Friday, August 15, 2014

Fri Aug 15th Todays News

NASA doesn't show state secrets. A live feed showing a disc was cut when it was noticed. Some really strange people are claiming that NASA is covering up UFOs instead of the more reasonable and likely explanation .. the Antarcticans have reached space. Good research on genetic memory does not disprove Darwin's theory of Evolution, but a newspaper article journalist feels that that is an acceptable line. Joe Hockey apologises profusely for being right about a throw away line that the media are enlarging. ABC Fact Check misleadingly claim that poor people pay more, because they have less, for their cars. ABC Fact Check forgets to mention that poor people pay more for their iPhones and extravagant clothing. Following ABC logic, poor people are poor because they spend more while having less. Tostee charged with murder as he remains silent about what he did the morning his Tinder contact fell from a 17th story balcony. Kellie Lane, child killer and former water polo player has failed in her last appeal against her conviction. Kellie approached the latest appeal saying she should have been charged with manslaughter, not killing. The High Court disagreed, ruling on the law. However, it is absurd that Lane claim she is guilty of manslaughter when the evidence points to the death of her baby was not an accident. Her defence had been she gave her baby away to someone she did not know, not that it had died from an accident. She can now tell us what she did with the body. Russia sends aid to Ukraine in 20 white trucks. The Iranian backed Iraqi PM is stepping aside, too late for those victims of the regime's oppression and incompetence. Sir Cliff Richard is being investigated for an incident involving a young boy in 1985. There is evidence Richard had performed with Rolf Harris and Michael Jackson, but nothing regarding the allegation. A breakthrough in a twenty four year old murder case sees the victim's brother in law arrested. 

On this day in History, in 778, Roland was killed at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass. In later years the battle would be described as Muslim vs Christian, but was in fact Christian vs Christian. It is part of major poetry, the French have the Song of Roland which is their oldest work, and the Italians have Orlando Furioso, which is one of their most celebrated works. In 1018, a Byzantine General employed a ruse to capture and blind their Bulgarian opponent. In 1057, seventeen years after killing King Duncan, King Macbeth dies in Battle of Lumphanan. In 1248, the foundation stone to the Cathedral of Cologne was laid. The Cathedral was completed in 1880. Apparently the building contract was not water tight. It was built to house relics of the three wise men. In 1281, Mongols attempted to invade Japan. They were held back by what was called a divine wind. Had they been successful, history would have been different. In 1430, Francessco Sforza, Lord of Milan, conquered Lucca. In 1483, the Sistine Chapel was consecrated. In 1534, Ignatius of Loyola took initial vows, leading to the creation of the Society of Jesus in 1540. In 1549, Francis Xavier went ashore at Kagoshima.  In 1812, the Battle of Fort Dearborn was fought in what is now Chicago. In 1824, Lafayette toured the US, touchingly two years before Adams and Jefferson passed. Lafayette had been the last surviving French General from the conflict of the US Revolution.  In 1843, Tivoli Gardens was established in Copenhagen. It is the oldest surviving amusement park in continuous operation in the world. In 1914, Frank Lloyd Wright's Wisconsin home was set fire to by one of his servants who killed several people there. In 1920, Poland spanked the Soviet Union at the Battle of Warsaw. In 1935, Will Rogers was killed in an air accident. In 1939, The Wizard of Oz premiered, and in Germany thirteen Stuka Bombers failed, killing all the crew in air practice. In 1941, Nazi spy Corporal Joseph Jakobs was shot in the Tower of London. He hadn't stood a chance. He had been expected after being betrayed, broke an ankle after a parachute landing, was caught with false papers and money. The firing squad aimed for a small silk patch over his heart, but one shot when through the head. German spies weren't very popular in London. In 1947, India gained independence a day after Pakistan. In 1961, an East German border guard fled to the West. In 1962, US soldier James Dresnok defected to North Korea. Dresnok has married one woman apparently abducted to order by North Korea. When she died he married another. In 1977, SETI received a deep space signal called the Wow! Signal. In 1969, they celebrated that signal at Woodstock. 
For twenty two years I have been responsibly addressing an issue, and I cannot carry on. I am petitioning the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to remedy my distress. I leave it up to him if he chooses to address the issue. Regardless of your opinion of conservative government, the issue is pressing. Please sign my petition at

Mr Ball, I will not sign your petition as it will do no good, but I will share your message and ask as many of friends who read it, to share it also. Let us see if we cannot use the power of the internet to spread the word of these infamous killings. As a father and a former soldier, I cannot, could not, justify ignoring this appalling action by the perpetrators, whoever they may; I thank you Douglas. You are wrong about the petition. Signing it is as worthless and meaningless an act as voting. A stand up guy would know that. - ed

Lorraine Allen Hider I signed the petition ages ago David, with pleasure, nobody knows what it's like until they've been there. Keep heart David take care.

I have begun a bulletin board (http://theconservativevoice.freeforums.netwhich will allow greater latitude for members to post and interact. It is not subject to FB policy and so greater range is allowed in posts. Also there are private members rooms in which nothing is censored, except abuse. All welcome, registration is free.

Happy birthday and many happy returns Sylvia Wong and Xiaowei Lord. Born on the same day, across the years, along with Blind Jack (1717), Napoleon (1769), Walter Scott (1771), Florence Harding (1860), Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875), Oscar Peterson (1925), Tony Robinson (1946), Melinda Gates (1964) and Natasha Henstridge (1974). On your day, Victory over Japan Day; Feast of the Assumption (Christianity); Independence Day in the Congo (1960) and India (1947); Liberation Day in North and South Korea (1945)
295 BC – The oldest known temple to Venus (Venus Anadyomene by Titian), the Roman goddess of love, beauty and fertility, was dedicated.
1534 – In Montmartre, near Paris, Ignatius of Loyola and six others took the vows that led to the establishment of the Society of Jesus.
1907 – Jamaican American Raphael Morgan was ordained as the first Black Orthodox clergyman in America.
1945 – The Gyokuon-hōsō was broadcast in Japan, announcing the unconditional surrender of the Japanese army and naval forces.
1963 – President Fulbert Youlou was overthrown in the Republic of Congo, after a three-day uprising in the capital.
You have made your temple to love and established society. People are spreading the word. The broadcast has been made and the old order overthrown. Party on.

Hockey apologises for being misquoted by media pack

Andrew Bolt August 15 2014 (7:52pm)

How ludicrous, to be forced to apologise for having been framed over comments which were at worse clumsy, but nevertheless true:
JOE Hockey has comprehensively apologised for his “obviously insensitive” comments about poorer Australians, insisting he bears no “evil intent” toward the disadvantaged.
The Treasurer, besieged over his claim on Wednesday that the poorest Australians were least vulnerable to the fuel excise because they “either don’t have cars or don’t drive very far”, issued the apology today after Tony Abbott refused to support the remark.

What Hockey actually said was that poorer Australians “either don’t have cars or don’t drive very far in many cases” - the last three words making clear this was a generalisation. Needless to say, that qualification was omitted in virtually every reference the ABC made to the remarks in one of the worst stitch-ups I’ve seen. The media reporting of this has been generally disgraceful.
And so:
Mr Hockey, speaking on Sydney radio 2GB, repeatedly said sorry for the remark and his subsequent refusals to back down, saying: “I don’t want to hurt people.
“I am really genuinely sorry that there is any suggestion ... that I or the government does not care for the most disadvantaged.
“As everyone who knows me knows, all of my life I have fought for and tried to help the most disadvantaged people in the community.
“And for there to be some suggestion that I have evil in my heart when it comes to the most disadvantaged people in the community is upsetting,” Mr Hockey said.
What chance reform in this country, where incomes are already falling in real terms? 

Bernardi backs free speech reforms. Other Liberals will, too

Andrew Bolt August 15 2014 (7:45pm)

I cannot see how Liberals could not vote for the most minimal changes to an act they were actually insisting had to be gutted - until the Government caved to Jewish and Muslim lobbyists:
Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi is set to defy Prime Minister Tony Abbott and co-sponsor a bill aimed at changing the Racial Discrimination Act, which the government abandoned just over a week ago.
Family First Senator Bob Day is planning to introduce a compromise bill, which will simply strike out the words “offend and insult” from the legislation rather than entirely overhaul the section as the government has proposed.
I know of at least two more Liberal senators who feel honor-bound to vote for this, and I suspect up to half a dozen more could join them. A principle must be defended.  

The Bolt Report on Sunday, August 17

Andrew Bolt August 15 2014 (4:35pm)

On Sunday on Channel 10 at 10am and 4pm…
Editorial:  No, not everyone was horrified at all by that picture, Mr Shorten. Let’s now be honest.
My guest:  Alex Douglas, who quit in protest as Queensland leader of the Palmer United Party.
The panel:  IPA boss John Roskam and former Gillard Government minister Craig Emerson. Is Joe Hockey finished as Treasurer? Are Liberals finished with this Government?  And why is Qantas playing race politics?
NewsWatch:  Spectator editor Rowan Dean.  How the ABC started by criticising the Sydney Morning Herald for anti-Semitism but wound up attacking the Jewish lobby instead.
Plus bonus laughs at ABC presenter Jonathan Green.

The videos of the shows appear here.

Making the Medicare co-payment useless and racist

Andrew Bolt August 15 2014 (10:06am)

The AMA guts the co-payment - and makes it racist for good measure:
VERY few patients will pay the $7 GP fee and the government will make almost no savings under the Australian Medical Association proposal being considered “seriously” by the government.
The AMA wants Federal Government to exempt large groups of people including pensioners, nursing home patients, indigenous Australians and the chronically ill.
The government would also have to back track on plans to cut the Medicare rebate by $5 under the plan, wiping out most of the $3.5 billion in savings.
So desperate is this Government now, and so ready to enslave itself to the New Racism, that I suspect it will adopt each one of those ideas. 

A party shamed

Andrew Bolt August 15 2014 (9:35am)


When will Labor stop wrecking?

Andrew Bolt August 15 2014 (9:31am)

Another business chief wants Labor to stop sabotaging the economy for cheap votes:
AUSTRALIAN politics is in a “scary’’ and unprecedented new paradigm that has seen it ­become an “embarrassment on the world stage’’ over the past six years, says the man considered to be one of the most successful Australian businessmen in the world.
Dow Chemical Company chairman and chief executive Andrew Liveris yesterday also echoed the recent call by NAB and Woodside chairman Michael Chaney for the Coalition and Labor to adopt a bipartisan approach to stop minor parties in the Senate derailing the government’s legislative agenda.
“I have never seen (the like of) the last six years of Australian politics before,’’ Mr Liveris said during a lunch in Brisbane yesterday hosted by the Australian Institute of Company ­Directors.
“We are in a complete new paradigm. The past five years before this last one were an absolute embarrassment on the world stage… “Instead of working together you just throw things at each other and yell at each other. That is really scary. I have never seen an Australia like that.
“Now to see it move into this other paradigm where there is more yelling but of a different kind — we should have got ­beyond that in terms of both sides of the aisle being for Australia instead of for being re-elected.’’
Last month Mr Chaney urged both major parties to work together to achieve necessary micro-economic reform across the economy.
“The Labor opposition has a lot more votes than Palmer,’’ Mr Chaney told The Australian and Deutsche Bank Business Leaders Forum in Perth. 

You didn’t believe them?

Andrew Bolt August 15 2014 (9:13am)

And they thought these guys at the Sydney protest against an anti-Islamic film clip in 2012 were just kidding.
A frightening disconnect with reality, a pathological blame-shifting - and that astonishing Jew-hatred:
A senior employee of the Dutch Justice Ministry said the jihadist group ISIS was created by Zionists seeking to give Islam a bad reputation.
Yasmina Haifi, a project leader at the ministry’s National Cyber Security Center, made the assertion Wednesday on Twitter…
“ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. It’s part of a plan by Zionists who are deliberately trying to blacken Islam’s name,” wrote Haifi, who described herself on the social network LinkedIn as an activist for the Dutch Labor Party, or PvdA.
And look how mass immigration from northern Africa and the Middle East has imported a clash of civilisations into the streets of Holland:
A series of rallies supporting ISIS, which is considered a terrorist organization in many Western countries, were held in the Hague in July and earlier this month. Some demonstrators called for violence. The demonstrations on July 2 and 24 featured calls to kill Jews.
When anti-ISIS demonstrators tried to march through the heavily Muslim neighborhood of Schilderswijk on Aug. 10 to express their disapproval, a crowd of approximately 200 men barricaded the main street and staged an illegal counterdemonstration in support of ISIS.
Some of the protesters hurled stones at police who tried to remove the obstacles. Six people were arrested.
Jews in Britain also under siege:
A cosmetics store in Manchester, England, that sells Israeli cosmetics has been victimized by callers threatening to kill the staff and burn down the store…
The store, called Kedem, has been the scene of daily anti-Israel protests since the start of Israel’s operation in Gaza.  Six anti-Israel protesters have been arrested.
Pro-Palestinian protesters also have posted threatening messages on the store’s Facebook page.
Meanwhile, also in Manchester, two 13-year-olds were charged this week with criminal damaging for vandalizing gravestones last month at a Jewish cemetery. 
Also in Britain, a man atempts to photograph what seems the flag of the Islamic State, flying over the entrance to a housing estate:
I WAS told this morning by a community activist in east London to be kind in this article to the Bengali Muslim youths who threatened violence last night…and who told me to “F*** off Jew, you’re not welcome here.”

In Ireland:
Irish trade union Mandate has released a petition calling on Irish food retailers to cease selling Israeli produce.
The Mandate petition, entitled ‘Stop Selling Israeli Produce’, has already attracted over 6,300 signatures since it was launched last Friday.
The Left is now fanning the worst wave of anti-Semitism we’ve seen in the West since World War II. And our culture is degrading so fast that I can’t see this being checked for a long, long time.
(Thanks to readers Jenny, Craig and Alan RM Jones.) 

Middle East burns, but at least Obama beats Tiger

Andrew Bolt August 15 2014 (8:54am)

Remember when the Left - and much of the media - decided it was a crime for a president to play an occasional round of golf?
Recall that Bush was loudly criticized when he didn’t hold press conferences frequently enough to satiate a badgering press, though he averaged one about every two months. Over the course of his presidency, he held 45.
Bush was also constantly ridiculed and criticized for playing golf, most memorably by Michael Moore in Fahrenheit 9/11. In August 2003, Bush gave up the game, believing it sent the wrong message to grieving parents of soldiers killed or wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. Of course, he was ridiculed for that as well.
Why is the Left no longer worried about golfing presidents, even when Barack Obama is about to beat even Tiger Woods?:

As Barack “Eldrick” Obama approaches his 200th round of golf since his election as president, here’s a fact to put that into perspective: Since January 2009, Tiger Woods has played 269 rounds of golf. And Tiger, beleaguered by injury, is almost certainly done for the year.
So that means the president, if he keeps up with his pace of play during his 15-day vacation in Martha’s Vineyard (a round a day) and his normal weekly round, will pass Tiger sometime next spring. Think about that for a minute. The president of the U.S., juggling the American economy and the entire world’s problems — Iraq is in full meltdown, the Middle East is a powder keg, Russia is moving on Ukraine — has played golf nearly as much as a guy whose day job is playing golf.
After nearly six years of this remarkably disengaged presidency the media is finally, cautiously, yes-but catching on:
(Thanks to reader Gab.) 

Hockey needs a goal

Andrew Bolt August 15 2014 (8:22am)

Joe Hockey badly needs a win:
JOE Hockey has fuelled internal criticism of his performance as chief salesman of the budget, prompting colleagues to question his ability to lock in support for the Abbott government’s economic narrative.
As some backbenchers privately warn the Treasurer needs to steer off the politics of fairness, frontbencher Jamie Briggs dismissed as “a bit of hyperbole’’ the criticism unleashed by Mr Hockey’s comments that the poor wouldn’t be hit as hard as the rich by a proposed fuel excise increase because they didn’t have cars or didn’t drive far.
The government’s most senior economic minister has got Senate crossbenchers offside as well as facing renewed criticism from his partyroom over his handling of the government’s first budget. “It’s like walking into dog poo, ignoring everyone and insisting on walking into every room,’’ said one of his colleagues.
David Crowe can’t believe Hockey is fighting on Labor’s preferred territory - the lurid “fairness” front - to defend a lousy 1 cent a litre rise:
The Treasurer has driven his budget sales caravan into another ditch by trying to turn a simple but unpopular idea into something it’s not — a Robin Hood tax…

Given there is no easy way to tell voters to pay more tax, the ­government’s challenge is to find the best number to estimate the damage. A starting point would be 1 cent, the amount the budget adds to the excise per litre this year.
But putting things that way would be too easy. Trying to justify his remark about poor people not driving as much as rich people, the Treasurer came up with numbers like $53.87, the amount a wealthy family spends each week on petrol…
It is amazing, hilarious and disheartening that the national debate on the budget has turned into a fight over 1 cent — in a country where the smallest coin is 5c…
Given Australian motorists drive 15,000 kilometres a year on average (according to Roy Morgan) and 10 litres per 100km is a reasonable yardstick for fuel efficiency, it is not hard to figure out the annual impact: $15 a year…

The malaise goes beyond the budget. If the government cannot sell a 1 cent policy at a time of $30 billion deficits, what hope is there for bigger plans?
All this takes the heat off the real wrecker:
Every minister’s stumble vindicates Shorten’s decision to fight each budget measure… The cost is yet to be tallied. Labor now rejects $40bn in budget savings including $5bn of its own ideas from the last government. It must eventually offer an election policy that explains how this will not hurt the budget bottom line.
It is astonishing and grim for Hockey to already need this deep-sigh defence from Dennis Shanahan:
IT could already be said “it’s time for Joe to go” but, before there’s an avalanche of calls to replace the Treasurer, it should be recognised it won’t happen — for the simple fact it can’t.
Just like the idea of holding a mini-budget, the merest hint from Tony Abbott that Hockey’s job is not secure would destroy the Coalition’s first budget, its first year in office and any hope of revival…

The Prime Minister has no choice but to forge ahead with the budget and the treasurer that he has.
Oh dear:

Education Minister Christopher Pyne has declined six times to back Treasurer Joe Hockey’s comments that the poor “don’t have cars or actually don’t drive very far’’.
Just to add to the woes:
A key fund-raiser for federal Treasurer Joe Hockey’s electorate conference has been called to give evidence at the Independent Commission Against Corruption inquiry into alleged illegal political donations
John Hart is chairman of the North Sydney Forum, a controversial fund-raising body attached to the Liberal Party federal electoral conference in Mr Hockey’s seat of North Sydney.

Carlton to the reluctant rescue of the “Bolt laws”

Andrew Bolt August 15 2014 (7:43am)

Free speech

Chris Merritt says Mike Carlton could be a very reluctant crusader for the free speech I was denied:
AFTER Tony Abbott’s backdown on reform of section 18C of the ­Racial Discrimination Act, all might have seemed to be lost.
Then along came Mike Carlton and his anti-Semitic mates at The Sydney Morning Herald. With any luck, the proceedings launched against them this week might turn Carlton into the reluctant vehicle for ­reform of this odious provision.
Carlton and the SMH now find themselves in a very strange position. If they surrender and settle, they will be affirming what their critics have been saying about the nature of their coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
But if they fight hard — and let’s hope they do — they will be making it possible for the courts to undertake the reform process that has just been squibbed by Abbott.
The case against Carlton offers the tantalising possibility of undoing the damage done by ­Mordecai Bromberg’s 2011 judgment against Herald-Sun columnist Andrew Bolt…
If they succeed, Australian legal history will remember Carlton as the man who took up the fight that was started by Bolt. They will be locked together forever as the catalysts for reform — a prospect unlikely to bring either much joy.
Oh, no. I’ve always thought your commitment to free speech was best measured by your defence of the freedom of those with whom you disagree most strongly. On that score, most in the Left have failed, choosing a side above a principle.
For instance, the Left has badly wanted to characterise the Abbott Government’s proposed reforms to 18C as “Bolt’s law” - to make it seem just a favor for a mate and of no benefit to anyone.  The most spiteful and childish iteration of this was probably that of Bruce Haigh in the Guardian:
The [Government’s] highest profile disaster came from a favour to a supporter, Andrew Bolt. The amendment of section 18C of the racial discrimination act was sold as a positive gain for freedom of speech, which fooled no one.

Should the Carlton case go ahead, this false construct will no longer be tenable. That is the only reason I hope this dangerous and offensive law is used against Carlton - not because I want him silenced, but because I want this law exposed as a crime against free speech.
But all is not lost for the Left. Carlton is of the Left, too, and the institutions will therefore seek to give him a pass, as the Race Discrimination Commissioner has already done, declaring:
Commentators you would hope would be cantankerous or controversial… Obviously Fairfax decided to take some action against him. Look, I’m agnostic on this.
How can the Human Rights Commission fairly conciliate the complaints against Carlton when the Race Discrimination Commissioner has already cleared him?
More evidence that the HRC has hopelessly confused its twin roles of advocacy and judgment.
Former Howard Government Minister David Kemp says the Abbott Government has offended its base by dropping the fight for freedom:
A core tenet of the Liberal Party is that freedom of speech is an essential foundation of democracy. Tony Abbott himself has said that. That the defence of freedom of speech and the press (as 18C has led to the censorship of a journalist’s articles) should be abandoned to buy the support of special interests — however strategically positioned in marginal seats they may be — has shocked many Liberals…
Our liberal political culture — based around fundamental freedoms of speech, press, religion and association — exists because, historically, leaders have defended it…
To describe reforms to restore freedom of speech as a “needless complication” in the effort to appease certain interests is to seriously misunderstand, and to affront, many Liberals, and I suspect a good number in the communities concerned. To suggest that national unity requires a legal prohibition on offending certain select groups is unbelievable and demeaning to all…
Today a journalist’s articles are still banned, and the Liberal Party government accepts that. This is unacceptable to many Liberals.  











=== Posts from last year ===
Pastor Rick Warren
God didn't bring you this far just to abandon you.

Growth is nurtured by humility and strangled by pride. I can't learn from others until I admit what I don't know.

Pastor Rick Warren
The way you win a fight with God is by surrendering. He knows what's best for you. You don't.
Israel seems alone in acting with honor. - ed

Doctors at Ziv Hospital in the Galilee town of Safed (Tsfat) were shocked when the girl got up and walked around just one day after having her leg amputated as a result of massive shrapnel injuries.
The young girl had been hit by shrapnel all over her body. The Israelis worked hard to save her left leg, but were certain she would not be mobile for some time.
The doctors were taken aback when just 24 hours later, the girl stood up, and with the help of crutches began to move around the hospital with little trouble. Dr. Alexander Lerner, head of orthopedic department at Ziv Hospital, told Israeli media that his entire staff was filled with an amazing joy to see this girl smiling and walking around.
The hospital has treated dozens of Syrians hurt in indiscriminate attacks by both government and rebel forces.

Dinner time - ed


Happy anniversary -- 37 roses for 37 years! 



Congratulations to Andrew Rohan, Liberal for Smithfield on raising more than $22,000 for Cancer Research by walking 60km around the State Electorate for Smithfield. I don't think too many politicians would manage that, certainly not the other local Labor MP's.
The mistreatment of Palestinians at the hands of the Lebanese authorities always reminds one of those university professors and political commentators living in the U.S. who pretend to be "pro-Palestinian." They focus their attacks on Israel, and ignore the real suffering of the Palestinian people at the hands of Arab countries.

As Israeli authorities issued permits last week to hundreds of thousands of West Bank Palestinians to visit Israel, the Lebanese government decided to ban Palestinian refugees fleeing the war in Syria from entering Lebanon.

So while Palestinians are being slaughtered and forced out of their homes in Syria, the Lebanese government is preventing them from entering Lebanon.

The Israeli permits, which were issued on the occasion of the Muslim feast of Eid al-Fitr, enabled hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to visit shopping malls, restaurants and beaches in Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Haifa, Jerusalem and Acre.

But as the West Bank Palestinians were celebrating the feast in Israel, thousands of their brethren found themselves stranded along the border between Syria and Lebanon.


Greetings! I've created this page because I want to make a difference. I'm a great animal lover! Whether big or small, they are such amazing creatures. I have a dog and four cats at the moment, but I used to have fish and ducks too! I lost Lemon (my duck) a couple of years ago due to a broken leg. She was attacked by the neighbor's dog. I hope the money I raise will help to subsidize the me...

C. H. Spurgeon
God has so made man's heart that nothing can ever fill it but God himself.



Larry Pickering
DOPING IS HERE TO STAY... and there’s not a damned thing they can do about it!

The greatest problem government agencies or sports administrations have is that drugs are becoming available quicker than they can be identified, and they can’t ban something they don’t know about yet.

“Oh”, many say, “but if something is performance-enhancing it should automatically be made illegal.”

Well, if you have a headache, an Aspirin will enhance your performance, so will vitamins. If a bowler polishes one side of a cricket ball, performance is enhanced. Gloves will assist you to mark a ball. Spikes on shoes. Oil on wheels... it’s endless.

Many a time I’ve had cortisone legally injected into a sore joint at half-time and that was certainly performance enhancing.

The whole idea of competitive sport is to enhance your performance, so that cannot be the benchmark for illegality.

A "drug" is identified only as a "substance” and can be anything from fruits and nuts to household products and flowers... and everything in between.

Blood doping is nothing more than preserving (for later use) your own red cells with no foreign substance involved. There are many natural foods and vitamins that will ostensibly increase your red cell count.

Blood and urine tests are not calibrated to identify natural foods or supplements that our bodies have varying degrees of anyway, only a surfeit of that natural substance.

A test cannot be calibrated to detect an unknown Mexican “drug”.

Unless a synthetic agent is used to administer a substance it will not raise an alarm. And drug detection agencies have been trying to detect synthetic agents exclusively for decades simply because they can’t detect the “drug”, only the method of administration.

Using an aqueous solution takes care of that problem.

The legal nightmare begins with Essendon and will end nowhere.

A dozen new “drugs” are stumbled upon and developed daily.

ASADA is nothing more than a feminist-dominated Government Agency with no clue what to do except run around in circles calling Press conferences to claim everyone is possibly a cheat or a crook.

The latest crazy edict is that a certain “drug” becomes a banned substance only when administered intravenously yet a subcutaneous (under the skin) administration via injection renders it legal.

Crumbs, so the “drug” finds its way to the blood stream anyway but via a different method?

Competitors in all sports are light years ahead of any detection test, always have been.

All sporting bodies pay increasingly higher rewards for success and hand out career-ending penalties for failure. Loyalty is lost in mountains of money, and that’s the reason unknown, undetectable “drugs” are here to stay.

There is no answer because every drug in history that has been prohibited has found its way on to the black market.

Demonised, illegal recreational drugs damage humans in the same way as legal drugs do.

Prohibition of anything that people want simply attracts the criminal element and, without any form of quality control, ends in a far worse result.

Worse still, when a banned substance is driven underground it becomes impossible to protect those worst affected by it.

I cannot see a solution, can you?



Real Hollywood Heroes: John Wayne 1974

John Wayne talks to Michael Parkinson, 1974. The Duke talks about Hollywood's use of “Critical Theory” to depict Americans as cowards. Who Blacklisted who?


Cupcakes and REESE'S PIECES Candies? Sounds perfectly fun to us! Nice work keriannn!

Children being educated about sacrifice? - ed
Holly Sarah Nguyen
Today last year was very special, my youngest son was conceived and he is 3 months old today, what's more special is because it's the day his parents took a train ride up to the marriages place to get married. It's our 1 yr anniversary, i feel really amazed that I'm actually married to my teenage sweetheart crush PhiLip Smi-Le Nguyen the one i really really liked but cause of my pride i ran to hide and he was shy, we only found out 15 yrs later lol even though i lived my life the sinful way around before i knew God yet He still blesses me by leading me right on track. And after our engagement a year before that we've postponed 3 times just to hear the definite confirmation from God and today the answer is very clearly that we belong together. So I feel truly blessed and thank the Lord for blessing our marriage with His Power of Love and Strength that we've made it thru..And I Pray that Lord you continue to be in the center of our lives so that we will live according to your will and be with you in heaven ~ Amen!

This is why the Climate Institute needs to be defunded .. it is political and engaged in lying for the ALP, not research - ed

Sustainable Energy Breakthrough? A University of Colorado Boulder research team has moved closer to what some call the Holy Grail of a sustainable hydrogen economy, splitting water with sunlight.

Below, an artist's conception of a commercial hydrogen production plant that uses sunlight to split water in order to produce clean hydrogen fuel.

Lightning storm over Tucson Arizona tonight. I only got this shot. I got up to a fence line with lots of cactus and the storm stops suddenly. I am going to extend my stay here to try again tomorrow. Hoping against hope to get lucky.
Roma Downey
Give us your spirit today, oh Lord. Help us live out what You have placed on our hearts.We choose to represent You faithfully today.Amen.

In quite an eerie feat, physicists have floated microscopic diamonds in midair using laser beams.

Researchers have used lasers to levitate extremely small particles in the past, such as individual atoms, but this is the first time that anyone has ever levitated a nanodiamond.
I think Jessica Alba has done something similar to real diamonds, eh, Daniel Katz? ed

  • That's how they built the pyramids lol. I remember I read somewhere that a guy claimed to posses this type of technology back in the early 1900's using sound waves.
  • David Daniel Ball Sound waves can suspend things in air .. bigger things with more surface area .. like a feather  Pyramids are still a bit beyond us .. even with rap music.


Edu-Kingdom Bankstown

Lindt Chocolatier Cafe, Darling Harbour.

These Green extremists are currently holding the balance of power in the Senate. Find out how you can help stop them

Pastor Rick Warren
The more unselfish you are, the more attractive you become.
Roma Downey
It is not joy that makes us grateful. It is gratitude that makes us joyful. - David Rast ‪#‎gratitude‬

20 Pearls of Wisdom From The Book of Job

If you're enduring a season of hardship, be encouraged and use this time to build your faith. God is still on the throne and He's in control. Let these 20 pearls of wisdom from the book of Job remind us that God always has the last say in our lives...


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Is this the WORST wedding cake you've ever seen? It sure doesn't look like the picture! |
Maybe they meant 'tiered' ? - ed
.. a step .. and the subsequent decision to shoot them dead in future encounters is another step forward for peace.
Christians being slaughtered in Egypt
Holly Sarah Nguyen
The moment you start getting too intellectual about love, you start creating issues in your relationships... love was never meant to be for the wise... its for fools like me! 

Jones said Ahmed had recently traveled to California and Yemen, returning two or three weeks ago. Jones said at some point he'd been receiving treatment for mental issues.
August 15Victory over Japan DayFeast of the Assumption(Christianity); Independence Day in the Congo (1960) and India(1947); Liberation Day in North and South Korea (1945)
Construction of the Panama Canal




Holidays and observances[edit]

“To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Revelation 3:14,20 NIV
Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon


"Thou, Lord, hast made me glad through thy work."
Psalm 92:4
Do you believe that your sins are forgiven, and that Christ has made a full atonement for them? Then what a joyful Christian you ought to be! How you should live above the common trials and troubles of the world! Since sin is forgiven, can it matter what happens to you now? Luther said, "Smite, Lord, smite, for my sin is forgiven; if thou hast but forgiven me, smite as hard as thou wilt;" and in a similar spirit you may say, "Send sickness, poverty, losses, crosses, persecution, what thou wilt, thou hast forgiven me, and my soul is glad." Christian, if thou art thus saved, whilst thou art glad, be grateful and loving. Cling to that cross which took thy sin away; serve thou him who served thee. "I beseech you therefore, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Let not your zeal evaporate in some little ebullition of song. Show your love in expressive tokens. Love the brethren of him who loved you. If there be a Mephibosheth anywhere who is lame or halt, help him for Jonathan's sake. If there be a poor tried believer, weep with him, and bear his cross for the sake of him who wept for thee and carried thy sins. Since thou art thus forgiven freely for Christ's sake, go and tell to others the joyful news of pardoning mercy. Be not contented with this unspeakable blessing for thyself alone, but publish abroad the story of the cross. Holy gladness and holy boldness will make you a good preacher, and all the world will be a pulpit for you to preach in. Cheerful holiness is the most forcible of sermons, but the Lord must give it you. Seek it this morning before you go into the world. When it is the Lord's work in which we rejoice, we need not be afraid of being too glad.


"I know their sorrows."
Exodus 3:7
The child is cheered as he sings, "This my father knows;" and shall not we be comforted as we discern that our dear Friend and tender soul-husband knows all about us?
1. He is the Physician, and if he knows all, there is no need that the patient should know. Hush, thou silly, fluttering heart, prying, peeping, and suspecting! What thou knowest not now, thou shalt know hereafter, and meanwhile Jesus, the beloved Physician, knows thy soul in adversities. Why need the patient analyze all the medicine, or estimate all the symptoms? This is the Physician's work, not mine; it is my business to trust, and his to prescribe. If he shall write his prescription in uncouth characters which I cannot read, I will not be uneasy on that account, but rely upon his unfailing skill to make all plain in the result, however mysterious in the working.
2. He is the Master, and his knowledge is to serve us instead of our own; we are to obey, not to judge: "The servant knoweth not what his lord doeth." Shall the architect explain his plans to every hodman on the works? If he knows his own intent, is it not enough? The vessel on the wheel cannot guess to what pattern it shall be conformed, but if the potter understands his art, what matters the ignorance of the clay? My Lord must not be cross-questioned any more by one so ignorant as I am.
3. He is the Head. All understanding centres there. What judgment has the arm? What comprehension has the foot? All the power to know lies in the head. Why should the member have a brain of its own when the head fulfils for it every intellectual office? Here, then, must the believer rest his comfort in sickness, not that he himself can see the end, but that Jesus knows all. Sweet Lord, be thou forever eye, and soul, and head for us, and let us be content to know only what thou choosest to reveal.

Today's reading: Psalm 89-90, Romans 14 (NIV)

View today's reading on Bible Gateway

Today's Old Testament reading: Psalm 89-90

maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite.
1 I will sing of the LORD's great love forever;
with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known
through all generations.
2 I will declare that your love stands firm forever,
that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself.
3 You said, "I have made a covenant with my chosen one,
I have sworn to David my servant,
4 'I will establish your line forever
and make your throne firm through all generations.'"
5 The heavens praise your wonders, LORD,
your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones.
6 For who in the skies above can compare with the LORD?
Who is like the LORD among the heavenly beings?
7 In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared;
he is more awesome than all who surround him.
8 Who is like you, LORD God Almighty?
You, LORD, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you....

Today's New Testament reading: Romans 14

The Weak and the Strong
1 Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. 2 One person's faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. 3 The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them. 4 Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand....


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