was instrumental in changing SPC worker's conditions forever .. according to him. It may well be the most honest thing he has said in public life if, as is possible, SPC closes forever. A monster has married a 12 year old girl in a religious ceremony in NSW. No word as to which religion was involved, but a Lebanese male university student who had married and had a sexual relationship with a 13 year old girl was formally refused bail in Sydney on Friday. It is alleged he had befriended the 12 year old girl at a mosque in the Hunter region. Another boat has been turned back, and no apology from those who said that that could not happen.
Historical perspective on this day
In 457, Leo I became emperor of the Byzantine Empire. 1074, Pandulf IV of Benevento was killed battling the invading Normans at the Battle of Montesarchio. 1301, Edward of Caernarvon (later King Edward II of England) became the first English Prince of Wales. 1497, the bonfire of the vanities occurred in which supporters of Girolamo Savonarola burned thousands of objects like cosmeticsart, and books in FlorenceItaly. 1783, American Revolutionary War: French and Spanish forces lifted the Great Siege of Gibraltar. 1795, the 11th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified.

In 1807, Napoleonic WarsBattle of Eylau – Napoléon's French Empire began fighting against Russian and Prussian forces of the Fourth Coalition at Eylau, Poland. 1812, the strongest in a series of earthquakes struck New Madrid, Missouri. 1813, Action of 7 February 1813: stalemate two evenly matched frigates from the French Navy and the British Royal NavyAréthuse and HMS Amelia. 1819, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles left Singapore after just taking it over, leaving it in the hands of William Farquhar. 1842, Battle of Debre Tabor: Ras Ali Alula, Regent of the Emperor of Ethiopia defeated warlord Wube Haile Maryam of Semien. 1856, the colonial Tasmanian Parliament passed the second piece of legislation (the Electoral Act of 1856) anywhere in the world providing for elections by way of a secret ballot.

In 1863, HMS Orpheus sank off the coast of AucklandNew Zealand, killing 189. 1894, the Cripple Creek miner's strike, led by the Western Federation of Miners, began in Cripple Creek, Colorado. 1897, Greco-Turkish War: The first full-scale battle took place when the Greekexpeditionary force in Crete defeated a 4,000-strong Ottoman force at Livadeia. 1898, Dreyfus affairÉmile Zola was brought to trial for libel for publishing J'Accuse. 1900, Second Boer WarBritish troops failed in their third attempt to lift the Siege of Ladysmith. 1904, a fire in Baltimore, Maryland destroyed over 1,500 buildings in 30 hours. 1907, the Mud March was the first large procession organised by the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS). 1935, the classic board game Monopoly was invented.

In 1940, the second full-length animated Walt Disney film, Pinocchio, premiered. 1943, World War IIImperial Japanese Navy forces completed the evacuation of Imperial Japanese Armytroops from Guadalcanal during Operation Ke, ending Japanese attempts to retake the island from Allied forces in the Guadalcanal Campaign. 1944, World War II: In AnzioItalyGermanforces launched a counteroffensive during the Allied Operation Shingle. 1951, Korean War: 705 suspected communist sympathisers were butchered by South Korean forces. 1962, the United States banned all Cuban imports and exports. 1964, the Beatles first arrive in the United States. Their performance on The Ed Sullivan Show two days later would mark the beginning of the British Invasion. 1974, Grenada gained independence from the United Kingdom. 1979, Pluto moved inside Neptune's orbit for the first time since either was discovered. 1984, Space Shuttle programSTS-41-B Mission – Astronauts Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart made the first untethered space walk using the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU). 1986, twenty-eight years of one-family rule ended in Haiti, when President Jean-Claude Duvalier fled the Caribbean nation.

In 1990, Dissolution of the Soviet Union: The Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party agreed to give up its monopoly on power. 1991, Haiti's first democratically-elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, was sworn in. 1992, the Maastricht Treaty was signed, leading to the creation of the European Union. 1995, Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, was arrested in IslamabadPakistan. 1999, Crown PrinceAbdullah became the King of Jordan on the death of his father, King Hussein. 2009, Bushfires in Victoria left 173 dead in the worst natural disaster in Australia's history. 2012, President Mohamed Nasheed of the Republic of Maldives resigned, after 23 days of anti-governmental protests calling for the release of Chief Judge unlawfully arrested by the military. 2013, at least 51 people were killed in a crash involving a bus and truck in Zambia. 2014, over 350 people were injured in the anti-government unrest in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

=== Bible Reading ===


Today's reading: Exodus 39-40, Matthew 23:23-39 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Exodus 39-40

The Priestly Garments

1 From the blue, purple and scarlet yarn they made woven garments for ministering in the sanctuary. They also made sacred garments for Aaron, as the LORD commanded Moses.
The Ephod

2 They made the ephod of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linen. 3 They hammered out thin sheets of gold and cut strands to be worked into the blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen--the work of skilled hands....

Today's New Testament reading: Matthew 23:23-39

23 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices-mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law-justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. 24 You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.
25 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean....

=== Morning and Evening ===


February 6: Morning
"Praying always." - Ephesians 6:18
What multitudes of prayers we have put up from the first moment when we learned to pray. Our first prayer was a prayer for ourselves; we asked that God would have mercy upon us, and blot out our sin. He heard us. But when he had blotted out our sins like a cloud, then we had more prayers for ourselves. We have had to pray for sanctifying grace, for constraining and restraining grace; we have been led to crave for a fresh assurance of faith, for the comfortable application of the promise, for deliverance in the hour of temptation, for help in the time of duty, and for succour in the day of trial. We have been compelled to go to God for our souls, as constant beggars asking for everything. Bear witness, children of God, you have never been able to get anything for your souls elsewhere. All the bread your soul has eaten has come down from heaven, and all the water of which it has drank has flowed from the living rock--Christ Jesus the Lord. Your soul has never grown rich in itself; it has always been a pensioner upon the daily bounty of God; and hence your prayers have ascended to heaven for a range of spiritual mercies all but infinite. Your wants were innumerable, and therefore the supplies have been infinitely great, and your prayers have been as varied as the mercies have been countless. Then have you not cause to say, "I love the Lord, because he hath heard the voice of my supplication"? For as your prayers have been many, so also have been God's answers to them. He has heard you in the day of trouble, has strengthened you, and helped you, even when you dishonoured him by trembling and doubting at the mercy-seat. Remember this, and let it fill your heart with gratitude to God, who has thus graciously heard your poor weak prayers. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits."
"Pray one for another." - James 5:16
As an encouragement cheerfully to offer intercessory prayer, remember that such prayer is the sweetest God ever hears, for the prayer of Christ is of this character. In all the incense which our Great High Priest now puts into the golden censer, there is not a single grain for himself. His intercession must be the most acceptable of all supplications--and the more like our prayer is to Christ's, the sweeter it will be; thus while petitions for ourselves will be accepted, our pleadings for others, having in them more of the fruits of the Spirit, more love, more faith, more brotherly kindness, will be, through the precious merits of Jesus, the sweetest oblation that we can offer to God, the very fat of our sacrifice. Remember, again, that intercessory prayer is exceedingly prevalent. What wonders it has wrought! The Word of God teems with its marvellous deeds. Believer, thou hast a mighty engine in thy hand, use it well, use it constantly, use it with faith, and thou shalt surely be a benefactor to thy brethren. When thou hast the King's ear, speak to him for the suffering members of his body. When thou art favoured to draw very near to his throne, and the King saith to thee, "Ask, and I will give thee what thou wilt," let thy petitions be, not for thyself alone, but for the many who need his aid. If thou hast grace at all, and art not an intercessor, that grace must be small as a grain of mustard seed. Thou hast just enough grace to float thy soul clear from the quicksand, but thou hast no deep floods of grace, or else thou wouldst carry in thy joyous bark a weighty cargo of the wants of others, and thou wouldst bring back from thy Lord, for them, rich blessings which but for thee they might not have obtained:--

"Oh, let my hands forget their skill,
My tongue be silent, cold, and still,
This bounding heart forget to beat,
If I forget the mercy-seat!"

=== Bible Quote ===

=== Message ===


I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

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