Thursday, June 30, 2011

US Campaign for Burma Thanks to supporters


GREAT JOB to everyone in New Jersey who called Senator Lautenberg's and Senator Menendez's offices. Thanks to the phone calls and emails from constituents like you, they listened and decided to cosponsor the renewal of the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act!

Senators get very few calls of gratitude. We urge you to call Senators Lautenberg and Menendez and thank them for co-sponsoring the renewal of the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act and for their unwavering support for Aung San Suu Kyi and the struggling people of Burma. For more information about the Act, see below.

For Senator Lautenberg: Call Andrea Friedman at (202) 224-3224
For Senator Menendez: Call Victoria Woodbury at (202) 224-4744

Say "Thank you for cosponsoring the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act!"

Many thanks to all Burma supporters in New Jersey.

Or click here to email Senator Lautenberg and Senator Menendez

Thank you everyone for your hard work and continuing support.


on the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act
In the past, a lot of money flowed from unsuspecting U.S. consumers to Burma's regime and its corrupt cronies every year, mainly via industries dominated by the military. Much of this "blood trade," such as the trade in rubies, strongly benefited the military regime. This business was increasing rapidly, and Burma's regime increased the size of its military force from under 200,000 to over 400,000. Then, a few years ago, some leading Senators successfully passed a law -- called the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act -- that banned imports from Burma. This has prevented the military regime from receiving hundreds of millions of dollars from the United States.

Support 1991 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Aung San Suu Kyi and the struggle for freedom and democracy in Burma:

Become a member of the U.S. Campaign for Burma.

Or, make a tax-deductible donation today.

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