Thursday, March 28, 2013


Priorities are important, they make sure there is efficient use of resources. But, consider the comment of Rod Sims, Chairman of ACCC on National Press Club Address Wednesday 27th March 2013. "We have to prioritise because we don't have the resources to investigate every crime."

Think about that for a moment.

Australian GDP has grown from the mineral boom since the Conservatives produced a budget in 2006/07. The last five GDP figures, to 2012, exceeded it by $1,950.373 billion dollars. That produces $429.08 billion at a tax rate of 22%


Not to be limited by that poor sum, government has turned around a surplus into a deficit. The surplus had been $19.754 billion, but the government has spent $192.084 billion producing a deficit of $172.33 before 2013. 

What has the government bought with $621.1606 billion dollars of your money? Not included in that sum is the NBN, which is classified as an asset which is going over budget, over time and may not be able to compete with a wireless competitor for price or performance but which might be a $50 billion black hole. 

We have some new school halls. Some kids have computer laptops. The federal government is now wholly responsible for some medical things. Police can't investigate all crimes. Navy is overworked. Army is under resourced and personnel are dying. Some foreigners are welcome, so long as we don't know their parents. They shouldn't have our jobs but we will give them a little more than we give our poorest. States aren't insuring against disaster. 

Some say it is good we don't have an evangelical leader like George Bush, or an Anglican like John Howard. After all, Bush would pray before making a decision .. and what IS that?

You gotta understand why the government needs this money. They haven't explained it well. It is true that Australia's debt could be worse. That unemployment could be higher. That unions have too much power and small business is struggling. That big business don't need what the government is offering anymore. 

But Gillard wants it. Rudd wants it. Keating wanted it. When asked by a fawning Laurie Oakes as to any regrets Keating had as PM after losing, he said "I regretted leaving so much unspent." Oakes quickly interrupted him "What are you saying?" He was saying the truth. 

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