Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday morning catch up on FB

 Israel Defense Forces
This evening, a sniper shot at civilians driving along the northern border. We confirmed that the sniper is a member of the Lebanese Armed Forces, and we have launched an investigation into the shooting. This was an outrageous violation of Israel's sovereignty, and we have protested the incident with UNIFIL. We will not tolerate any aggression against Israel and will do everything necessary to protect our civilians.

You don't need to touch his hem. His arms are open to your embrace

Michelle Malkin
Juan Williams calls himself a libertarian; Hilarity ensues ==>
My church

Andy Trieu
Ninja's in training #babysitting @er1cal1m #lol

Ever suspected rising damp was an issue when searching for a new home ?  at Fallingwater, Pennsylvania.
4 her


I wanna Rock.

Autumn along the Merced River.
Holly Sarah Nguyen
Sometimes we feel unappreciated. It can be true. Perhaps someone has forgotten to offer encouraging words and we need them. We must be careful not to be so thirsty for appreciation. If we are, we will find ourselves unsatisfied and even angry. Be the difference maker in life and in your life. You are the difference every time you choose love over hate. You are the difference every time you choose honesty over lies. You are the difference every time you seek to make something better over what could be made worse. You are the difference when you don't stop to the level of another after you feel someone has leveled you. You are the difference when bitterness and resentment does not get your future, no matter what happened in your past. You are the difference. The common ingredient in change and difference making is YOU.


June 26th, I was born again, age 43. I had turned to God age 18, but my spirit was hard to teach, having been raised as an atheist. I had become a teacher and being very fat and alone, thought I could devote myself to that life. But I knew of a child who had died from school neglect, and I was alone in standing up for his parents. I was lost without work. I was losing my home because I had no income. I worried a lot. And then the day I was baptised, God took my cares away. Three years have passed. I still have my home. I still have no job. But I have built a business based on writing, singing, making movies and sharing praise. I still have negligible income. But I thank God for accepting me and loving me for who I am. And I am glad I accepted him in my life. And I am thankful to be able to serve him and sing his praises.




Craig Kelly
IT’S SNOWING – IN CAIRO - for the first time in 112 years

SillyPhilly Train
When people hate you for doing the right thing.... Fight me!!

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