Saturday, February 20, 2021

Sat 20th February 2021 Current Affairs

Editorial Mon 15th Feb

Former Senator Natasha Stott-Despoja had understood Machiavelli and knew a concept encapsulated by the Prince which many were getting wrong in the late 1990’s. So applying all her mental powers, she went on radio and told people how to get it right. Machiavelli, she declared, was pronounced ‘Match-i-ah-velli.’ The senator despaired at people misrepresenting the Prince. After all, Hitler had had the book on his bed side table for inspiration and late-night reading. He had needed to improve his mind. There are many examples, provided by Charles and Andrew to name two, of Princes who fail the bedside table test. 

It was with delight I happened on Delderfield’s story of a horseman, Paul Craddock, who purchased a farm. 

Dr Maureen O’Keefe talking to 14 yo Ikey (Delderfield’s Horseman riding by)

“Ikey,” she said, “There’s a word you wouldn’t have heard yet that just about describes you so remember it and you can recognise yourself later on! You’re Machiavellian! Remember that – Mack-i-ah-vellian”

“What does it mean?” he asked, and she said, gesticulating, “It’s having an instinctive understanding of people and how their minds work and it’s a priceless quality to possess, particularly if you are ever thinking of going into business.”

“I’ll not do that,” he said, scornfully, “I’m going to join the cavalry!”

“Ah,” she said, “Then I’m afraid it won’t be of much use to you. Still, it’s nice to have and I daresay it’ll help you get along with the ladies!”

The former senator never really explained her clarification. She is a left wing loony and the press would never have dared ask it. But, what was it her clarification addressed? Was the senator addressing a mid 90’s man drought after too many eligible bachelors had bought into a hipster form of feminism? Had she approved of Hitler’s late night reading? We could ask her, but we may never know.

Editorial Sun 21st February Current Affairs

Sixteen days without internet access. Lockdown meant my zoom meetings were conducted, over 8 hours, using phone data which emptied my bandwidth for the month. What had happened was a storm on the 5th of February took out cable access but left the wifi running without carrying a connection We could see the router was active, but there was no internet access. We contacted the estate agent who said they had contacted the landlord after coming over to turn the router on and off to no affect. Not knowing which ISP held the actual account, I searched online (using phone data) and found that NBN was down and slated to be fixed after the weekend. 

During the weekend, I noticed the NBN fault had been fixed, but we still did not have internet, so I pointed out to the estate agent that no fault was reported for this address. They yelled at me, saying it was not their job to stay on the phone of an ISP and wait hours, but they had told the landlord who had promised to fix it. I pointed out the landlord might need to be told to report the issue to the ISP to fix it. They said they got my point, but had already told the landlord. “Have a good day sir!” they yelled before hanging up. 

I contacted radio 3AW to report the issue. Neil Mitchell had me waiting forty minutes before not listening to me, or following up. 

One other member of the household noticed our landlord had not collected their mail from Optus, an ISP, and opened it, discovering that our share house was due to have internet cancelled because NBN did not want to compete with Optus Cable. But the cancellation was for the 15th of February or later, and should not have happened yet. The information was relayed to the estate agent who passed it on to the landlord. I contacted 3AW to provide an update by email. Still no reply from 3AW. 

The estate agent tasked an employee to wait on premises until Optus sent a technician. But, Optus claimed they had sent a technician a day before and they had not got on premises when everyone in the household was here during lockdown. They claimed to have rung the bell and made commotion, but they had not noticed the Menulog and DoorDasher employees delivering food without issue. The estate agent spent all day on the premises and Optus did not show up. Finally, on 19th of February, two weeks after the internet had gone down, Optus showed, and an estate agent was on hand. The fault was fixed, it having been established that Cable provision would be ongoing until a planned changeover to NBN. 

My software upgraded and at 1am on 20th February while Melbourne had had an overnight 26 degree centigrade evening, the wifi router stopped working. I contacted the agent about 7:30 am and sent a picture of my WiFi reception showing our address router was not functioning. They did not even bother sending someone to turn it on and off. Maybe Monday?

In Defence of Conservative Values via It’s a Wonderful Life (1946 Capra)

The scene has three conservatives talking over dinner. One conservative is the father who wants his son to follow him in business. Another conservative is the son who wants to make a name for himself in the world. Another conservative is the servant whose relationship to those she serves is positive for all of them. 

The three are not agreeing with each other, but there is none of the shaming, blaming and rancour one finds when arguing with a left winger. The father listens to his son, and argues on point, convincingly. The son hears his father’s arguments and lets him know he still loves him. The servant reinforces core conservative values. Note, these are not social conservative values, which judges and shames. These are values embraced by modern economic conservatives.

The conservatism is not from a lost time in America. President Donald Trump is not a conservative, neither is he known for conservatism, but his Vice President, Mike Pence is. The greatness of Trump’s Presidency was enhanced by the demeanour and prosecution of Pence as Vice President. One hopes Trump runs and wins again in 2024. Not only will Trump be the first President acquitted of an impeachment twice, he could be the first President elected three times without resorting to corruption.


Here is a video I made Pachydermic Personnell Predictor 

Using elephant hunting techniques to identify the correct people for each profession
Pachydermic Personnel Prediction

A bold new proposal for matching high-technology people and professions

Over the years, the problem of finding the right person for the right job has consumed thousands of worker-years of research and millions of dollars in funding. This is particularly true for high-technology organisations where talent is scarce and expensive. Recently, however, years of detailed study by the finest minds in the field of psychoindustrial interpersonal optimization have resulted in the development of a simple and foolproof test to determine the best match between personality and profession. Now, at last, people can be infallibly assigned to the jobs for which they are truly best suited.

The procedure is simple - Each subject is sent to Africa to hunt elephants. The subsequent elephant-hunting behaviour is then categorized by comparison to the classification rules outlined below. The subject should be assigned to the general job classification that best matches the observed behaviour.

Classification Guidelines

Mathematicians hunt elephants by going to Africa, throwing everything out that is not an elephant, and catching one of whatever is left. Experienced mathematicians will attempt to prove the existence of at least one unique elephant before proceding to step 1 as a subordinate exercise. Professors of mathematics will prove the existence of at least one elephant and then leave the detection and capture of an actual elephant as an exercise for their graduate students.

Computer Scientists hunt elephants by exercising Algorithm A -
Go to Africa.
Start at the Cape of Good Hope.
Work northward in an orderly manner, traversing the continent alternately east and west.
During each transverse pass,
Catch each animal seen.
Compare each animal caught to a known elephant.
Stop when a match is detected.
Experienced computer programmers modify Algorithm A by placing a known elephant in Cairo to ensure that the algorithm will terminate. Assembly language programmers prefer to execute Algoritm A on their hands and knees.

Engineers hunt elephants by going to Africa, catching gray animals at random, and stopping when any one of them weighs within plus or minus 15 percent of any previously observant elephant.

Economists don't hunt elephants, but they believe that if elephants are paid enough, they will hunt themselves.

Statisticians hunt the first animal they see n times and call it an elephant.

Consultants don't hunt elephants, and many have never hunted anything at all, but they can be hired by the hour to advise those people who do. Operations research consultants can also measure the correlation of hat size and bullet color to the efficiency of elephant-hunting strategies, if someone else will only identify the elephants.

Politicians don't hunt elephants, but they will share the elephants you catch with the people who voted for them.

Lawyers don't hunt elephants, but they do follow the herds around arguing about who owns the droppings. Software lawyers will claim that they own an entire herd based on the look and feel of one dropping.

Vice Presidents of engineering, research, and development try hard to hunt elephants, but their staffs are designed to prevent it. When the vice president does get to hunt elephants, the staff will try to ensure that all possible elephants are completely prehunted before the vice president sees them. If the vice president does see a nonprehunted elephant, the staff will (1) compliment the vice president's keen eyesight and (2) enlarge itself to prevent any recurrence.

Senior Managers set broad elephant-hunting policy based on the assumption that elephants are just like big field mice, but with deeper voices.

Quality Assurance Inspectors ignore the elephants and look for mistakes the other hunters made when they were packing the jeep.

Salespeople don't hunt elephants but spend their time selling the elephants they haven't caught, for delivery two days before the season opens. Software salespeople ship the first thing they catch and write up an invoice for an elephant. Hardware salespeople catch rabbits, paint them gray, and sell them as desktop elephants.

Peter C Olsen
"Byte" - September 1989


=== From 2018 ===

Don't give up on hope. Anti Gun movement is using "Never Again" slogan, at the expense of the Holocaust. Father, Willie Noble of Little Rock Arkansas is serving 30 years for shooting a 15 year old girl dead after she and her friends pranked his son's car with eggs, mayonnaise and toilet paper. Immediately following the shooting, Willie admitted to police he had shot his gun, but had not intended to hit anyone. It was property damage and he had acted disproportionately. If children had not been out joyriding then that child would still be alive. A Democrat stronghold, it just seems like a harm minimisation fail, because tolerating crime leads to worse outcomes. Almost as if a black neighbourhood is not allowed to have a double parent family. The anti gun movement are blaming guns. But the result is endorsing a culture of crime. 

Media using students to denounce Trump. But, students are being exploited by political hacks. Corruption in renewable industry as solar farm fails to employ licensed electricians but uses unqualified tourist labor. 

=== from 2017 ===
AGW hysterics are damaging the planet. They suck away more than $2 billion a day from the world that could support industry and help the needy. They lie about research. They brainwash children. They kill jobs. A coal mine is opening, and a green campaign is posting hysterical memes claiming that the coal mine will kill the Great Barrier Reef. Only the Great Barrier Reef has been claimed to have been destroyed by AGW already. Yet it is teeming with life and growing. AGW claims the polar caps are shrinking when they aren't. That Polar bears are dying when they are increasing in number. They oppose plant food. They oppose nuclear energy. They promote dangerous and unstable power systems. 

But AGW alarmism is similar in nature to those spruiking Islamo terrorism. On this day, last year, I posted a video of a 19 yo Islamic girl quoting the Shahada as she was stoned to death for not marrying an 80 yo monster. And yet such a depraved result was enforced by a properly constituted Islamic court no Islamic can criticise, apparently. Not even Julia Gillard can spot the misogyny. Yet if a conservative can bemoan the poor outcome of a rapacious Islamic crowd converging on Sweden then a artisan press can question the voracity of the statement, overstating it, and claiming confusion. Yes, there are Islamic people who are decent. There is also coal fire power stations that are dirty. But the answers  that left wing activists are coming up with, supporting terror, FGM, AGW hysteria, attacking industry and hurting the poor, are insupportable by any reasonable person. 

I am reading a research article by Matthew C. MacWilliams , University of Massachusetts Amherst, a PhD student. The article was popular among #FakeNewsMedia. Matthew writes 
"First, whether authoritarianism is conceptualized as an individual personality trait forged in the crucible of childhood (Adorno et al. 1950), a socially-learned attitude (Altemeyer 1981a, 1988, 1996, and 2006), or a predisposition (Stenner 2005), authoritarians are described as rigid thinkers who perceive the world in black-and-white terms (Adorno et al. 1950; Altemeyer 1981a, 1988, 1996; Duckitt 1989; Feldman 2003; Feldman and Stenner 1997; Hetherington and Weiler 2009; Jost et al. 2003; Lavine et al. 2005; Stenner 2005). Uniformity and order are authoritarian watch words. Authoritarians obey. They seek order. They follow authoritarian leaders. They eschew diversity, fear “the other,” act aggressively toward others, and, once they have identified friend from foe, hold tight to their decision.
Throughout his campaign, Trump constantly used us-versus- them language to define the others who allegedly pose a threat to us and order. From Mexicans to Muslims, the others, as described by Trump, do not hold our values and are not like us. To Trump and the crowds who follow his lead, he alone recognizes the threat the others pose and he alone possesses the will to neutralize them. Only Trump rejects the political correctness that has allowed others to infiltrate our society, has the will to deport those among us now, and would prohibit more of them from entering our homeland. Trump’s messaging and strongman manner was a practical application of authoritarian theory to real politics—a clear, clarion call to American authoritarians that drove them to support his candidacy."
Matthew claims that Trump's rejection of political correctness is evidence that his thinking is authoritarian, reflexive, black and white. And that that attracted others who like those qualities. Matthew does not even consider that it is the other way around, that politically correct advocates are authoritarian, reflexive and viewing the world only in black and white. More Latinos and more Blacks voted for Trump than McCain or Romney. Maybe Trump's words were not how Matthew characterises them? Apparently Matthew read Adorno, Altemeyer, Duckitt, Feldman et al, but not Trump. 
=== from 2016 ===
Not written as I was working to secure accommodation. 
=== from 2015 ===
The new Queensland Premier admitted she wasn't ready to be government shortly after the election and now she demonstrates it. Annastacia Palaszczuk has panicked before the storm has completed its course. ABC journalists are hyperventilating at trees having fallen over, and Channel 9 journalists interview people in shelters asking if they have enough food and water. There are heavy rainfalls and there is a king tide. However, the state of readiness is in stark contrast to the Bligh government's failure to even insure against disaster based on their insane climate change belief. People died from Bligh's incompetence. 

Changes in state are studied. In 1810, Andreas Hofer, an Austrian drover and patriot, had rebelled and led rebellion against Napoleon. He had been sanctioned by the Austrian Emperor, but Napoleon had had an extraordinary run of victories in battle and so Tyrol was ceded to Napoleon. Napoleon's instruction to the court martial was allegedly "Give him a fair trial and then shoot him." Hofer was executed on this day in 1810. He stood before his firing squad, paid the corporal to shoot straight, refused a blindfold, and gave the order to fire. Eight years later the Emperor of Austria gave his family a patent of nobility. 

Under Napoleon the world was divided and this provided predictability where puppet states had a direction and ambition in alliance to develop. When the world has not the direction such division provides, minor powers can become difficult and tragedies ensue. Such has been the case with end of the cold war where atrocities have been committed for no reason. The Middle East is suffering with little nations no longer pawns in the Great Game, trying to find meaning in jihadist philosophy. The new rise of Russia is a blessing for those seeking to restore order lost since the Soviet Union collapsed. There is still tragedy in places like Syria and Ukraine, on this day in 2014, many Euromaidan anti government protestors were killed in the Ukraine, probably thanks to Ukraine government snipers. It is a tragedy the Ukraine government is supported by Washington in much the same way Afghanistan had been once before. The new division has not shown the peace those who believe in the Great Game strategic alliance would achieve. Obama has given nuclear weapons to Iran, will this policy bear fruit? 
From 2014
Piers Akerman correctly describes the enormity of Thomson's lies to parliament. The cost to the Australian economy of prolonging the ALP government will never be redressed fairly. But he should serve time. And if he does, maybe he will come to love the world he is in, rather than charging low paid workers for it. 

Andrew Bolt discusses Kerry's ridiculous decision to place trust in a thief regarding AGW matters. Apparently Australia does not have a quota of racist psychiatrists. There is a strong possibility that the new senate election in WA will harm freedoms by preventing the Abbott administration legislative freedom. ABC find another person who did not witness an atrocity by the detention administration. There is demonstrably no difference between BDS advocacy and anti semitism. Thomson illustrates how ALP is weak on union corruption. Tasmania's electoral system may be broken. The next ALP PM is probably not in parliament. Union is upset that taxpayers don't subsidise workers to $30k above award. 
Historical perspective on this day
In 1339, the Milanese army and the St. George's (San Giorgio) Mercenaries of Lodrisio Visconti clashed in the Battle of Parabiago. 1472, Orkney and Shetland were pawned by Norway to Scotland in lieu of a dowry for Margaret of Denmark. 1547, Edward VI of England was crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey. 1685, René-Robert Cavelierestablished Fort St. Louis at Matagorda Bay thus forming the basis for France's claim to Texas. 1792, the Postal Service Act, establishing the United States Post Office Department, was signed by United States President George Washington. 1798, Louis-Alexandre Berthierremoved Pope Pius VI from power.

In 1810, Andreas HoferTirolean patriot and leader of rebellion against Napoleon's forces, was executed. 1813, Manuel Belgrano defeated the royalist army of Pío de Tristán during the Battle of Salta. 1816, Rossini's opera The Barber of Seville premiered at the Teatro Argentinain Rome. 1835, Concepción, Chile was destroyed by an earthquake. 1846, Polish insurgents led an uprising in Kraków to incite a fight for national independence. 1864, American Civil WarBattle of Olustee: The largest battle fought in Florida during the war. 1865, end of the Uruguayan War, with a peace agreement between President Tomás Villalba and rebel leader Venancio Flores, setting the scene for the destructive War of the Triple Alliance. 1872, in New York City the Metropolitan Museum of Art opened. 1873, the University of California opens its first medical school in San Francisco. 1877, Tchaikovsky's ballet Swan Lake received its première performance at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.

In 1901, the legislature of Hawaii Territory convened for the first time. 1909, publication of the Futurist Manifesto in the French journal Le Figaro. 1913, King O'Malley drove in the first survey peg to mark commencement of work on the construction of Canberra. 1921, the Young Communist League of Czechoslovakia was founded. 1931, the Congress of the United States approved the construction of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge by the state of California. 1933, the Congress of the United States proposes the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution that would end Prohibition in the United States. Also 1933, Adolf Hitler secretly met with German industrialists to arrange for financing of the Nazi Party's upcoming election campaign. 1935, Caroline Mikkelsen becomes the first woman to set foot in Antarctica.

In 1942, Lieutenant Edward O'Hare became America's first World War II flying ace. 1943, American movie studio executives agree to allow the Office of War Information to censor movies. Also 1943, the Parícutin volcano began to form in Parícutin, Mexico. Also 1943, the Saturday Evening Post published the first of Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms in support of United States President Franklin Roosevelt's 1941 State of the Union address theme of Four Freedoms. 1944, World War II: The "Big Week" began with American bomber raids on German aircraft manufacturing centres. Also 1944, World War II: The United States took EniwetokIsland. 1952, Emmett Ashford became the first African-American umpire in organised baseballby being authorised to be a substitute umpire in the Southwestern International League. 1956, the United States Merchant Marine Academy became a permanent Service Academy. 1959, the Avro Arrow program to design and manufacture supersonic jet fighters in Canada was cancelled by the Diefenbaker government amid much political debate.

In 1962, Mercury program: While aboard Friendship 7John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth, making three orbits in four hours, 55 minutes. 1965, Ranger 8 crashed into the Moon after a successful mission of photographing possible landing sites for the Apollo program astronauts. 1971, the United States Emergency Broadcast System was accidentally activated in an erroneous national alert. 1978, the last Order of Victory was bestowed upon Leonid Brezhnev. 1986, the Soviet Union launched its Mir spacecraft. Remaining in orbit for 15 years, it was occupied for ten of those years. 1987, Unabomber: In Salt Lake City, a bomb exploded in a computer store. 1988, the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast voted to secede from Azerbaijan and join Armenia, triggering the Nagorno-Karabakh War. 1989, an IRAbomb destroyed a section of a British Army barracks in Ternhill, England. 1991, a gigantic statue of Albania's long-time leader, Enver Hoxha, was brought down in the Albanian capital Tirana, by mobs of angry protesters. 1998, American figure skater Tara Lipinski became the youngest gold-medalist at the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan.

In 2003, during a Great White concert in West Warwick, Rhode Island, a pyrotechnics display set the Station nightclub ablaze, killing 100 and injuring over 200 others. 2005, Spain became the first country to vote in a referendum on ratification of the proposed Constitution of the European Union, passing it by a substantial margin, but on a low turnout. 2006, in South Korea the United Liberal Democratsthe three top political parties were merged into Grand National Party. 2009, Two Tamil Tigers aircraft packed with C4 explosives en route to the national airforce headquarters were shot down by the Sri Lankan military before reaching their target, in a kamikaze style attack. 2010, in Madeira Island, Portugal, heavy rain caused floods and mudslides, resulting in at least 43 deaths, in the worst disaster in the history of the archipelago. 2013, the smallest extrasolar planetKepler-37b was discovered. 2014, dozens of Euromaidan anti-government protesters died in in Ukraine's capital Kiev, many reportedly killed by snipers.

=== Bible Reading ===


Today's reading: Leviticus 25, Mark 1:23-45 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Leviticus 25

The Sabbath Year

The LORD said to Moses at Mount Sinai, 2 "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a sabbath to the LORD. 3 For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops....

Today's New Testament reading: Mark 1:23-45

23 Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, 24 "What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are-the Holy One of God!"

25 "Be quiet!" said Jesus sternly. "Come out of him!" 26 The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek....

=== Morning and Evening ===


February 19: Morning
"Thus saith the Lord God; I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them." - Ezekiel 36:37
Prayer is the forerunner of mercy. Turn to sacred history, and you will find that scarcely ever did a great mercy come to this world unheralded by supplication. You have found this true in your own personal experience. God has given you many an unsolicited favour, but still great prayer has always been the prelude of great mercy with you. When you first found peace through the blood of the cross, you had been praying much, and earnestly interceding with God that he would remove your doubts, and deliver you from your distresses. Your assurance was the result of prayer. When at any time you have had high and rapturous joys, you have been obliged to look upon them as answers to your prayers. When you have had great deliverances out of sore troubles, and mighty helps in great dangers, you have been able to say, "I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." Prayer is always the preface to blessing. It goes before the blessing as the blessing's shadow. When the sunlight of God's mercies rises upon our necessities, it casts the shadow of prayer far down upon the plain. Or, to use another illustration, when God piles up a hill of mercies, he himself shines behind them, and he casts on our spirits the shadow of prayer, so that we may rest certain, if we are much in prayer, our pleadings are the shadows of mercy. Prayer is thus connected with the blessing to show us the value of it. If we had the blessings without asking for them, we should think them common things; but prayer makes our mercies more precious than diamonds. The things we ask for are precious, but we do not realize their preciousness until we have sought for them earnestly.

"Prayer makes the darken'd cloud withdraw;
Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw;
Gives exercise to faith and love;
Brings every blessing from above."
"He first findeth his own brother Simon." - John 1:41
This case is an excellent pattern of all cases where spiritual life is vigorous. As soon as a man has found Christ, he begins to find others. I will not believe that thou hast tasted of the honey of the gospel if thou canst eat it all thyself. True grace puts an end to all spiritual monopoly. Andrew first found his own brother Simon, and then others. Relationship has a very strong demand upon our first individual efforts. Andrew, thou didst well to begin with Simon. I doubt whether there are not some Christians giving away tracts at other people's houses who would do well to give away a tract at their own--whether there are not some engaged in works of usefulness abroad who are neglecting their special sphere of usefulness at home. Thou mayst or thou mayst not be called to evangelize the people in any particular locality, but certainly thou art called to see after thine own servants, thine own kinsfolk and acquaintance. Let thy religion begin at home. Many tradesmen export their best commodities--the Christian should not. He should have all his conversation everywhere of the best savour; but let him have a care to put forth the sweetest fruit of spiritual life and testimony in his own family. When Andrew went to find his brother, he little imagined how eminent Simon would become. Simon Peter was worth ten Andrews so far as we can gather from sacred history, and yet Andrew was instrumental in bringing him to Jesus. You may be very deficient in talent yourself, and yet you may be the means of drawing to Christ one who shall become eminent in grace and service. Ah! dear friend, you little know the possibilities which are in you. You may but speak a word to a child, and in that child there may be slumbering a noble heart which shall stir the Christian church in years to come. Andrew has only two talents, but he finds Peter. Go thou and do likewise.

=== Bible Quote ===

=== Message ===


I am a decent man and don't care for the abuse given me. I created a video raising awareness of anti police feeling among western communities. I chose the senseless killing of Nicola Cotton, a Louisiana policewoman who joined post Katrina, to highlight the issue. I did this in order to get an income after having been illegally blacklisted from work in NSW for being a whistleblower. I have not done anything wrong. Local council appointees refused to endorse my work, so I did it for free. Youtube's Adsence refused to allow me to profit from their marketing it. Meanwhile, I am hostage to abysmal political leadership and hopeless journalists. My shopfront has opened on Facebook.


I am publishing a book called Bread of Life: January.

Bread of Life is a daily bible quote with a layman's understanding of the meaning. I give one quote for each day, and also a series of personal stories illustrating key concepts eg Who is God? What is a miracle? Why is there tragedy?

January is the first of the anticipated year-long work of thirteen books. One for each month and the whole year. It costs to publish. It (Kindle version) should retail at about $2US online, but the paperback version would cost more, according to production cost.If you have a heart for giving, I fundraise at (Gofundme finished the fund raiser, 2017)


Editorials will appear in the "History in a Year by the Conservative Voice" series, starting with August, September, October, or at Amazon The kindle version is cheaper, but the soft back version allows a free kindle version.

The Amazon Author Page for David Ball

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Other Stuff


I'm now on MAGAbook to sidestep FB censorship


I'm looking for former students to endorse me


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