Monday, February 18, 2019

Socialists like drowning economic migrants for compassion

Read Paul Clifford's answer to Now that ALP are shedding popularity, can it be admitted the medical evacuation bill was a mistake? on Quora

PC: Now that ALP are shedding popularity, can it be admitted the medical evacuation bill was a mistake?
No! The medical evacuation bill is common sense to anyone that has a semblance of Christianity or humanity in them. Morrison & Dutton scare mongering is attempting to encourage fear in the community to a situation that has solutions other than their head-up-the arse approach.
The :Liberals have had six years to promote their most unpopular non-solution, and I saw on the news tonight that they have all of a sudden produced an international campaign, aired on overseas on TV. Too little, too late.
What I find most amusing is that in one breathe the Liberals are saying they can win the next election, whilst meanwhile they are rushing policy in preparation for losing government (eg: reopening Christmas Island).
Never forget that it was a Labor government that introduced mandatory detention of anyone that enters Australian territory without a valid visa. Labor has basically the same intentions as the Liberals. The differenceof course is the methods employed.
Labor has always operated within the law and within Australia’s international obligations , which in most cases, Liberal governments obligated Australia.
Liberal policy is to evade the law, making it necessary for persons to take the matter to court. It is the typical dishones”t tie it up in the courts” that carpet baggers have always used = wait to someone litigates, then appeal until your adversary runs out of money to pay the lawyers & court fees
Give it a week or so before Morrison & Dutton run out of steam and their outrage is revealed as absolute fakery. Morrison was hated when he had Dutton’s job! The fool is just reminding people why they hated him.
DDB: ALP compassion has killed thousands, and will again.
PC: Prove it! ALP introduced the policy of mandatory detection. They set up Manus Island & Nauru. So if Labor’s compassion has killed thousands, the Liberal’s have killed thousands more, by avoiding the legal processes that past Liberal governments oblifgated Australia to in their signing international agreements.
The policies are the same, but the processes are different. bTo date the Liberal processes have cost the Australian tax payer millions in litigation, none of which the government has won. Spend a couple of years in one of the Liberal Party’s gulags get awarded a million or two for the inconvenience and go somewhere and live off the proceeds for the rest of your life. What more incentive could people want.
Before Keating (Labor) introduced mandatory detention, Indonesian fishermaen would transport people to Australia, so they could go for their first plane flight. Liberal policy was to fly them straight back to where they came from, which is what they wanted. Then Australia was stuck with dealing with the refugees. When the Hawke/Keating era ended and we got Johnny Howard, the solution was to build plastic boats, ship the refugees within reach of Indonesia and propel the boats from international waters. That cost millions and was a dismal failure. Much more sensible to supply Indonesia with equipment & training to patrol their borders to prevent piracy & people smuggling.
A sensible policy would be to issue restricted protection visa’s and prohibit refugees from going anywhere within 200ks of the coast. Regional towns in the outback are dying as their youth has moved to the cities. WA & Tas have assimilated refugees into remoter populations successfully.
We need an assimilation programme for refugees, and if they are kept out of the major centres then it discourages the economic refugees leaving room for the genuine refugees whom past Liberal party gaovernments have obligated Australia to accept. If this fact was admitted by Morrison & Dutton there might be some progress forward that won’t require the litigation that Liberal obstructionism encourages.
If you want to save refugees lives’, petition the USA to leave the middle east. They are there illegally (without UN sanction), and it is they that are causing the refugee crisis. It is also they who aided, financed and armed the Taliban, Maharajin & Daesh (Isis), to protect USA interests in the middle east - such is admitted by the USA media, and acknowledged by the military.
Australia had a chance under Turnbull’s Menziean projections, but Abbott et al has made the Liberal’s unelectable. It was only a few weeks ago that we read about the Liberal Party party needed to purge the Young Liberals because of the stacking of branches with ultra right wing extremists (Nazi & like).
It is 1942 again, where moderacy of government was dismissed in favour of extremist. Menzies was forced to resign, and he formed the Liberals. I suspect that Menzies, if he was still alive, would be in tears. Even Frazier decried the Liberal’s refugee policy as inhumane and futile.
The first ship suck in the middle east at the beginning of WW2 was by the British, shelling a ship chartered by Jewish refugees, and sinking it off the coast of Palestine. It is this event that set the background to the UNs refugee policy which a past Liberal government oblibated Australia, and the current Liberal government goes out of its way to evade. Why? Pure politics!
DDB: Possibly Australia's greatest immigration minister was Phillip Ruddock who had convinced Malcolm Fraser to accept Vietnamese refugees who were coming to Australia by boat, and dying en route. An estimated 50% dying en route after being preyed on by Vietnamese and Chinese based pirates who would kill them for their gold. Also, bad weather on seas killed more. Those landing in Malaysia were notably machine gunned on beaches. Ruddock was to be an executive on Amnesty International until activists got that organisation to back terrorists. But Ruddock did not have Malcolm Fraser's suspect racist views which corresponded with ALP Fraser would later embrace. The boat people tragedy Howard faced did not have the same death rate, as people smugglers had moved their operations. But still thousands were dying, drowning in bad seas. People smugglers were collecting life savings from families before setting off, piracy having entered the 21st century. $10k plus per person. The Pacific Solution stopped that. The boat trafficking stopped. In 2002, Gillard said she had a more compassionate way that kept people smuggling viable. Under Rudd, Gillard ended the Pacific Solution, but it took a few years to ramp up again. An estimated 1 in 30 drowned after special arrangements were made flying the economic migrants to Indonesia ad putting them on boats there. The ocean journey was shortened, but still claiming lives. Sri Lankans sailing from Sri Lanka were more at risk. Gillard tried punitive measures, but it took Tony Abbott's government, with Scott Morrison as Immigration Minister to stop the piracy. Shorten's recent success has meant the trade could begin again. The trade takes lives. ALP keep restarting it, claiming to be compassionate. You wrote about other irrelevant things that were argumentative I've not addressed here. 

PC: Liberal policy in the aftermath of the Vietnam war, was to supply the guns to shoot the refugees.
Never forget, it was Liberal governments in their arse licking of LBJ that conscripted Australia’s youth to face death in an unjustified war!
Liberal’s Vietnam policy is what obligated Australia to aid the Vietnamese refugees, instead they turned their backs on people that were allies during the war! All blood shed saturates the Liberals in their white supremist attitude.
At least Labor gave these desperate people refuge why they could.
It is noteworthy that in retirement that Frazier & Whitlam became friends through their mutual aim to combat the facism of the modern Liberal Party.
I’m old enough to have lived through the Vietnam era, and I remember the protest marches when the Crowd would shout “All the way to LBJ” referring to Long Bay Jail, where Liberals displaced people that defied the Liberal’s aims of implementing totalitarianism in Australia.
I should also mention that in in earl;y 1980s I was in the top income tax bracket, paying by decree of the Liberal’s 60% tax on every extra dollar I earnt if I hadn’t used the loopholes the Liberals implemented so wealthy people could legally evade income tax. Hawke/Keating eliminated most of the loop holes through the implementation of FBT, and doing so, enabled the Labor government to reduce income tax for everyone.
I voted for the Liberal’s for sometime on archiac ideological groungs. Hawke changed my mind. Howard, entrenched my thinking that the Liberal’ssince Menzies retirement are the worst governments Australia has experienced.
Remember, Liberal treasurers have never received internation recognition for their competence. Labor has had two treasurers who have been applauded by their international peers and received awards.
Don’t start me on the Liberal’s financial mismanagement, I could go on for pages…

ps: I am a self managed retiree, independent of government, and Labor’s Franking Credit correction will hurt me. The Liberal Party sanctions theft of public monies by the wealthy, I don’t, which is why I will never vote for the detritus that now populates that party. Mind you if the local Liberal candidate was a person of repute, I might consider voting for them if I thought they would attempt to represent my community in its entirety, but I would never again vote a Liberal Party ticket.

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