Sunday, July 03, 2011

News items and comments

Cycle of destruction must cease: it’s time

Piers Akerman – Sunday, July 03, 11 (06:55 am)

The failure of the Gillard Labor-Green-independent government is all but complete. Only the most dedicated Left-wing sympathisers, the ABC and Fairfax media, and vested interests such as independents Rob Oakeshott, Tony Windsor and Andrew Wilkie are still trying to maintain the pretence that this reeking administration has achieved anything of note.
The government-sponsored commentariat typified by such handsomely rewarded figures as the unerringly inaccurate climate forecaster Tim Flannery and the champion doomsayer Ross Garnaut are spearheading a new propaganda drive to sell the dead carbon tax in the electorates like those of the parliament’s biggest loser, Tony Windsor. But this expensive exercise is as likely to fail as FuelWatch, GroceryWatch, the wasteful BER or the pink batts installation project.

David Daniel Ball All it would have taken for sense to be reintroduced to the parliament was for one decent honest ALP member to stand up. They could have done so any time over the months since the last election. They haven't. None of them want promotion. All of them want to collect their pay checks and hope the party leaders don't turn to them to be the punching bag they label leader. The ALP leader makes no decisions, but they have their own style. So that Rudd can easily outline each and every one of his failures, but claim they are to his credit.
Following the Bolt Report this morning a WA ALP senator was claiming all sorts of unreported successes, and the criticism was muted. The audience might not realise there was no credibility to any of the claims, like improving IR, getting more kids into unis (at the expense of youth employment) and addressing the future world needs.
There is not one competent ALP member in the Australian parliament.

The road to hell

Miranda Devine – Sunday, July 03, 11 (09:10 am)

IF you ever needed proof that Tony Windsor has betrayed his electorate, look no further than his behaviour over the live cattle export ban.

The independent MP for New England, who holds the balance of power, represents one of the largest cattle electorates in the country.

But two weeks ago, Windsor voted against a motion drafted by Queensland independent Bob Katter that would have delivered stun guns to Indonesian abattoirs - and ensured the speedy resumption of the live cattle trade.

  • David Daniel Ball
    When Oakeshott and Windsor first made the ALP government, I sent an email to both. They claimed they were interested in the things that the big parties missed. They would represent all of Australia for the little people. So I wrote to them about, not detailing all, of my 19 year saga with the NSW Dept. of Ed. which involves a bungled pedophile investigation and the 2002 death of School child Hamidur Rahman which might be bizarrely related. I hoped one of them would break through the bureaucracy protecting my abusers.
    Of course neither ever replied.
    The new NSW Education Minister has at least listened to my question, but I feel he has been mislead by his bureaucracy, but at least gave me a directive to contact the police and the education department. The education department has not returned my call, and the police have said they can do nothing, but the police directed me to the coroner (last time, 2009, the police explicitly told me not to approach the coroner). So I sent the following to the coroner, although Windsor would never address it.
    2 hours ago ·
  • David Daniel Ball
    For the NSW Coroner

    From David Daniel Ball on 29/06/2011

    Regarding Hamidur Rahman who died 20th March 2002

    I am a former High School Mathematics teacher who met Hamidur on at least two occasions. I have testimony which I believe shows Hamidur’s school was aware of his peanut allergy and negligently did nothing to prevent his death, or possibly deliberately caused it. My testimony has been (I believe) withheld from you deliberately by members of the Department of Education.
    I have read a report I believe written by the Coroner’s office on the issue. I believe the mistake made by investigators was to (apparently) not speak to the Head Teacher Welfare (Boys) or the Deputy Principal with responsibility to the boarding school of Hamidur’s school, Hurlstone Agricultural High School. This was because Hamidur was not a boarding student, but he had spent time in the boarding school when I met him. Also those officers may have mislead the coroner into speaking to people who may not have been aware of what they knew.
    In reply to a question Marie Ficcarra asked in the Legislative Council on my behalf late 2008 (Item number 2292) the respondent acknowledged that there had been an incident at the school a year prior to the death in which the school should have been aware of the issue.
    I understand the finding of the coroner with regards to Hamidur was open. I had been told that I could not approach the court and ask to make this submission, that only the parents could do this. I do not know the parents. I understand the parents do not know of my existence. They apparently begged someone like me would come forward but because of my troubles with the Department I didn’t believing it would weaken their cause, and knowing that there were others who hold similar testimony. I also understand that the parents have asked that there be no further investigation, after they were criticised for using alternative health therapy for treating peanut allergy.
    I believe the parents would like to know my testimony and would like the court to consider it, but I do not know them and so cannot ask them.
    This issue is important to me as I believe that I have been harassed out of my teaching job for my knowledge by senior members of the ALP because I had appropriately reported on a pedophile issue, an investigation which had been bungled. I believe the death is related to the abuse I had from that case. I believe a former premier of NSW had been able to, as Premier, place a mid level bureaucrat to prevent me from making testimony known to you.
    Is it possible for someone in your office to hear and evaluate my claims?


Tim Blair – Sunday, July 03, 11 (03:42 pm)

Professor Bunyip reviews the 50 academics who want Chris Monckton banned. Every single one of them is an awesome scientific authority, especially the climate expert who specialises in the representation of the Salvation Army in Finnish cinema. There’s also a “celebrity speaker” and someone concerned about crops that file-share.

(Via CL)



Tim Blair – Sunday, July 03, 11 (03:12 pm)

Virginia Postrel corrects a myth:

We should never again hear anyone declare that Marilyn Monroe was a size 12, a size 14 or any other stand-in for full-figured, zaftig or plump. Fifteen thousand people have now seen dramatic evidence to the contrary. Monroe was, in fact, teeny-tiny.

A few years ago a curvetastic friend interviewed actress Tiffani Thiessen, whom she expected to be similarly swervy. No dice. In the flesh, Tiffani too was teeny-tiny. It’s almost as though the camera adds a few pounds …

(Via Instapundit)



Tim Blair – Saturday, July 02, 11 (05:44 pm)

Nice line from Tony Abbott, on Labor’s planned emissions trading scheme:

This is a market based on the non-delivery of an invisible product to no one, and is almost certain to be scammed.

Labor can’t stop a scam even when it involves big, highly-visible slabs of insulation. Imagine how they might go when nothing is worth something.



Tim Blair – Saturday, July 02, 11 (04:24 pm)

Margaret Simons reviews the ABC’s tsunami disaster:

The Saturday morning after the quake, as the Fukushima nuclear plant began to melt down and it became clear that this was not just a big story but one of the big stories of the decade, the ABC was screening repeats of current events shows …

[ABC managing director Mark] Scott hit the phone. “I wasn’t pulling my hair out but I was, well, let’s say I was aware of the problem. I am not temperamentally the kind of person who thumps the table or throws the furniture around. I am more temperamentally the kind of person who asks what went wrong, and how do we fix it, and how do we make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

But on this occasion, he couldn’t fix it, or not quickly enough. He asked if the news coverage could please be ramped up. And they tried. But this huge story followed several other big news stories that quarter – the floods in Queensland, the Christchurch earthquake. Scott says: “They were short-staffed and the resources they might have wanted to call in were not available … we learned about resources we need to have on standby. I’m sorry we didn’t do better on that morning.” But he is not apologetic about the coverage overall, saying only, “We had a couple of disappointing hours.”

Only a couple of hours, you say?



Tim Blair – Saturday, July 02, 11 (03:07 pm)

AFP reports:

A major US-based science association on Wednesday issued an open letter expressing its concern about harassment of climate scientists, saying such tactics could harm scientific progress.

The letter, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, followed an incident in Australia earlier this month when university researchers were rushed to a secure location after receiving death threats.

This never happened.


From today’s Bolt Report

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (04:40 pm)


There will be no carbon dioxide tax on petrol under a government I lead

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (02:57 pm)

Julia Gillard says there will be no carbon tax on petrol under a government she leads:

Petrol will be out now and out for the future.

Yeah, right.

Greens leader Bob Brown hours later says it’s inevitable that petrol will indeed come under the Government’s planned emissions trading schemes.

You choose who is tell the truth.

Deputy Greens leader Christine Milne hints that there will be funding for a transition to electric cars, which she says are the future. But with the Greens promising to close our coal mines - within a decade, says Lee Rhiannon - and with Labor suggesting the closure of coal-fired power stations, from where will all this extra electricity come? At what cost?

These people are in charge of your economy.


First time I’ve seen a decision NOT to impose a tax being sold as compensation:

JULIA Gillard’s declaration that petrol will be excluded from the carbon tax now and in the future hashanded motorists compensation worth about $2 billion a year.

So I guess we should thank this government?


Great riff from Barnaby Joyce on The Bolt Report today (repeat at 4.30pm):

Nationals Senator Barnaby Joyce said the petrol exemption merely “accentuated the insult” of the government’s carbon tax, in that it was ineffective to begin with.

“It is not going to change the climate, it is not going to do anything to the temperature of the globe,” Senator Joyce told Channel Ten.

He then had to admit that neither would the coalition’s direct action policy.

“I agree, it’s not going to change the temperature of the globe either, (but) at least you have the capacity to do other advantageous things,” he said.

Senator Joyce said no matter what exemptions the government made, the carbon tax would hit Australians hard.

“(The government is saying) ‘You must thank me because instead of killing all the pets, I’m only going to kill the dogs and the fish and the birds, we’re going to leave the cats alone’,” he said.

“Why don’t you leave everything alone, Julia Gillard?”


The independent spokeswoman for GetUp

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (12:59 pm)


So Radio National’s PM program looks around for some academic to give an independent and expert comment on a campaign by business against the Gillard Government.

It finds Sarah Maddison, whom it bills as an ”expert on campaign techniques from the University of New South Wales”, but who seems suspiciously short on objectivity and very long in salesmanship:

Well thank God for organisations such as GetUp! I think if it were not for organised, progressive organisations, bringing together many thousands, indeed hundreds of thousands, of Australians outside of the business com

Gosh, thought Stephen Dawson. It sounds like Maddison might even be a member of GetUp!. So he did a basic check, and ... well, well, well. Not just a member but… Well, read on.


Innocent until proven guilty. Which I doubt

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (10:02 am)

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has been arrested, vilified, dumped as head of the International Monetary Fund and detained for months after being accused by a hotel maid of rape.

It seems that the maid has a severe credibility problem, to judge by a letter sent by the prosecution to Strauss-Kahn’s defence:

In interviews in connection with the investigation of this case, the complainant admitted that the above factual information, which she provided in connection with her asylum application, was false. She stated that she fabricated the statement with the assistance of a male who provided her with a cassette recording of the facts contained in the statement that she eventually submitted. She memorized these facts by listening to the recording repeatedly. In several interviews with prosecutors, she reiterated these falsehoods when questioned about her history and background, and stated that she did so in order to remain consistent with the statement that she had submitted as part of her application.

Additionally, in two separate interviews with assistant district attorneys assigned to the case, the complainant stated that she had been the victim of a gang rape in the past in her native country and provided details of the attack. During both of these interviews, the victim cried and appeared to be markedly distraught when recounting the incident. In subsequent interviews, she admitted that the gang rape had never occurred. Instead, she stated that she had lied about its occurrence and fabricated the details, and that this false incident was part of the narrative that she had been directed to memorize as part of her asylum application process. Presently, the complainant states that she would testify that she was raped in the past in her native country but in an incident different than the one that she described during initial interviews.

In the weeks following the incident charged in the indictment, the complainant told detectives and assistant district attorneys on numerous occasions that, after being sexually assaulted by the defendant on May 14, 2011 in Suite 2806, she fled to an area of the main hallway of the hotel’s 28th floor and waited there until she observed the defendant leave Suite 2806 and the 28th floor by entering an elevator. It was after this observation that she reported the incident to her supervisor, who arrived on the 28th floor a short time later. In the interim between the incident and her supervisor’s arrival, she claimed to have remained in the same area of the main hallway on the 28th floor to which she had initially fled. The complainant testified to this version of events when questioned in the Grand Jury about her actions following the incident in Suite 2806, she proceeded to clean a nearby room and then returned to Suite 2806 and began to clean that suite before she reported the incident to her supervisor.

Additionally, the complainant has stated that for the past two tax years, she declared a friend’s child in addition to her own as a dependent on her tax returns for the purpose of increasing her tax refund beyond that to which she was entitled. She also admitted to misrepresenting her income in order to maintain her present housing.

Finally, during the course of this investigation, the complainant was untruthful with assistant district attorneys about a variety of additional topics concerning her history, background, present circumstances and personal relationships.

Oh, and the letter also reveals that she’s an asylum seeker who lied outrageously about the alleged horrors she fled in Africa. But that bit wouldn’t surprise us.


Worse and worse:

TWENTY-EIGHT hours after a housekeeper at the Sofitel New York said she was sexually assaulted by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, she spoke by phone to a boyfriend in an immigration jail in Arizona.

Investigators learnt the call had been recorded and had it translated from ‘’a very unique dialect of Fulani’’, a language from the woman’s native country, Guinea, according to a law enforcement official.

When the conversation was translated - a job completed only last Wednesday - investigators were alarmed: ‘’She says words to the effect of, ’Don’t worry, this guy has a lot of money. I know what I’m doing,’ ‘’ the official said.


Worse and worse and worse:

Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s accuser wasn’t just a girl working at a hotel—she was a working girl.

The Sofitel housekeeper who claims the former IMF boss sexually assaulted her in his room was doing double duty as a prostitute, collecting cash on the side from male guests, The Post has learned.


And arguing against him is a saint

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (06:15 am)

Brisbane’s Sunday Mail gives another climate sceptic the treatment:

AN EASTERN European President accused of having sticky fingers, being a serial adulterer and having had links to secret police is now the Liberal National Party’s latest weapon against climate change scientists.

Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus will address an audience in Brisbane next month about the scientific flaws behind global warming.


Many readers below ask how author Renee Viellaris would describe warmists Julia Gillard, Bill Clinton, Bob Hawke and Al Gore, given their own tangled love lives ... or does her style of journalism apply only to sceptics?

Perhaps so, given the global warming faith of her former employer, then Climate Change Minister Penny Wong:

And Senator Wong has lost her senior adviser, John Olenich and staffer Renee Viellaris, who along with partner Simon Every - a former member of Joe Ludwig’s staff - has headed overseas.


No diners at Love’s Kitchen

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (06:09 am)

A new British comedy sets a record:

The UK film, starring Dougray Scott (who previously appeared in Desperate Housewives as Teri Hatcher’s love interest), Four Weddings and a Funeral actor Simon Callow and Gordon Ramsay (as himself), had indeed achieved one of the most remarkable opening weekends in cinema history, though not quite in the sense that the producers were hoping for.

Love’s Kitchen grossed precisely £121 ($181) nationwide...

Daily Mirror:

Love’s Kitchen is so terrible, I positively urge people to see it for a masterclass in how not to make a film. The effect is like smashing plates over your head while suffering from violent diarrhoea.


Beware the green government

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (06:03 am)

Shock finding: not only are green programs mostly useless, programs run by government are even worse:

Since 1997, state and federal governments have tried more than 300 policies and programs to curb carbon pollution and many - about $7 billion worth - can be broadly classified as direct action, according to the Grattan Institute’s chief executive, Professor John Daley, who released an analysis of the policies in April.

The institute, partly funded by governments and BHP Billiton, found that policies were least effective when government was the decision-maker.

The implications for the NBN…


Give us a call when you’re here

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (06:01 am)

There’s reassurance for drug smugglers, people traffickers and terrorists:

NOT ONE of the more than 200 asylum seeker boats that landed in Australia in the past two years has been detected by the defence radar system, raising questions about border security.


Victorian Labor may deny Greens its preferences

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (05:49 am)

This should be not just a tactical imperative but a philosophical one:

LABOR will rethink doing preference deals with the Greens in Victoria, after a review of the Brumby government’s election defeat questioned their value…

Headed by federal MP Alan Griffin, (the review) will also challenge the notion that Greens’ preferences are important to Labor’s election chances..

Melbourne MP Bronwyn Pike said preferences were a matter for the party, but added: ‘’I think it’s really important to recognise that in Victoria, the enemy of the Greens is the Labor Party - their modus operandi is to push us out of the way so that they can have parliamentary representation in the lower house. There’s very little for us to share in common, and I think that should lead us to genuinely rethink our relationship with them.’’


They’d better march back to their job

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (05:44 am)

I’d say this will be just one of the ideological indulgences of the Nixon cultural revolution that will be wound back:

ACTING Chief Commissioner Ken Lay faces a revolt from rank-and-file members over their right to bepaid to march in a gay-pride parade, but not on Anzac Day.

Officers are paid to support the gay event, but not for participating on Anzac Day, unless they have served overseas in the military or as peacekeepers.

The police union argues all former military or peacekeeping personnel, regardless of service overseas, should be paid if they march on Anzac Day..

Under former boss Simon Overland all officers could participate in the gay march. Attendance is classified as being on duty, according to the Police Gazette.

Paying police to march on Anzac Day? That sounds sacrilegious. Paying them to march on gay pride day simply sounds silly.


TV people swing to the Left? What a surprise

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (05:31 am)


The Guardian is reluctant to credit that it’s deliberate:

THE news that a publishing division owned by Rupert Murdoch has released a book accusing American TV of liberal bias may sound deeply unsurprising..

But Primetime Propaganda, by Ben Shapiro, merits more attention because it considers not the traditional ideological battleground of news and factual programming but fiction and comedy: M A S H, Friends, Happy Days and so on.

And the allegation of deliberate leftist spin is not merely being asserted by a right-wing commentator but apparently accepted by the makers of the programs. Shapiro talks to dozens of executives and show-runners who are quoted as cheerfully admitting to having engaged in social engineering, justifying, for him, the subtitle: ‘’The true Hollywood story of how the left took over your TV.’’

Among Shapiro’s revelations are that M A S H (1972-1983) and Happy Days (1974-1984) were, by the admission of their producers, pursuing a pro-pacifist, anti-Vietnam War agenda…

The admission from the Happy Days writer Bill Bickley that he inserted a ‘’whole subtext’’ against Vietnam into the sitcom about teenagers in the 1950s is slightly more striking. But most viewers will have instinctively understood that Henry Winkler’s rocker hero the Fonz was a rebel who was likely to resist the draft…

The West Wing was clearly a liberal fantasy alternative to the real politics of the period, but it was implicitly as anti-Clinton as anti-Bush… There is never any doubt that the show is written from a liberal perspective - the biggest threat to President Bartlett’s safety comes from white supremacists who object to his daughter dating an African-American - but such storylines are justified: future historians will surely be impressed by the extent to which the racial politics of the series foreshadowed both the support for and opposition to President Obama.

A more recent hit NBC show, Tina Fey’s sitcom 30 Rock, is another example of a series with a liberal agenda that may be more complex than it at first appears.

(Thanks to reader Grand Wizard.)


Warming isn’t so scary that we’ve got to cut our petrol

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (05:19 am)

Less painful, but also more useless:

More than 12 million “ordinary” motorists - families, tradespeople and small businesses - will beexempt from paying about 6c a litre extra at the pump under an expected carbon price of $25 a tonne when the tax is introduced in July next year.

Under the plan, the discounted rate would apply to all at the bowser, meaning motorists would not have to fill out forms for rebates or wait for tax concessions.

While full details were yet to be revealed, it is understood big business could instead pay extra for petrol through a fuel-credit scheme…

And in a major shift from former prime minister Kevin Rudd’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, Ms Gillard will pledge fuel will never be subject to the new tax, even when it becomes an emissions trading scheme in 2015.

So we really, really have to slash our emissions to save the planet, but perhaps not.


And more of the great churn that will turn about 300,000 Australians into welfare recipients, and make Big Government even bigger:

SELF-FUNDED retirees will receive quarterly cash payments from the federal government to make up for rises in everyday household bill costs associated with a carbon tax.

(Thanks to reader CA.)


Heresy committed

Andrew Bolt – Sunday, July 03, 11 (12:02 am)

Age writer Jake Niall on the burden of being a Lefitst:

The easier parts of the progressive program - refugees, reconciliation - involve minimal personal action or sacrifice, other than reading Robert Manne.

And in envying the conservative lot, Niall concedes the inner totalitarian of usual Leftist:

A conservative mate accepted the notion that his views involved less ideological tripwire with this rider: ‘’Not if you live here.’’ He resides in the lefty inner north, where he is part of a self-censoring, silent minority.

‘’Your husband’s a Liberal? But he seems like such a nice bloke,’’ his wife was told, when hubby crept out of his conservative closet.

Apparently the rich man engaged a prostitute ..
THE hotel maid who accused the former IMF boss of sexual assault may have inflicted fatal damage on the case.
It isn't solely a school problem. It is also an industry one. Tragedies will happen, but avoidable ones should be avoided.
THE mother of a girl, 16, who died in a tragic school skiing accident fears another tragedy will happen on the slopes unless tighter safety guidelines are introduced.
Bad policy costs.
MOTORISTS could be forced to pay for petrol before they fill up as record numbers of drive-through thieves target service stations across the state, ripping off more than $500,000 worth of fuel.
Why have the tax?
ORDINARY motorists will be spared a spike in petrol prices from the carbon tax. Prime Minister Julia Gillard will today announce one of the most significant planks of her controversial tax in a bid to...
Telegraph assault on judge is inappropriate. The preacher was given no different treatment from any other person who might front the judge. But the judge is savaged because the case involved a preacher.
THIS is the Macksville magistrate who gave an American preacher a slap on the wrist for getting blind drunk and driving 110km along a dangerous stretch of the Pacific Highway before crashing into a pa...
Stupid rules from an ALP and Greens dominated council
A COUNCIL will ban drive-through restaurants from one of Sydney's busiest roads following a two-year fight with fast food giant McDonald's.
The young woman pictured won't be an apprentice forever.
ONE in four workers has looked for a second job in the past year to pay their bills, according A survey conducted for The Sunday Telegraph.
Years of bad government only recently stopped.
A DIRE shortage of skilled tradespeople has left NSW employers struggling to fill key positions and is costing the state's economy tens of millions of dollars in lost productivity.
Crime doesn't pay
NIGHTCLUB baron John Ibrahim has vowed to maintain a "business as usual" approach after his house was shot up last week but has revealed the violence aimed at his mother is taking its toll.
Done under appropriate supervision it can be fun.
A SYDNEY gun range is encouraging children as young as 12 to come and fire some of the world's most powerful weapons in what is being described as a blatant promotion of a US firearm culture in NSW.
They have worked hard and are making substantial improvements. I don't see indulgence being a problem.
THE O'Farrell government has yet to clock up 100 days in office, but more than a third of the front bench is already taking a holiday.
Harm minimization fails. Zero tolerance works.
BRUTAL Asian crime gangs are exposed as the kingpins behind a sinister scam to get debt-ridden families involved in the lucrative hash farm marijuana trade.
I find the low ability kids with stressed households find it worst, but that has little to do with homework.
STRESS from extra-curricular activities and homework is making an unprecedented number of children suffer from sleep problems.
A clear failure of leadership at the school.
A SCHOOL forced a kindergarten student who wet herself to wear her urine-soaked uniform and underwear for up to four hours, instead giving her a newspaper to sit on.
It isn't easy standing up to the corrupt ALP
ACTOR Shane Withington has experienced more than his fair share of on-screen drama, but the vicious campaign he has endured to save a northern beaches retreat from development was something he never e...
This has been badly handled by the ALP too.
TIGER Airways' entire domestic fleet has been grounded until at least the end of the week in an unprecedented move by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority amid concerns the airline was "an imminent ris...
Locherbie mk II
EMBATTLED Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has vowed to carry out a "catastrophic" bombing of Europe unless NATO ceases its attack on his war-torn country.
Why the assault on advertising for NSW? We don't expect truth from global warming people.
THE state's new tourism super body has dredged up a five-year-old survey from a Sydney surfing website - and used it as the basis for its first global advertising campaign.
They might also endorse the ALP or Global Warming
DOCTORS are warning celebrities spruiking an anti-ageing collagen drink that the product is a sham. Dannii Minogue, Sonia Kruger and Kylie Gillies, all Channel Seven stars, tweeted about the drink las...
It depends on how the issue of ALP corruption is addressed. Individuals who have been inappropriately placed by ALP to corruptly subvert the law should go.
WITH just over one year before his appointment expires, Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione has finally declared he wishes to remain in the job.
Can't Jefferys be removed as a judge?
"BOSS, I know I've done the right thing."

Complaints made with malice need to be punished.
POLICE must have clear powers to order removal of any face coverings, including veils, helmets and hoodies, Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione says.

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