Monday, April 21, 2014

Religious claptrap from Bolt Report Supporters

Concerning Catholics in Australia whenever Catholics are involved or indeed sway political life there is trouble. That’s why Eng kicked Rome out of Eng because they are influenced by Papal influence in they way they run there lives. Whenever Catholics have too much power there is disconcert in the country. The Catholic lobby in Australia has too much power. In respect to Christians in politics or admission of same a good devout Christian friend of mine said that he could never be in politics as he can not outwardly lie.
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  • 8 people like this.
  • Daniel Mozuras The far right of Catholicism has enormous influence in particularly SA, of which most lets say questionable labor members belong.
    Their influence can also be seen in recent federal labor.
  • Chris Poole Have they never made a positive contribution to politics?
  • Daniel Mozuras In any religious organization the right tend to be the more political.
  • Paul Wakeford this story on tonight's 60 minutes looks like it will be a hit piece on the catholic church
  • Adam Coughlan Church and State should be separated by law.
  • Chris Poole Whose arguments on illegal immigrants? Who bangs on and on?
  • Lou Toperosa I'd be more worried about Muslims than catholics
  • Lou Toperosa And I am not religious
  • Chris Poole I'd be worried about people who make broad generalisations.
  • Jason Sunny Hetherington Adam Coughlan, church used to be state. The state operated within the church, now the church has to operate within the state. And they can never be separated because the government work for the people, people have beliefs and those beliefs determine who they vote for. Also, without religion, we would have no structure to decide what is good and bad. Through history we have been guided by our beliefs and that is what has determined our decisions. And no before you say it, we do not just get tought that as a child because some of us have screwed up childhoods and have no one to teach us, therefore the only place to get that guidance is through our beliefs. Remember, politics operates on our beliefs.
  • Jason Sunny Hetherington Also, I am deffinately not Catholic, but would much prefer have the country ran by the Catholic church, than the majority of leaders we have coming through the ranks. At least we would have identity, direction and purpose as a country and it wouldn't all be about the money.
  • Jason Sunny Hetherington and Graham Marshall, you need to wake up and smell the roses, have a look at what the leaders have been like over the last decade, surely you cant say that has been good! If we always do what we have always done, we will always get what we have always got. And I don't want the monkeys we've been getting anymore, maybe Catholics should have more say, at least we would get a different result..
  • Adam Coughlan Jason Sunny Hetherington to say without religion we would not have beliefs is not my view of the world, sorry. Your historical context is no doubt correct but we have learned much over time. In most Western civilisations we have separated church and state.
  • David Daniel Ball Does anyone know of a Catholic Australian PM who wasn't very good? I'd like examples to pin down the broad claims. As far as I can tell, the only Australian Catholic PM is outstanding, trustworthy and beneficial.
  • Chris Poole Correlation is not causation David.
  • David Daniel Ball exactly, Chris, but examples are good for showing that the bullshit won't be nailed because it isn't consistent
  • Jason Sunny Hetherington Adam, I kind of agree with you but in a round about way, it is controlled by religious beliefs because the majority of Australian have religious beliefs and that is what directs their judgement of who to vote for. So while it's not directly linked, it is in another way. Religion drives this country even if we don't see it. That's how I see it anyway.
  • Chris Poole Don't follow, Ross.
  • Chris Poole Is there more?
  • John Harmati graham thats incorrect. england separated from rome, because henry the 8th wanted to get divorced, but rome would not let him. the background of the story is the fact, that henry wanted to have a male who vould inherit his throne. thus henry had 6 wifes, none of which bore him a male child. 
  • Alan Lane All religions are hypocritical...they worship in mansions while many of their followers starve !!!!!
  • Guy LaChina Jeepers Creepers Graham, it's a good thing that you didn't do any fact based research otherwise you may not have been able to elicit some mild reaction to your post.
    Your post is typical of the reactionary Left.
  • Owain Shebbeare Lefties also have a very inaccurate view of the Separation of church and state. It was implemented to ,stop the State from insisting on any specific faith or denomination and to prevent the creation of laws that allowed the State to act against any faith without legal cause. It was not really designed to protect the instruments and institutions of State from churches, which is why Islam so easily has an influence over elements of the State
    23 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
  • Jo Beilby You might wanna check on your historical facts re Henry VIII leaving Catholic Church - marriage status
    23 hours ago · Like · 4
  • Robert Lloyd-Jones The biggest difference between Catholics and others is in their education. Catholics try to attend their own schools where they are taught respect and pride as well as an education. They are proud of their school/ Go to a catholic school on an open day and see students sitting quietly and showing respect to their teacher. This carries on to their later life.
    23 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Steffen Pedersen So Jason, are you saying that without religion you wouldn't know the difference between good and bad? People with your belief scare the hell out of me. On your statement, if you stopped believing in a god or gods you could well go on a rampage! I think that makes you more dangerous than any atheist or Muslim.
    23 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Peter Fitzgerald KING Henry kicked out the catholic church, because of lust for a younger woman and he wanted to commit marry to give him a heir because the woman he was married to could not, and this is why he because the head of the church of england
    23 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Steffen Pedersen And this is where people want us to get our morals from? Hahahahahahaha!
  • Matthew Allen I've seen some misinformed posts, but Grahams surely takes the prize.
    22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3
  • Adam Coughlan I'm pretty sure Iran is an example of Church and State ruling's not going that well for women, freedom or basic rights. Now let's make sure we get Fred Nile out of the upper house in NSW.
    22 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Steffen Pedersen Mankind has actually spent the last 1000 years or so reversing the moral rules as put down by the bible. That is why we no longer have justice based on an eye for an eye and actually aim towards justice. That is why we no longer have slaves. That is why women now have rights etc.
  • David Daniel Ball fascinating view Steffen.
  • Steffen Pedersen Some of the moral lessons of the Bible would have you serve 20 years to life today David.
  • David Daniel Ball Meh, if you ignored it, you'd serve no time ..
  • Steffen Pedersen Once upon a time but Daniel you could have lost your life ignoring them. That's my point. Today, we have the right to believe what we want. 2000 years to 400 years ago it depended on where you lived what you had to believe. As we well know, it still matters today in some parts if the world. The Christian religion has however come along way over recent history.
  • David Daniel Ball You have to have a lot of faith in left wing ideology for that to be true. The age of reason was instigated by religious institutions .. critical thinking is related to Christian thought .. schisms within the Christian church drove change .. or .. you can believe it is all bad and mindlessly adhere to the view that man is basically noble struggling to overcome religion .. but then you have the problem that none of the historical examples you choose support that claim.
    21 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Chris Scott John, Henry VIII had a son with Jane Seymour who was King for a short while.
  • Steffen Pedersen It is the separation of church and state that allowed this David. The fastest growing belief system or in this case, lack of belief) in the world next to Islam is actually atheism.
  • David Daniel Ball .. examples Steffan .. the separation of church and state is a Christian Biblical ideal instituted by Christ "Render onto Ceaser what is Ceasers'" Its implementation is related to the growth of the church. The church was failing until Francis stopped the slide .. and gradually the church was weaned off politics during the reformation. In fact, it was seen as an obstacle subject to abuse.
  • David Daniel Ball The idea that religion and church mix is more closely related to spiritualism which is part of left wing thought and related to modern Atheism .. so we see reference to not what is moral, but what is natural .. Natural history later becomes science .. but science in the day was really backward compared to AGW theory of today ..
  • Steffen Pedersen It doesn't matter who started it Daniel. Is a mute point. It just matters that it was started. The Christian religion has been on a steady decline for years. It comes and goes in waves but people arn't falling for it anymore. With the rise of the technological world if believe it will decline faster. It's strongest roots today are in less educated countries.
  • David Daniel Ball less educated like China? Or are you thinking of Africa? South America?
    21 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Steffen Pedersen Now that is a very good question David. Nicely played, lol. I would answer yes for Africa and South America. I would say that China is a different kettle of fish.
    21 hours ago · Unlike · 1
  • Alan Lane As John Lennon wrote.......Imagine no religion.....
  • Owain Shebbeare Alan, I would note rate the value of anything John Lennon wrote in that song. He was a consummate hypocrite and, even if one is a die hard fan, celebrities opinions on such matters are hardly of any note.
    20 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Matthew Allen No need to imagine it Alan. Go live with Sarah Hansen something or other.
  • Steffen Pedersen John Lennon was probably not an atheist. I think the meaning of that song has been taken too literally by those that listen to it. I would however love to imagine a world without religion.
    20 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Fred Poppa Magpie Deeks Religion and politics should never come together, they cannot cohabitate for the good of all people.
    18 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Chris Poole "moot" point.
  • Steffen Pedersen Lol. I think I get corrected on that every time Chris! Lol. One day I'll get it right hahaha.
  • Malcolm Hutton Yet he accepts and believes what I know to be a lie and so do those at the head of the Catholic Church. The evidence showing that the gospels were plagiarised from Ancient Egyptian beliefs is massive and overwhelming. The first two chapters of Luke are even portrayed and described in two Temples dating back 3,500 years, at Luxor and at Denderah. Not only that but a young priest put to work in the Secret Archives in the 1920's blew the whistle, only to be persecuted and pursued by the Church. The Holy Trinity is clearly displayed on one wall of King David V of Egypt, otherwise known as Ymn Twt Ankh Hek Iunu Shma, Throne name Re HEPREW Neb.
    10 hrs · Like · 2
  • Paddy Lenaghan all take a big deep breath...and leave the glu alone
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Charles Gerard Nelson I say ban ALL Judaeo Roman Death Cults…not just catholicism!
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Lenti Lenko Adam Coughlan wrote: Church and State should be separated by law....,,. Australia is indeed a secular state where church/mosque/synagogue/temple etc are separate and may it remain that way! And yes, I am religious!!!!
    8 hrs · Unlike · 4
  • Adam Coughlan Then why do we have political parties so closely aligned with religious groups?
    5 hrs · Like
  • Jo Beilby We don't Adam. We have ppl who are of a particular religious persuasion who also have a political affiliation. Remember your Venn Diagrams?
    5 hrs · Like
  • Anthony Volpi I thought the olnly reason England kicked the Cathollics out was that Henry VIII did not like the woman he was porking at the time.
    5 hrs · Like · 1
  • Jo Beilby Correct Anthony. Henry wanted an annulment for his own tired and selfish means and it was refused. So he separated England from Pope and made head of state also head of Church of England. Very self serving.
    5 hrs · Like · 1
  • Steffen Pedersen Sounds like a very religious thing to do. Lol.
    5 hrs · Like
  • Jo Beilby Go hire the video or read "A Man For All Seasons" written by Robert Bolt. Excellent dramatisation of the events.
    5 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • Alan Lane Well, look at the history of the world if there had been no religion....
    4 hrs · Like
  • Steffen Pedersen Impossible Alan. There has always been a belief system in one form or another.
    4 hrs · Like
  • Alan Lane Yes, but what if there had never been a "belief system" in the first place. It is only possible that one religion can be that means that billions of people are praying for nothing and wasting their time.....
    4 hrs · Like
  • David Daniel Ball < that means that billions of people are praying for nothing and wasting their time....> A similar argument could be made for people thinking ..
    4 hrs · Like · 2
  • Steffen Pedersen I disagree Alan. Although I am an atheist, I think there is room for all religions. It makes people feel better. It gives people solace. Nothing wrong with that. It only becomes a problem when those beliefs are pushed on others.
    4 hrs · Like
  • David Daniel Ball  The same could be said about Atheists 
    4 hrs · Like · 3
  • Steffen Pedersen I don't push my views David. I question religious ones.
    4 hrs · Unlike · 2
  • David Daniel Ball Me too ..
    4 hrs · Like · 2
  • Steffen Pedersen In saying that David, as always, I will fight for people to have their beliefs.
    4 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • Alan Lane Yes, but you cannot deny the fact that billions of people are praying to a false "God" or whoever they pray to, and though it may bring solace, they are wasting their time. Religious leaders live in luxury while millions of the followers live in destitution. Just look at the number of religious buildings in Australia, let alone the rest of the world. They stand empty most of the time and surely are not needed. Why don't they sell half of them and assist the destitute? Isn't that what their "God" would want? Hypocrites !!
    4 hrs · Edited · Like
  • Steffen Pedersen I disagree Alan. That would imply that only one of them is right. They could ALL be right.
    4 hrs · Like
  • David Daniel Ball Alan, you cannot deny that many people who hold opinions are dolts with no idea as to what it is they discuss and an unwillingness to know what is being argued
    4 hrs · Like
  • Alan Lane could they all be right??? Impossible
    4 hrs · Like
  • Steffen Pedersen Because it is a state of mind. A belief. I believe they are all wrong but that doesn't make me right either.
    4 hrs · Like
  • Alan Lane Christians say "Jesus" was born...Jews say he wasn't...well he either was or he wasn' one side is wasting its time!!!!!!
    4 hrs · Like
  • Steffen Pedersen I disagree. In the end, it is what serves them in their minds to prepare for death. I doesn't have to be real.
    4 hrs · Like
  • Alan Lane It is all fantasy and fairy tales from an age of ignorance...and brainwashed into people through the ages. They live in palaces while their followers starve....they are ALL hypocrites who are only in it for the money...
    4 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Steffen Pedersen I agree with you Alan. 5 to 6 billion people don't.
    4 hrs · Like
  • Alan Lane Well billions of people have been brainwashed........
    4 hrs · Like · 1
  • Steffen Pedersen I agree with you.
    4 hrs · Like · 1
  • Emma Armstrong Actually Jews believe in Jesus as a prophet and not the son of God. While Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God. Aside from that, both faiths are somewhat similar.
    I had someone question my beliefs the other day. This was brought up in conversation and I was asked if I believed in God. I answered yes to which the other person responded;
    "Well I believe in science and logic and of course Karma."
    To which I replied;
    "Well I believe in science, logic and Karma too...but science over the centuries have been disproved...(look at warmists theories touting it as fact) while the idea of an "invisible man in the sky" has never been proven as scientific fact; Jesus has been proven to have while scientists cannot prove the existence of God, they cant disprove it either.
    As far as no religion...well if you look at the work the St.Kilda City Mission does (a religious group) and decided that it would be a good idea to tax them or close them down, well that would mean more than 400 people each night would go hungry.
    If you disbanded The Salvation Army for the same reasoning (better of without religion) then you'd be closing down the thousands of emergency care and housing given to people in high risk situations....
    And lastly...Karma....logically speaking, Karma is considered a form of 'punishment or reward' dependant upon what you as an invidual have done or not done to others...but the Karma meted out is supposedly from the Universe itself...and so around we go...

    Interesting conversation, thanks for allowing my two cents worth 
    3 hrs · Like
  • Emma Armstrong Alan Lane: how much brainwashing occured under Stalin, Lennin, Mao and Kim Il Jong?
    None of whom have any religious beliefs other than in themselves.
    3 hrs · Like
  • Jo Beilby Actually Jewish people believe Jesus existed too. They just don't believe he was the son of g-d. 

    Christians and Jewish people believe in the same g-d.
    2 hrs · Edited · Like
  • Alan Lane Oh Emma.......they have really done a good job on you !!!!!
    2 hrs · Like · 1
  • Emma Armstrong No Jo Jews believe he was a prophet not the son of God as Christians do.
    And I appreciate your concern for my brain, Alan Lane, but I can think for myself.. .and ...I don't even go to a church! *gasp*

    Hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend. Stay safe 
    2 hrs · Like · 2
  • Flora van Gulik Bloody anglicans!!
    1 hr · Like
  • Terry Wood Just as legitimate and disprovable as any other religion. My you be touched by his noodly appendage.
    1 hr · Like · 1
  • Alan Lane Hey Emma.....hang in there, you'll be ok.........
    1 hr · Like
  • Malcolm Hutton The original name was IOSA in Ancient Egypt and it goes back at least 5000 years. It is still spelled Iosa in Scots Gaelic. In Arabic it is Issa. The invading Greeks under Alexander Hellenized many names and Iosa became Iesous which eventually turned in Jesus in Europe. The stories of Iosa who was believed to be the Ever Coming Son of God (IW or IO means Come or Coming and S followed by a glottal stop means 'Son') are very much the same except that the miracles were all heavenly events which never took place on Earth. The living King of Egypt was the Son, i.e. Jesus, and when he died his Spirit, the Son, became Uasar, God the Father. The Father then became the Son again in the person of the next King of Egypt. This is how Jesus was really resurrected.
    29 mins · Like · 1
  • Malcolm Hutton The Word 'Khrst' is Egyptian as well and it means 'BURIED'. You will find it on coffins containing mummies. The coffin here contained someone named Nakht-Ank - just google the name to find more images on the net and who he was and when he lived. The green box encloses the hieroglyphs for KHRST.
    14 mins · Like · 1
  • Malcolm Hutton Just check the glyphs against the vocabulary here.
    13 mins · Like · 2
  • Malcolm Hutton The 'hill slope' glyph is like 'ch' in Scottish 'loch' and is shown in latin character as a k with a dot beneath.
    12 mins · Like · 1
  • Jo Beilby Sorry Emma, meant to write don't believe he was...
    10 mins · Unlike · 2
  • David Daniel Ball Knew what you meant, Jo 
    7 mins · Like · 2
  • Malcolm Hutton Christianity developed from the old Egyptian beliefs by courtesy of the Greek Egyptians. At one time they believed that Jesus was the Calf of God and was born in the Manger of the Constellation Taurus. When Aries moved into prominence, it was the Heb...See More
    7 mins · Like · 1
  • Malcolm Hutton There is also a bulls head in a Belgian cathedral on one wall.
    6 mins · Like · 1
  • Malcolm Hutton The Moon God was known as IAH, YAH or LAH and is mentioned in the Bible as The Queen of Heaven. The plural letter in Egyptian (like our letter S), so Yah became Yah Weh or Jehovah but the Children of the East - Arabs - insisted that it was a singular god hence AL -LAH. They still place a Crescent Moon and Full Moon on top of their mosques.
    3 mins · Like · 1
  • Alan Lane It's all bollocks, Malcolm !!!!!!!
    2 mins · Like
  • Emma Armstrong Don't be sorry, Jo - actually this is pretty cool. First time I've actually seen a forum where everyone is able to share their opinions without being shouted down 
    2 mins · Like · 1
  • David Daniel Ball If you stop posting on this, I will leave this thread. Otherwise, I will delete it as irrelevant ..
    1 min · Like
  • Emma Armstrong Alan Lane, I love your dedication 
    1 min · Like
  • Alan Lane Thanks, Emma !!!! My enthusiasm knows no boundaries !!!!

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