Thursday, May 15, 2014

Human Rights Talk

Come listen to them talk about what they haven't censored completely.

Australian Human Rights Commission
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14 May 2014

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Come to a RightsTalk at the Commission in May

RightsTalks are a series of discussions on topical human rights issues, open to the public.

We hope you will join us at a session in May.

RightsTalk: Advancing Aboriginal social and economic rights through effective governance of governments

On Tuesday 20 May, The Hon Fred Chaney AO will present a RightsTalk focussed on advancing Aboriginal social and economic rights.

While some progress has been made in reducing Aboriginal disadvantage, applying the lessons learnt by governments over the past 40 years continues to be problematic.

At a time of unprecedented political focus on Aboriginal advancement, the biggest challenge remains 'the how' rather than 'the what'. There are promising developments which provide a real prospect that government might break through the delivery barrier.

This RightsTalk is at the Australian Human Rights Commission, from 2:30pm to 4pm. Level 3,
175 Pitt Street, Sydney.

Register here.

RightsTalk: African Women's Voices

On Thursday 29 May, Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick will host African Women's Voices with special guests Juliana Nkrumah, Founder Advisor of African Women Australia, Mabel Imali Isolio, Gender Consultant based in Nairobi, Kenya, and participating women from the 'Our Bodies, Our Voices, Our Lives Conference – FGM Program'.

This session will give voice to African women issues and rights on female genital mutilation and the importance of the role of women's leadership within the community.

This RightsTalk is at the Australian Human Rights Commission, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Level 3,
175 Pitt Street, Sydney.

Register here.

For more information and bookings, please call the Australian Human Rights Commission on (02) 9284 9779 or email

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