Monday, October 29, 2012

Oppose the Wine Tax

Australian Taxpayers' Alliance

Last week I wrote an email on noting the Australian National Preventative Health Taskforce is pushing to impose a wine supertax that will increase the price of affordable wine fourfold.

I have to say, I was overwhelmed by the response,  and how many people were passionate about this latest tax-grab. I received hundreds of emails back from people asking us to take action against this great new tax.

Some were from club and restaurant owners on how this would destroy their businesses. Some were from young families scared they would not be able to buy a cleanskin for a special night. The vast bulk, however, were actually from pensioners (which would make sense, as they make up the vast bulk of the affordable wine market in Australia).

Every email was proof that this supertax wasnn't about curbing problem drinking - it was about extracting more money from us to pay for wasteful overspending by the Gillard Government.

It is a proven fact that this tax on affordable alcohol won't curb problem drinking - and will only hurt the poorest amongst us. The evidence that people with higher incomes drink more is irrefutable.  This is about the government attacking those who they think can't stand up against them.

In response to your emails, we have created an online campaign to Save Affordable Alcohol

Just go to our website, fill in your details, and an email will be sent to your MP saying No Alcohol Supertax!

We have also created a 1 minute video for you to share with your friends on this important issue:
No Wine Supertax
Watch the Video
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Make no mistake: This tax will do nothing to help problem drinking, and will only hurt the poor in a desperate attempt to plug Labor's budget black hole. 

 please help us stop Labor's wine supertax by joining our campaign, sharing this email on facebook: Like Can You Help Stop The Wine Supertax? on Facebook, on Twitter 
  • Must read article from @MirandaDevine on wowserism and the demonisation of alcohol!
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, or by forwarding to your friends. 


Tim Andrews
Executive Director
Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance

PS:  Please help us stop Labor's wine supertax by telling your MP: No Wine Supertax

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