Sunday, October 14, 2018

A corruption issue regarding Luke Donnellan

Luke Donnellan is minister for roads and ports. I don't know him. I had campaigned for a local council in Dandenong, and worked in Casey. I saw election signs in Casey that were inappropriately placed adjacent to a highway. I was not certain regarding election rules in Victoria, as I'd come from NSW, but I was pretty confident that it was wrong to use government fences to hold election material as government is supposed to be impartial. Private homes can show posters, public areas cannot have approval given. It was after the election, and so I saw no harm in reporting the issue, as the poster should have taken it down straight away too. 

Firstly I researched the issue, found the poster, and a previous poster that had been placed for a federal election. They were both ALP posters. I found the poster on FB and saw him bragging about having posted it. I contacted the electoral office and was directed to Casey. Casey referred me to VicRoads. VicRoads took down the poster, but declined to take further action. 

It turns out, the poster was an ALP constituent for Luke. Imagine how it would be treated if the posters had been posted by a Liberal? An independent? 

Note, Luke is one of the MP's embroiled in the Red Shirt affair

Vic Roads correspondence

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