Monday, February 25, 2013

Mon 25th Feb Todays News

Happy birthday and many happy returns Peter CollierJoel Watson and William Quach. Born on the same day across the years. Each with their own talents .. Peter shines brightly as an excellent Education Minister in WA. Remember, birthdays are good for you. If you have a lot, you probably get to be long lived ..

February 25Shushan Purim in Jerusalem and Susa (Judaism, 2013); Soviet Occupation Day in Georgia (1921); National Day in Kuwait (1950); EDSA Revolution Anniversary in the Philippines (1986)
Corazon Aquino





[edit]Holidays and observances


Shut the book Gillard stunt

Piers Akerman – Monday, February 25, 2013 (4:57am)

WATCHING the new new (or is that the old before the renewed appeared) Julia Gillard in her school mum mode reading to a captive audience of young children at the Lodge puts political stunts on a new level.
Shameless is not in it.
Gillard can barely pronounce some of the most common words in the English language and strangles the language with an accent that is neither Australian nor Welsh.
Her hyper-bowl knows no bounds.
Looming like Lurch in the background was Education Minister Peter Garrett, a figure so frightening that small children should be warned whenever he staggers into view – or is that just his attempt at popular dance?
Gillard wanted everyone to ignore the fact that yesterday marked the second anniversary of her breach of her solemn promise on carbon tax.
Staging a cuddly event was the best she could come up with, even as pollsters were on the phone to tap into the national psyche for the next round of opinion surveys.
Thus far she has been playing to union crowds where she knows she is on a winner.
She is owned by the trade union movement, as the pictures from last week’s AWU conference demonstrated in humiliating fashion.
The teachers union also wants its share and it has been promised the Gonski reforms.
But first the facts. The federal government does not employ any school teachers. It disburses money to the States for their education systems.
Because Labor is constantly trying to promote its own politically correct social agenda it needs to work with the teachers and they are among the most politically active of all public servants – and they are from the Left.
The key to Gonski is cash, truckloads of it, for teachers, oh, and small class sizes.
There is no evidence to demonstrate that higher paid teachers are better in the classroom and there is nothing to suggest that smaller class sizes have an effect on the quality of education.
Quite the opposite.
The Sunday stunt was about making Gillard, the political assassin, the shrieking parliamentary harpy, appear softer and more family friendly.
As she lacks children of her own and famously grimaced when she was asked to hold a baby during an early campaign, the photo opportunity was an attempt to address a perceived flaw in her makeup.
It was also about giving the teachers union a wink and a nod, and letting the thousands of teachers across the nation know that she wants them to start indoctrinating their charges with her political message – give a Gonski.
She wants you to think that the Gonski reforms are valuable. They are not.
They are expensive, so expensive in fact that Gillard cannot tell us how she intends to pay for them.
As stunts go, yesterday’s was a practical lesson in political humbug.



Tim Blair – Monday, February 25, 2013 (4:43pm)

The Prime Minister’s glasses are a hit – but who paid for them to be flown to Canberra? 
Albert Park optical stylist Sue Feldy has been inundated with phone calls after she was exposed as the woman behind Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s new glasses …
Mrs Feldy was sworn to secrecy over her role in shaping Ms Gillard’s new look, but gained official permission to speak after being contacted by a radio station.
“I think I knew it would cause a bit of a stir,” Mrs Feldy said.
“We have to keep getting them in, the stockist can’t keep up!”
Mrs Feldy flew to Canberra with 100 pairs for Ms Gillard to browse. 
This item suggests that taxpayers picked up the tab: 
Feldy has been given the nod from Canberra to say she’s partly responsible for the prime ministerial spectacles having their own Twitter account after her connections in styling high-profile people led her to being flown to The Lodge for an appointment with the busy electioneering Gillard. 
Calls are in. Should have an answer soon. Either way, those glasses have an impressive carbon footprint. Meanwhile
In launching a new school literacy program the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, appears to have committed a statistical howler. 
Tomorrow could be fun.



Tim Blair – Monday, February 25, 2013 (4:13pm)

Lenin said “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”
Islam has gone the Commies one better: The modern western welfare state gives them the money to buy the rope with which they will hang us. 
They’re a little more proactive in Bangladesh
Bangladesh police fired live rounds in clashes with Islamists demanding the execution of bloggers they accuse of blasphemy, killing at least three protesters and injuring dozens …
Mizanur Rahman, deputy police chief of Manikganj, said clashes broke out after up to 3,000 protesters, including students from religious schools known as madrassas and supporters of the main opposition party, barricaded a highway.
“They attacked us with machetes, sticks, bricks and firearms from three sides when we tried to clear the barricade. We fired back in self-defence,” he told AFP, adding that at least 40 people were injured.
“The imam of the local mosque used a loudspeaker to rally the protesters. They were shouting slogans for the execution of the bloggers, accusing them of being non-believers and atheists,” Rahman said …
Tensions have risen over allegedly anti-Islamic blog posts by Ahmed Rajib Haider, who washacked to death last week near his home in Dhaka. 
Australia’s online atheist community will be right on to this as soon as they can find a Catholic angle.



Tim Blair – Monday, February 25, 2013 (3:39pm)



Tim Blair – Monday, February 25, 2013 (3:19pm)

Attention, Greens! Here’s your 2013 election ad:


Who flew in Julia’s glasses, and did we pay?

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(7:11pm)


Essential Media: Labor 44 to Coalition 56

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(3:08pm)

The Essential Media poll today lines up with the latest Newspoll and Nielsen figures: Labor 44 to Coalition 56. Yet somehow the inconsistent Newspoll figures are treated as the real ones. So tomorrow’s Newspoll, if there’s any lift in Gillard’s support, will once again be seen as giving her breathing room.


My own words can be quoted, but not by me

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(12:36pm)

 Free speechThe politics of race
I am not allowed to republish two columns I wrote on choosing Aboriginal identity. As the judge declared:
I will make orders prohibiting the republication of the newspaper articles.
Yet people identifying as Aboriginal seem quite free to republish bits of my columns, no doubt feeling they are licenced to do so by their officially correct view of the issue I tried to raise: 
FOR the past few years, a short play about Aboriginal identity has been burning a hole in Andrea James’s pocket.
It’s a work that draws on unlikely sources—a notorious column by Andrew Bolt and the SBS miniseries Women of the Sun—for a story that confronts sensitive topics in indigenous Australia.
“That whole question of our identity and our skin colour is probably one of the burning issues of the last decade,” James said.
“It’s something that really continues to be an issue and a challenge for the community."…
In her work, James bases one character on artist Bindi Cole, one of the Aboriginal people who sued Bolt for racial discrimination. The resulting story draws on the controversy surrounding Bolt’s column, with his words quoted in the script, in a play that asks deep questions about Aboriginal identity.
Bizarre. James can quote me, but I cannot quote myself.
And James - third from the left in the picture of the play’s cast and crew - can discuss certain aspects of Aboriginal identification that I on legal advice dare not. 
(No comments.)


Turning off Britain’s lights

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(12:21pm)

Alistair Buchanan, retiring head of the energy regulator Ofgem, [warned] that next month we will see the closure of five major coal-fired power stations that between them contribute nearly a sixth of the UK’s average electricity needs.
Over the next few years, Mr Buchanan feared, we will be dangerously close to not having enough power in the grid to keep Britain’s lights on…
Tony Blair signed us up to an energy policy centred on building thousands of windmills, already fully aware that we would be losing many of our coal-fired power stations due to an EU anti-pollution directive…
Around lunchtime last Monday, for instance, National Grid was showing that all our 4,300 wind turbines put together were providing barely a thousandth of the power we were using, 0.1 per cent, or a paltry 31MW (as compared with the 2,200MW we can get from a single gas-fired plant).
The harsh fact is that successive governments in the past 10 years have staked our national future on two utterly suicidal gambles. First, they have fallen for the delusion that we can depend for nearly a third of our future power on those useless and unreliable windmills – which will require a dozen or more new gas-fired power stations just to provide back-up for when the wind is not blowing.
Yet, at the same time, by devices such as the increasingly punitive “carbon tax” due to come into force on April 1, they plan to double the cost of the electricity we get from grown-up power stations, which can only have the effect in the coming years of doubling our electricity bills, driving millions more households into fuel poverty.


Why is Flannery still Climate Commissioner?

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(9:47am)

I’ll keep highlighting this 2007 prediction while warming alarmist Tim Flannery remains the Chief Climate Commissioner:
So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems, and that’s a real worry for the people in the bush.
And I’ll keep reminding readers of this 2005 Flannery prediction, too: 
But since 1998 particularly, we’ve seen just drought, drought, drought, and particularly regions like Sydney and the Warragamba catchment - if you look at the Warragamba catchment figures, since ‘98, the water has been in virtual freefall, and they’ve got about two years of supply left, but something will need to change in order to see the catchment start accumulating water again....
So when the models start confirming what you’re observing on the ground, then there’s some fairly strong basis for believing that we’re understanding what’s causing these weather shifts and these rainfall declines, and they do seem to be of a permanent nature
Well, the worst-case scenario for Sydney is that the climate that’s existed for the last seven years continues for another two years. In that case, Sydney will be facing extreme difficulties with water.
This 2007 claim of Flannery’s should also be remembered: 
Over the past 50 years southern Australia has lost about 20 per cent of its rainfall, and one cause is almost certainly global warming. Similar losses have been experienced in eastern Australia, and although the science is less certain it is probable that global warming is behind these losses too. But by far the most dangerous trend is the decline in the flow of Australian rivers: it has fallen by around 70 per cent in recent decades, so dams no longer fill even when it does rain ...

In Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane, water supplies are so low they need desalinated water urgently, possibly in as little as 18 months.
WESTERN Sydney could be in for minor flooding after Warragamba Dam spilled over following a weekend of heavy rain.
Why is Flannery still the Chief Climate Commissioner?
I was prompted to write this post by the daughter of a friend who confidently assured me that global warming was causing more droughts, and this was a double problem because the world also faced huge population pressures.
When presented with the empirical evidence that, at least in Australia, this was wrong, I was told that “Ms P (her teacher) had done a lot of study in this area, so must be right…” and that she didn’t want to be confused for her exam and lose marks.
Yes, having the right opinion now counts for more than having the right facts.


On daring to hear Wilders, and on simply smearing him

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(8:22am)

Reader kw:
Hi Andrew

I want to share my experience of attending the Geert Wilders’ talk last Friday evening in Liverpool NSW. I hope that you will share this with other readers of your blog.

I drove to Liverpool at 6.00pm on Friday with a friend, after receiving that morning an email notification of the venue (which was withheld till the last moment, as a security precaution). I admit that I was worried about attending the talk, given that Geert Wilders’ talk in Melbourne in the previous week had been disrupted by some violent protests.

When we arrived at the venue, there was a group of protestors (about 30 or so in number) in the street, who were chanting ‘anti-racist’ slogans and expressing their objection to Geert Wilders’ tour. Some of the protestors actually shouted abuse at people who were trying to enter the talk venue, but there was no violence. The NSW Police were superb in the way that they handled the situation, ensuring the safety of those attending the talk; the police were present in large numbers, with general duty officers, public order and riot squad officers, and mounted police officers. I also noted the presence of a number of high ranking police officers. The NSW Police deserve to be congratulated on the way that they carried out their duty on this occasion, which is “to serve and protect” the community.

When we arrived at the entrance to the venue, we commenced a process of the most remarkable and thorough security check/s that I have ever experienced in my 66 years. All those attending the talk were required to:
• produce photo ID and their email ticket(on three separate occasions)
• have their bags physically searched
• go through a metal detector
• undergo an individual body scan
• have their names marked off a roll, and
• have an identification tag placed on their wrist. 
The venue was bristling with private security guards and, I presume, plain clothes police. While the security arrangements were superb, and I felt reasonably safe, I was saddened in the realisation that all of this was now necessary in our Australian society. What have we become, that Australians should feel afraid to go out to listen to someone express his views in a peaceful way?
kw’s full letter is in the comments thread. He says he found Wilders to be not at all the far-Right racist portrayed by so many media outlets.
Typical of the lazy smearing of Wilders is this effort in The Age by Tim Soutphommasane, political philosopher at the University of Sydney and member of the Australian Multicultural Council:
To put it plainly, we have to put up with things [in a liberal democracy] we may find repugnant. We have to tolerate the intolerable.
For the vast majority of us, Wilders’ views belong to this category. 
Define “us” who find Wilders “repugnant”. Is it Age readers? Academics? Professional multiculturalists? 
[Wilders] believes Islam is 
‘’a dangerous totalitarian ideology’’ that is incompatible with liberal freedom. The prophet Muhammad was, he argues,
‘’a warlord, terrorist and paedophile’’.
According to Wilders, Australia should cease accepting Muslim immigrants. While we’re at it, we should ban the Koran and the building of mosques. Any accommodation of Islam will ultimately deprive us of ‘’our freedom, our identity, our democracy, our rule of law, and all our liberties’’.
It doesn’t take too much thought to understand that Wilders’ message is one of hate and division. 
That depends on your view of Islam. If you believe Islam preaches hatred of Jews, a shunning of unbelievers, the execution of gays and the subjugation of women, you could well argue that opposing such an ideology is not to preach “hate and division” but oppose it. Soutphommasane is simply begging the question and shooting the messenger - not disproving him.
Short of Wilders breaking laws or inciting violence, the proper response wasn’t to keep him out or expel him - it was to demonstrate the falsehood of his views.
There is an evasion here. Soutphommasane fails to note the Gillard Government indeed managed to keep out Wilders last year by stalling for two months on his visa, causing his original speaking tour to be postponed.
As for Soutphommasane declaring the real challenge lies in “disproving” Wilders, nowhere in his article does he do so. Nowhere does he disprove what he lists as evidence of Wilders being “repugnant” - Wilders’ claim that Islam is ‘’a dangerous totalitarian ideology’’ incompatible with liberal freedom and that Muhammad was “‘a warlord, terrorist and paedophile’’.
The Wilders visit has presented, if anything, an occasion for us to reaffirm the success of multicultural Australia. Somewhat ironically, the past week has been a good demonstration of how Muslim communities in this country have exercised that liberal virtue of tolerating the intolerable. Contrary to type, there were no burnings of effigies, no local fatwahs issued.
“Contrary to type”? Is Soutphommasane indeed noting just the intolerance of free speech Wilders warns against, so vividly demonstrated by the violent protests against the videoInnocence of Muslims, the fatwa against writer Salman Rushie, the murder plots against the Danish cartoonists, the attempted shooting this week of Swedish historian Lars Hedegaard, the murder of director Theo van Gogh and the death threats against Wilders’ himself?
Soutphommasane is right to note there was no local fatwahs issued against Wilders. But he is very wrong to claim all Muslims here showed “that liberal virtue of tolerating the intolerable”. Muslims were among the protesters who violently picketed Wilders’ Melbourne speech, and some of the people posting vile attacks and threats on the Facebook site of the venue had Arabic names. Fear of protests drove 30 venues to cancel bookings for the Wilders tour. Musilm students (as well as Leftist protesters) were broadcast vilifying Wilders as a racist and hate-preacher.
This does not strike me as a demonstration of “tolerating the intolerable”. On the contrary, Soutphommasane’s absurd praise reads to me more like a sigh at having escaped a reaction he feared would be worse. 
Not nearly enough has been said about our liberal toleration of Wilders. For all the predictable complaints about political correctness shutting down free speech, our Dutch guest enjoyed a broad national audience. There have been interviews and news reports on television, radio and newspapers (not to mention social media). At the time of writing, the Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission has received not one complaint about his visit to Melbourne. So much for any alleged multicultural censorship.
Much of the coverage of Wilders was to damn him. What was to complain of? No politician, even Wilders supporters, dared to meet him. The WA Premier boasted of having helped to deny Wilders any venue in Perth. Fear of lawfare no doubt deterred public expressions of support for Wilders’ message, of which there were remarkably few. And it is a fallacy to suggest that censorship does not exist if a single person is found who is not censored. 
For all of their talk about liberal freedoms, Wilders and his ilk are profoundly illiberal. They endorse free speech, but fail to accept this means those who disagree with them have the freedom to denounce them too.
I’ve spoken to Wilders. I have heard him say the very opposite of what Soutphommasane claims. He does not deny the right of anyone to denounce or debate him. Indeed, he would welcome a debate. Soutphommasane’s allegation is simply false.
They speak highly of a free society, yet forget that a liberal state must not dictate its citizens’ religious convictions.
That’s largely false. Wilders does not want government to dictate the faith of its citizens. What is wants is the state to curb immigration from Islamic countries. Soutphommasane may well find that offensive, but he should not mischaracterise Wilders’ message. I would go only with Soutphommasane only on this: Wilders has said both that we wants to ban the Koran and that he doesn;t - and banning the Koran is an illiberal act that the state has no business making. I am also against Wilders’ call to ban outright the building of mosques.
Let’s not mince words. Wilders and his local Q Society supporters are proponents of a thinly veiled form of racism.
What racism? Also on Wilders’ tour, speaking with him, was a former Muslim. Wilders is not against a race but an ideology. Again, Soutphommasane misrepresents what Wilders says in order to smear him.
It’s the sort you hear from the sly bigot who says he hates Asians or Jews or Muslims - but only in the abstract. It’s the sort that results in someone being judged not on their deeds or character, but on something else.
This is simply incoherent. Wilders does not say he hates Muslims in the abstract. He says the opposite - that he does not hate Muslims, but opposes the Muslim ideology. Again, Soutphommasane misrepresents Wilders in order to smear him.
It is true that the Netherlands, like many countries in Europe, has had its difficulties with migrant integration. In the case of the Dutch, their governments believed that the ‘’pillarisation’’ model they traditionally used to deal with religious and social differences would work with cultural diversity. They never put in place policies to ensure new arrivals would be equipped to participate in Dutch life. They were too diffident in asserting the importance of a unifying Dutch national identity. 
Finally, a very muted admission that there may be some truth in some things Wilders says, although the fault is found more with Holland for allegedly not doing more to “equip” Muslims with what’s needed to “participate in Dutch life”. Just why Muslims above any other group needs this equipment provided is not explained. Just what other equipment the Dutch should supply - apart from free schooling, freedom of speech, free medical care for the poor, Dutch classes and lots of welfare - is not discussed. Also not noted is that Dutch-born Muslim youths are wildly overrepresented in crime rates. What “equipment” do they lack? 
In Australia, however, we have struck the right balance between solidarity and diversity, between rights and responsibilities. Where a cultural practice is inconsistent with parliamentary democracy, the rule of law or individual liberties, we are bound to decline to endorse it.
Soutphommasane may be right, although this criticism suggests Wilders is simply wrong about Australia and is not the racist Soutphommasane claims. But Wilders might well argue in return that Australia nevertheless does have problems with its Muslim minority, as demonstrated by the fact - for instance - that almost everyone convicted here of terrorism is Muslim. He might further point out that Australia’s relative success might have something to do with Muslims here representing 2.2 per cent of the population, while Holland’s comprisesnearly 6 per cent.
It’s as simple as that. Official multiculturalism has never meant cultural relativism.
This is debatable. And it ignores what Muslims, among other religious or ethnic groups, take multiculturalism to mean. The real question is whether Australia is now tribalising, with newcomers especially retreating into ethnic enclaves. This is the real issue, and, again, Soutphommasane dodges it. A brisk walk through Lakemba might help.
And engaging with what Wilders actually says might help even more. Wilders may be wrong, but Soutphommasane has not proved it. To resort to smears, evasions and misrepresentations suggests Soutphommasane actually has trouble disputing what Wilders came here to discuss. 


NBN wonders if it’s actually doing the right thing

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(8:13am)

They want a study now, four years after starting the $37 billion NBN without even a cost-benefit analysis?
Construction has been underway on the NBN for more than two years but there is still debate over which technology should be used.
The NBN Co is using a technology called ‘fibre to the premises’, which goes all the way to a home, to build most of the network.
But the Coalition wants to use ‘fibre to the node’.
It says this method is faster and cheaper, but it will come with slower speeds.
NBN boss Mike Quigley ... says he supports a proposed study by the Communications Alliance into the pros and cons of a range of technologies to see which is best.
Some support for this radical idea of deciding what might actually work best before blowing $37 billion:
FORMER Telstra managing director Ted Pretty says parts of the National Broadband Network should be “reconsidered”, as the company building the network seeks a review of broadband technologies used in the rollout.
Mr Pretty, who oversaw Telstra’s technology and innovation division during his eight years with the telco, said the NBN project warranted further attention.
“There needs to be more public scrutiny of the nature of the spend and the quantum of the spend and where it is being applied,” he said. “I don’t think that analysis has been done."…
Mr Pretty, now chief executive of Hills Holdings, said better use of wireless technology might be appropriate. But the solution was not a “binary” choice between the policies of Labor or the Coalition.
(Thanks to reader Geoff and Peter.)


The new racism paradigm

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(8:02am)

These are only allegations at this stage, and we do not know the truth of this tragedy. But I suspect this story from Britain would command a lot more attention if the missing word of the following sentence was “white”:
The parents of a nine-year-old boy who was found hanged in his bedroom have claimed that their son killed himself because of racist taunts from ....  bullies.
(Thanks to reader Ombudsman. If you’re under 25 and need some help, ring Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.)


Throwing our athletes to the wolves

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(7:17am)

THREE weeks after the Gillard Government announced Australian sport was riddled with drug-taking, we finally see the first guilty men.
Step forward the boys of the Australian men’s 100m freestyle relay team.
(Subscription required to read full column.) 


Wilders’ cowardly critics must explain this conference

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(7:09am)

IF Geert Wilders is wrong, let his critics explain next month’s “Islamic Peace Conference” at the Melbourne Showgrounds.
I’ve checked what huge billboards around Melbourne claim is the “largest ever Islamic Conference in the history of Australia”, at which 20,000 people are expected.
(Subscription required to read full article.)


O’Connor’s memory taxed

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(7:06am)

Brendan O’Connor, Ten Network’s Meet the Press yesterday: 
PEOPLE said we weren’t going to price carbon and bring in a very important market-based approach to reducing carbon emissions; it was done.
Which people? Wayne Swan on Meet The Press, August 15, 2010: 
WHAT we rejected is this hysterical allegation that somehow we are moving towards a carbon tax from the Liberals in their advertising.
Wayne Swan, August 15, 2010: 
NO, it’s not possible that we’re bringing in the carbon tax. That is a hysterically inaccurate claim being made by the Coalition…
PM Julia Gillard, Channel 10, August 16, 2010:
THERE will be no carbon tax under a government I lead.
Also at the link, a little reminder to Dr Karl and Trade Minister Craig Emerson that they should retract and apologise.


Combet sells $6 billion of bull

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(6:24am)

A desperate government is selling lies. Henry Ergas on the Gillard Government’s latest jobs plan, an unbelievable favor for its union masters: 

Even Greg Combet must have found it challenging to present the proposal to “embed” public servants in major resource projects without breaking into guffaws. No wonder he ignored the obvious questions: how could Canberra’s “local content champions” know more about sourcing options than the supply specialists who run purchasing for those projects? Would the project managers have the right to sack these uninvited guests if they proved incompetent, a nuisance or worse? ...
On these, Combet had nothing to say… The requirements imposed on major projects, he said, would shift ”up to $6.4 billion of extra work per year to the Australian economy.”
No evidence was released to support Combet’s assertion. And that too is unsurprising. For it verges on the unbelievable…
...increasing domestic sourcing by $6bn annually would require a more than 40 per cent reduction in the import content of spending on major resource projects by 2015/16—a degree of import substitution not even achieved by South African mining projects during sanctions.
Moreover, the pipeline is nearing its peak; it phases down rapidly as of next year. For the $6bn a year shift to be sustained out of a shrinking total, import substitution would need to rise steadily, approaching 100 per cent in six years’ time.
To add impossibility to implausibility, Combet asserted import substitution on that scale could be secured at no cost.


ABC leans to the Left, by more than three to one

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(6:15am)

To detect bias, listeners have to know the alternative arguments. That makes it easier for the ABC to fool listeners listening with half an ear, yet still:
Research released today shows while most people do not believe political bias is widespread at the ABC, perceptions of bias are closely linked to voting history and voting intent.


NSW Labor still in the crypt

Andrew BoltFEBRUARY252013(6:11am)

I’m surprised NSW Labor still has any support at all, after so many scandals:
According to the latest Newspoll - conducted exclusively for The Australian in January and this month - primary support for state Labor is at 27 per cent, two points down on the poll conducted in November and December last year.
Support for the O’Farrell Coalition government is up one percentage point, at 46 per cent, leading to a massive 60-40 split in favour of the Coalition in two-party-preferred terms.


Green Government policy results







Register your interest for the Joseph Prince Ministries - Power of Right Believing USA tour. Happening November 2013.



Some thoughtful questions were put to me and Warren Entsch MP at a community breakfast in Cairns today.




In 1970, JOHN WAYNE was presented the Academy Award for Best Actor in " True Grit (1969)!" Watch him accept his Oscar

EDUCATE THE KIDS, Ms GILLARD?... Larry Pickering
first you need to educate the teachers

We languish in the bottom half of the World’s best educated kids and this disastrous problem won’t be solved by reading Bunyip stories to kids for the benefit of film crews.

Illiterate teachers are the problem. Teachers who are the product of another delinquent Labor PM, Gough Whitlam. 

Our kids are now suffering a basic inadequacy in literacy and there is no-one there to correct it.

The Whitlam legacy of illiteracy was imbedded in the same kids who are now the teachers of kids.

In the early 70s, the power of the Left feminist dominated Teachers’ Union joined with Whitlam’s obsession for phonetic spelling to produce a generation of illiterate graduates.

That sort of madness is not easy to reverse.

How many adults know how to spell? Have a look on any blog thread to see how often “their” “there” and “they’re” are misused.

They are phonetically the same said the Teachers’ union and Whitlam, so who cares?

Why waste time with English composition, Latin derivation or spelling when that time can be better spent teaching kids Green ecology, the evils of conservatism, how to save the Barrier Reef, how to fill in dole forms correctly and how to grow up to good little Labor voters?

We used to accept newspapers as the bible of spelling, newscasters as the acme of grammar but they can no longer be relied on.

They too are victims of spell-check and calculators but spell-check doesn’t know your meaning and calculators don’t supplant the times tables.

To lose the entire basis of the English language and its Latin roots in one generation is a sin we are now paying for and a sin Whitlam can never be forgiven for.

Has the integrity of millennia of English evolution been “underminded” by Labor fools or is mine an exercise in mere “hyperbowl”?


Holtermann Collection
Like a 1872 Google Street View, the Holtermann photos reveal gold boom Australia===

Footage of driver behind wheel of crashed car telling Victoria Police he's 'waiting for a mate' goes viral




Have you noticed that your cost of living is increasing?

Under Labor, your costs are soaring and it's hurting everyday Australians.

We're very sad to post that Ray Cusick, who designed the Daleks, has passed away. Thank you Ray for giving us one of the most iconic Doctor Who monsters ever.
Pray in tongues regularly and let God’s rest and peace saturate your entire being! Check out today's devotional. Be sure to click "like" to help spread the word! Thanks, all!
Long before you have a need, God sees it and sends His supply. And His supply is always right on time and more than enough for you!
Would you step out of being self-conscious and self-occupied, and be Christ-occupied today? Each time you find yourself looking at your flaws, weaknesses and mistakes, instead of asking yourself, “Am I accepted before God?”, ask, “Is Christ accepted before God?” Instead of asking, “Am I pleasing to God?”, ask, “Is Christ pleasing to God?” 

The Bible tells us in 1 John 4:17 that as Christ is, so are you in this world! This means that today, God sees you in Christ, holy, perfect and blameless. Not in your flaws, weaknesses and mistakes. So, beloved, keep your eyes on Jesus and in Him you’ll find the power to effortlessly overcome any weakness in your life!
The more you partake of the Holy Communion in faith, the healthier and stronger you become! Check out today's devotional. Be sure to click "like" to help spread the word! Thanks, all!


Just took part in another community forum in Townsville with our local MP Ewen Jones. Thanks to the 180 people who attended and asked some good questions, raised concerns and provided some of their ideas. We talked about cost of living, the carbon tax, small business, mental health, education, infrastructure and volunteering among other important topics. It was a good chance to promote our Real Solutions plan that will help provide a strong and more prosperous economy for North QLD and all of Australia.

Canberra sunsets are cool.

Hugh Jackman from Les Miserables missed out to Daniel Day Lewis with Lincoln, but to be fair, there won't be a sequel to Lincoln. - ed


Another week in the office and nutting out Ägents of Change Project

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