Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Wed May 8th Todays News

Happy birthday and many happy returns Allan Maurice TaylorEmily Nguyen,Ana Rodas and Carol Lee. Born on the same day, across the years. Remember, birthdays are good for you. The longer you live, the more you have.


Tim Blair – Wednesday, May 08, 2013 (1:23pm)

Unpleasant scenes in Queensland: 
A student in Logan, Queensland, threw a sandwich and others yelled abuse at the Prime Minister as she arrived for a morning tea at Marsden High this morning.
Some students lining the footpath to the school hall yelled “loser” at Julia Gillard as teachers tried to gain control of the situation.
As well as yelling abuse, students rushed Ms Gillard and a sandwich was thrown at her as she made her way through the school grounds.
The PM’s security struggled to keep up with the PM as students “went crazy” according to one bystander …
An onlooker said some teachers tried to calm students while others looked disgusted at students who were yelling abuse.
“It was complete chaos,” she said. 
This sort of thing never happened to Kevin Rudd.
UPDATE. Many of the students were extremely polite.
UPDATE II. Mia Freedman on the bogus outrage thrown at Tony Abbott.
UPDATE III. Fairfax’s Amy Remeikis reports: 
Students appeared out of no where to cheer and clap and try and sneak a selfie with the Prime Minister in frame. If they managed to get even half of Ms Gillard’s head in shot, they celebrated.
There were some boos. I didn’t here any calls of “loser”, but these are kids we are talking about. It’s possible …
There was one student holding a handwritten “Kevin Rudd 2013” sign. There were a few more who spoke about Mr Rudd … Somewhere in there, half a Vegemite sandwich was thrown, allegedly by a student. 



Tim Blair – Wednesday, May 08, 2013 (12:35pm)

When braking distances were long, skirts were short, tyres were narrow and lapels were wide:

Click for further retro driving wisdom, possibly including advice on dealing with zombie kangaroos.
(Via JMH)



Tim Blair – Wednesday, May 08, 2013 (12:12pm)

Hooray for Cuba!



Tim Blair – Wednesday, May 08, 2013 (11:28am)

“Don’t know who the bloke is,” emails Daily Telegraph artist John Tiedemann, “but I like the expression on his face.”




Tim Blair – Wednesday, May 08, 2013 (11:08am)

Nothing that they try to do ever turns out right
The federal government will revise down its carbon prices expectations in the budget due next week.
Climate Change Minister Greg Combet has confirmed the forecasts were being adjusted because of changes in international carbon markets.
“This budget will revise the carbon price forecast downward,” he told reporters in Sydney on Wednesday. 
“Revised downward” applies to almost all expectations about this government. Meanwhile, presumably unaware that Australia’s planned link to the EU’s carbon market is helping to sink Labor, the New York Times decides that the doomed system is worth saving.


Palmer makes corporate bid for Parliament

Andrew Bolt May 08 2013 (5:02pm)

This brings to five the number of Clive Palmer employees and associates standing for his new political party - or corporate takeover bid:
Blair Brewster, who is CEO of Gladstone Pacific Nickel, a company of which Mr Palmer is non-executive director, has been announced for Forde, while Angie Ison, who manages Mr Palmer’s Coast golf courses, is the candidate for Wright.
This is a joke.
To remind you, Palmer is a campaigner against vested interests in politics. 


Mind your manners, students and staffers both

Andrew Bolt May 08 2013 (2:43pm)

There is no call for this kind of abuse:

A STUDENT in Logan, Queensland, threw a sandwich and others yelled abuse at the Prime Minister as she arrived for a morning tea at Marsden High this morning.
Some students lining the footpath to the school hall yelled “loser” at Julia Gillard as teachers tried to gain control of the situation.
Students should not have to be told that this kind of rabble-rousing is intolerable, no matter who does it.
Will Q&A raffle off the sandwich as it did these shoes? 


No, Prime Minister: you did get more money

Andrew Bolt May 08 2013 (2:34pm)

Prime Minister Julia Gillard explains to gullible children that her financial woes are caused almost entirely by a fall in income:

I think people kind of intuitively know that it’s been a pretty tough period for business and if it has been a tough period for business, that means they are making less money. If they are making less money they are paying less tax and that is less tax than we predicted. So overwhelmingly it’s less money coming in that has changed the Government’s budget.
Professor Sinclair Davidson says however you slice the numbers, and even allowing for inflation, what Gillard suggested is false:



Combet’s mendacious carbon scheme collapses: tax cut pulled

Andrew Bolt May 08 2013 (11:22am)

It is all falling apart now:

FEDERAL Labor has announced its second broken promise in as many days, shelving carbon tax-linked tax cuts due from 2015.
Climate Change Minister Greg Combet today said carbon tax compensation, worth $1.59 a week to families on $80,000, would no longer go ahead due to a downward revision in carbon price forecasts in next week’s budget.
It’s another blow to low income earners, who were yesterday told they would be denied a promised $300-plus boost to family payments.
The carbon tax now must seem to even its supporters the greatest of follies. Introduced last year at $23 a tonne, it will in two years fall to between $4 and $15 - too low to force any real change to our emissions. It will have cost jobs, lifted prices and blown mega-millions in bureaucracy and government advertising. And all for nothing.
Anyone been sacked yet?
Greg Combet last August:

GREG COMBET: There’s every reason to believe carbon markets will recover, and we’ll stand by the Treasury modelling.
We’ll not be cutting any household assistance. We are committed to it, and you might recall that there further tax cuts that have been legislated from 2015 as well.
Let me strike out the falsehoods and bum predictions:

GREG COMBET: There’s every reason to believe carbon markets will recover, and we’ll stand by the Treasury modelling.
We’ll not be cutting any household assistance. We are committed to it, and you might recall that there further tax cuts that have been legislated from 2015 as well.
Which leaves as the only true bits of that statement:

GREG COMBET: There’s ... and ...  We ... and you might recall ... as well.


What did Labor promise that it actually delivered?

Andrew Bolt May 08 2013 (8:00am)

Another week, another broken promise, another stuff-up:

Labor’s carbon package is in tatters, with $1.4 billion of tax cuts scheduled for 2015 to be dumped in next Tuesday’s budget, and cuts to clean-energy initiatives, because a slump in the European carbon price has forced Treasury to halve the revenue expected from the sale of carbon permits.
Add this to the broken promises of just the past fortnight:

- there will be a surplus this financial year
- there will be a rise in the family tax benefit.
- there will be no increase in the Medicare levy
(Thanks to reader Peter.) 


Alberici wants the media given credit for defending what it sold out

Andrew Bolt May 08 2013 (7:38am)

Emma Alberici spends most of her interview with shadow attorney general George Brandis trying to knock down his undeniable proposition that the Gillard Government has mounted the most outrageous attacks on free speech by a peace-time government, with too few journalists seeming even to care.
Then, apparently blind to the irony, she protests that all journalists (like her) really do care, after all. Brandis, so assured throughout the interview, rises to his imperious best:
EMMA ALBERICI: And let’s finally discuss one more thing I’ll point out from your speech, you say defending freedom of speech today has been left down to conservative commentators Andrew Bolt and Janet Albrechtsen. I put to you that all of us in the media are across the spectrum defenders of freedom of speech.
GEORGE BRANDIS: I wish you were. I wish you were.
Some examples to contradict Alberici, who last night contradicted herself:

Take down their names, the journalists who failed to defend a free press from a government which sought to control it…

Leigh Sales Paul Bongiorno
Mick Seccombe
Martin Hirst
Michael Mullins
Richard Ackland
Wendy Bacon
Bernard Keane
Margo Kingston
Matthew Ricketson
And this, perhaps, will be the defining moment of this betrayal of the free press and free speech:

ABC1 Insiders yesterday: 
BARRIE Cassidy: Well the media story certainly did break through. . . . Is there a bit of hysteria in all this?
Malcolm Farr: I’m still left with the question why they did it?
Cassidy: (passionately) Well, how about this for an answer. Because they believe in it . . .

Karen Middleton:
And also the question being asked is why is it being done now?
Cassidy: (more passion) But that’s the process . . . The debate is never about the issue, it’s about the process.
Piers Akerman: Let’s go to the issue, Barry. Now you and I are old enough . . to remember that in 1989 the Berlin Wall came down . . .
Farr: (chuckling)
Cassidy: . . . Where are you going with this?
Middleton: Sounds like the Stalin link again.
Akerman: One of the things . . . that the Soviet Union and . . . every despotic government has done is attack the freedom of the press
Middleton: Piers Akerman, the human headline. Here we go (snickering).
Cassidy: (Laughs)
Akerman: I can’t believe I’m sitting here on a program with three journalists and you think that freedom of the press is a laughing matter . . .
Middleton: Give us a chance, Piers . . .
Piers: A chance? Well, go on, laugh now and I’ll finish . . .
Barry: (smirks) Can we go back to Malcolm. Do you think there has been some hysterical reaction to this? (giggles)
Cassidy: (serious) In what way is this such a monumental attack on freedom of speech?
Akerman: . . . Because once, as you said when you were talking to the laughing minister over there, you have a government appointed authority, who has oversight . . . then that regulator becomes answerable to the government . . .
Cassidy: Did the proprietors have this coming? Because of their attitude . . . ?
(Thanks to readers Peter, Turtle and watty.) 


It is an unfair comparison. Toddlers grow and become mature. Automated customer service is perverse.



I love god and praise him by respecting the validity and truth of science. Not Global warming rubbish, but real science which shows the Earths age as billions of years, Dinosaurs existing millions of years ago and which has never disproved God. *shakes head at propaganda of those who deny science and so apparently, despise God* - ed===


Celebrate Jerusalem day with us and share the truth with your friends

Today is the anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem from its Jordanian occupiers.

In the 1948 war of Israeli independence, Jerusalem was occupied by Jordan, and its Jewish holy places were desecrated.

The Holy Western Wall became a garbage dump, and for 19 long years, no one was allowed to pray there.

In 1967, in the 6 day war, Israel preempted an attack by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, and with the grace of G-d, Jerusalem and the Western Wall was liberated- We pray on this day that it will never be taken from us and desecrated again!



4 her




Tomorrow’s hearings on Benghazi will define the Obama presidency if the truth is finally allowed to be told. I encourage everyone to tune in and hear the revelations that are long overdue. We’ll also see whether the president’s reliable lapdog cheerleaders in the media will continue to cover up for him and in so doing disgrace their profession. The following link is to something I posted way back on October 25th of last year asking questions that we should have had answers to long ago.

- Sarah Palin
There are many questions about the Benghazi attack that Americans deserve answers to. It’s been too long an “investigation” and too tragic for the families of lost loved ones for the White House and its friends in the media to ignore these questions:

- When and why did the YouTube trailer of the anti-Muhammad movie surface as any kind of credible reason for the attack?

- Where is the proof that that video was linked to Benghazi? It’s a weak excuse to claim some supposed rumored link between Benghazi and the attacks on our embassy in Cairo. Benghazi was very different. “Spontaneous” protestors don’t come armed with rocket-propelled grenades.

- What was the President’s response to the previous Benghazi embassy attacks in April and June? Why did officials ignore the requests for beefed up security to protect Americans after these attacks?

- Why did the Obama Administration assume a YouTube video was the reason for the Benghazi attack but not all the evidence to the contrary from the postings and emails that circulated that night in real time as the attack took place and Americans were being killed? And why weren’t those emails disclosed until this week?

- Why did the Obama administration spend our tax dollars to make and air television ads that ran in the Middle East apologizing for the YouTube video when they had so much credible evidence that it was nothing but a red herring?

- How much did President Obama know about this? In an interview he gave to CBS News on September 12, President Obama alluded to the fact that the Benghazi attack was not—as his U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and other officials were characterizing it—a “spontaneous” protest triggered by the Cairo embassy attack and the video. He told CBS News in that interview, “my suspicion is that there are folks involved in [the Benghazi attack] who were looking to target Americans from the start.” If he suspected this then why did he allow his administration to continue blaming the attack on the YouTube video? And why didn’t CBS News call him out on this when his comments in their interview with him, which they didn’t air until a month later, belie the administration’s YouTube narrative?

Someone in the media must demand answers. Until the media does its job to give us the Who What Where When and Why of this cover-up, there will be even less trust for this “cornerstone of our democracy” – if less trust and respect for the media is even possible today. We sincerely want to be able to trust the media. We need to be able to trust them. Their job is so important, and we appreciate all the good journalists in America. Our troops fight to protect all our freedoms including the freedom of the press.

- Sarah Palin






I am pleased to stand here today and speak in support of an important motion that wasunanimously passed by this House, which recognises the Assyrian, Armenian andGreek Genocide by the Ottoman Empire between 1918 and 1923.

I thank the Premierof New South Wales, the Hon Barry O’Farrell MP for moving this motion. I thankhim on behalf of my constituents;

I thank himon behalf of every victim of the Assyrian, Armenian and Greek Genocide andtheir decedents; and

I thank himon behalf of every activist for Genocide recognition around the world that hasdemanded history record the truth and that justice be done.

In myinaugural address to this house, I recalled that:

My journeyinto this place started in the summer of 1918 when my father was just a teenagerand my mother a young child.

They andtheir families were among 90,000 Assyrian Christian refugees fleeing theirancestral homeland to escape persecution.

My parentsand the other refugees were fleeing from the Ottoman Empire to escape whatwould later be known as the "Armenian, Assyrian and Pontic GreekGenocide".

By the graceof God my parents survived, for the reason they were protected, and protected bynone other than an Australian soldier.

LieutenantGeneral Sir Stanley George Savige, KBE, CB, DSO, MC, ED, at that time a28-year-old captain, was selected to join "Dunsterforce", an elitetask force assigned to resupplying the Assyrians fighting in Persia.
Unable tocomplete the task due to the fall of Urmia, he persuaded his British commanderthat he should stay back with the remaining refugees.

For sixweeks, Captain Savige used all the means at his disposal to protect therefugees against the perpetual onslaught of the Ottoman forces. Reasoning thatthe Turkish commander would concentrate on killing him before harming therefugees, he strategically placed his command at the rear of the refugeeprocession and deliberately drew enemy fire.

By offeringhis command as a target, even though he was outnumbered one hundred to one,Captain Savige managed to slow the enemy advance long enough for most of therefugees to flee.

This act ofcourage and self-sacrifice was far beyond what was expected of a junior officerin the field.

CaptainSavige was subsequently decorated with the Distinguished Service Order for hisefforts.

Australianjournalist, historian and official war correspondent, Charles Bean, wrote:

The standmade by Savige and his eight companions that evening and during half of thenext day against hundreds of the enemy thirsting like wolves to get at thedefenceless throng was as fine as any episode known to the present writer inthe history of this war.

My parentssurvived the Genocide because of the heroic actions of Sir Stanley GeorgeSavige and as the Member for Smithfield; I pay tribute to him again today inthis House.

During theFirst World War more than 750,000 Assyrians together with 1.5 million Armeniansand 500,000 Greeks were murdered by the Ottoman Empire forces in an attempt tocleanse the land of all the Christian minorities from Turkey. This was thefirst genocide of the twentieth century.

Mr GulserenCelik, the Consul General of the Republic of Turkey, recently wrote to allMembers of Parliament to condemn a motion recognising the Assyrian, Armenianand Greek Genocide in the NSW Legislative Council by the Hon. Rev Fred NileMLC.

Mr Celikdoesn’t have to take my word for this account of the Genocide. It comes fromthe official records of the Australian War Memorial.

I askMembers of this House, why was Stanley George Savige, an Australian soldiergiven a Distinguished Service Order for protecting refugees from the Ottomanforces?

Why did therefugees need any protection from the Ottoman forces?

Why were theOttoman forces targeting un-armed, defenseless refugees in the first place?

MadamSpeaker, I needed no better reason than this to support the motion, whichrecognised the Assyrian, Armenian and Pontic Greek Genocide. - Andrew Rohan

The motion to recognise the Assyrian, Armenian and Greek Genocide just passed the house unanimously. The Premier Barry O'Farrell just thankedAndrew Rohan, Liberal for Smithfield for his efforts to have the Genocide recognised. This is a historic day for the Assyrian, Armenian and Greek communities in Australia and world-wide. Thank you Premier Barry O'Farrell. - Zaya Toma

Drum roll please.......We are very excited to announce the arrival of our new slice, Hello Rosie! Packed full of nuts, sticky fruit & chocolate. Available at all Nosh Food Market stores & Farro Fresh stores from tomorrow! Welcome to the Loaf family Rosie!





A newly discovered dome-headed, dog-size dinosaur suggests that small dinos were more diverse than paleontologists have realized.

Here, a reconstruction of the dome-headed dinosaur Acrotholus audeti, which means "high dome," by Julius Csotonyi.


Some of the Art on our salon walls. — at Colin Moxey Hairdressing.


TONY, SHELVE PARENTAL LEAVE NOW! - Larry Pickering does not support Libs - ed

This stupid policy will not be a broken promise unless you wait until after the election... then it WILL be! At the moment it’s merely a response, an adjustment, to the increasing insolvency of the Gillard Government.

The Pickering Post said six months ago that this silly attempt to attract the ladies’ vote was ill-conceived and would eventually bite your bum bigtime.

Gillard’s dreams of a social legacy are unravelling by the minute and her broken promises are like confetti in a gale as she desperately tries to cling to a shred of credibility.

Gillard’s Carbon Tax was denied before the election and adopted after. By staying with this parental leave policy you risk a similar millstone around your neck, because it will be shelved, it’s simply a matter of when.

The reason you must move to shelve this crazy policy now is very clear. If you take this to the election you will eventually put yourself in the same disingenuous category as Gillard.

Apart from that, it’s at variance with all else you espouse in terms of responsibly solving Labor’s mess. It will cripple large business and logistically harm small business.

By any measure it’s a commendable policy but has no place in the deficit ridden economy you will need to repair. It belongs in fairer times of sunny surpluses.

There is now a groundswell of Coalition opposition to this parental leave nonsense, and for good reason. Latest estimates of cost are approaching $5 billion and to anyone on the conservative side of politics, that is simply unsustainable.

You will be excused for reacting responsibly to Gillard’s increasing debt. After all she is reneging on policies daily, why can’t you reconsider just one.

Anyway, it is imperative you do it now Tony, or risk the unthinkable... being rolled at your next Party Meeting.


What happens when old school goes head to head with new school in a battle of speed and wits? Leonard Nimoy takes on newbie Zachary Quinto and his all-new Audi S7.

Get more information on the S7 at

INVASION: Govt had notice of family influx - Larry Pickering

Earlier this year Pickering Post’s informant in SERCO (the foreign company that runs security at Australia’s detention centres) disclosed that Derby’s infamous Curtin Detention Centre was being cleaned out. The infection-triggered Guillain-Barré syndrome, which left many staff and inmates hospitalised in Perth, was given as the reason. But there’s more.

Extensive refurbishment of the Centre is near completion after all inmates (exclusively male and assessed as violent) had been released into the community, unprocessed, and on “no-work” bridging visas. Surely a disastrous plan.

The sheer number of arrivals had forced the Government’s hand and we are not allowed to know who they are or where they are.

The interesting thing is the type of refurbishment at the Centre... it now caters for 1400 women and children. Mmmm, what remarkable foresight our Government has!

The vast majority of recent arrivals are women (many are pregnant) children and babies. They are being sent from offshore centres, first to Darwin, then to the renovated Curtin Centre in remote WA.

But even the massive Curtin Centre cannot hold this number of arrivals so, as one family arrives another family at the Centre is released into the community... and on E Bridging Visas, which prohibit employment.

Of course the boat smugglers are capitalising on the predicament they created for Australia and are accordingly filling as many boats as possible with women and children.

The Indonesian smuggler is telling the father that if his family goes first he is certain to be released when he arrives soon after.

Our Government is being played off a break as our borders no longer exist and clever Indonesian smugglers manipulate the system to get more and more people on boats.

Many of these women and children will die, but the father will not know that until he arrives... the smugglers will not lose a customer.

But how did the Government know this new “women and children first” campaign was about to happen? They had at least ten weeks’ notice of it!

Indications are that the AFP may be working closer with the Indonesian smugglers than first suspected. You can be sure of one thing... The Pickering Post will get to the bottom of it.

We are not being told anything, and those who trust this Government should, just maybe, have a good rethink!


The Quiet Man - The Fight
- Film Clip -

At this link:

When the enemy points out how you have fallen short and are therefore disqualified, point him to Jesus who has already qualified you perfectly for every blessing through His finished work!
The answer to every need you have is found in a revelation of Jesus. The answer is not out there waiting to be discovered. It is not a thing, principle or formula. It is a person, and His name is JESUS!
Good days are right around the corner when you begin to wield the powerful weapon of worship! In this video excerpt by Joseph Prince, catch a glimpse of how you can, like David, go from despair and fear to peace, joy and strength in the Lord as you look to Him and magnify His name.

If you don't defend freedom of speech, who will?
I personally support the work of the Institute of Public Affairs. Today I am asking you to do the same.
Please take a moment to watch this short message I recorded for the IPA:
The IPA did more than anyone to support me during my trial. If it wasn't for the IPA Nicola Roxon's anti-discrimination legislation, which would have made it illegal to "offend" someone, could now be law. And the IPA played a key role in stopping the Gillard government's attack on the media.
The IPA gets no government funding. The IPA's only funding comes from voluntary donations. To continue its great work fighting for freedom of speech for the rest of 2013 the IPA needs to raise $95,000.
Please consider making a generous donation to the IPA's Freedom of Speech Fighting Fund today. Because the IPA wants to do more than just research, donations to the fund are not tax-deductible. We need a strong campaign to defend our rights – and with your support the IPA will be able to deliver even more wins, like repealing section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act. As I know personally, this is one of too many laws which restrict our free speech.
John Roskam, executive director of the IPA, tells me that as a bonus, every person who makes a donation to the Fighting Fund will go in the draw to win one oftwo special prizes. The first is the famous Daily Telegraph front-page featuring Stephen Conroy – signed by Rupert Murdoch. The second is the important full-page ad the IPA published in The Australian following my trial – signed by me. But you must make your donation before 5pm on Friday 17 May to be in the draw, so act quickly.
 click here to make your donation to support free speech.
Thank you for supporting freedom of speech in Australia.
Andrew Bolt
P.S. The IPA needs your help – please make a generous donation today.

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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for May 7th. Enjoy!

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A new Heritage Foundation report estimates the potential cost of amnesty to be $6.3 trillion. Shamnesty, indeed.

Michelle's Top Tweets

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And ... Our Hate Tweet of the Day

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Vote Against Religious Violence in Burma


Today we are pleased to announce that voting has opened for our religious freedom design contest. Cast your vote by Tuesday, May 14, 2013 for the design of your choice! Thank you to all who participated and submitted a design.

The religious conflicts in Burma from the abuse of ethnic Christians to the now intolerable anti-Muslim sentiments spreading throughout the country are inexcusable. The Rohingya Muslims are particularly subject to ethnic cleansing through horrific acts of violence, and we must demonstrate solidarity against racism in the country. As such we must speak out in favor of tolerance, dignity, and the right to religious freedom in Burma.

Voting for the contest is available on our Facebook page where we ask users to "like" the design of their choice. For our non-Facebook users, we ask that you visit the public album on our Facebook page, and as each image is numbered along with the designer's name, we ask that you email me the corresponding number to the design of your choice. You do not need to have a Facebook account in order to view the designs. You may vote or "like" as many designs as you wish, but only the top design with the most votes/"likes" will be selected as our winner.

Should you have any issues in placing your vote on Facebook or via email, please contact me at to ensure your vote is counted!


Antoine Lavoisier


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