Wednesday, September 08, 2010

An open letter to Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott.

You two ran for government as independents. You have chosen to embrace government with the ALP. Because of your choice, you have an opportunity to address my issue which I believe has been covered up by Gillard and the ALP, as well as Della Bosca and Tripodi. I have brought my issue before the Legislative Council of NSW and I have run for government on my issue, although I have not been very successful in getting the media to pay attention to it. To date, I have not publicly described the depths of my concerns because I did not believe it would be reported. Also, I had good reason to believe that my life had been threatened, just as my livelihood has been. I have been unemployed for more than three years. I have done nothing wrong, but I have been illegally blacklisted from my profession of teaching as a result of my appropriately reporting on the issues I will raise with you. I am a Mathematics Teacher with over 16 years successful permanent full time experience. I cannot even get a days relief work in the hardest to staff schools. I have sacrificed my life’s savings in order to hold onto my modest unit located in one of NSW poorest suburbs.

I have two elliptically related issues. The first is to do with the dead school boy Hamidur Rahman who died in 2002 at school at age 13. His parents have been partially blamed for the accident by the coroner, but my testimony was withheld from the coroner and it may well exonerate the parents of blame. However the parents may not be aware that I exist and I cannot get the coroner to listen to my testimony without parental request. The public will may be able to expedite the issue, I have reported the matter to the correct authorities and have clean hands on this issue. In asking my local member for help on this matter in 2007, I was threatened by them and the responsible work place minister. I had a right to complain about an unfair dismissal but I timed out by that work place minister. I brought this matter before Gillard in the lead up to the ’07 election, but she failed to address it before and after and might claim she knows nothing of it, although I believe she has responded in some ways which give her ‘plausible deniability.’ I believe her comment regarding the dignity of work may have been a coded message to me to give up during the recent election campaign.

The other matter is to do with what may have been a bungled pedophile investigation involving my correctly reporting a matter in the mid’90s in Campbelltown. I believe it was a result of that matter that the school boy’s health matters were ignored by his school, resulting in his death in 2002. In reporting these issues, I have spoken to the ICAC and Ombudsman’s office. The Ombudsman has told me they cannot act on my issue because they feel it is an employer employee dispute. The ICAC have unofficially told me that they could not investigate because they did not feel they could secure a conviction. The police have told me they will not open the scars of the tragedy for the parents as they may not want to be exonerated, having been threatened with blame in the first instance.

I do not know what to do from here, but you two claim to be independent and able to act, and you have a role with my abusers. I would welcome action on this matter, I have sacrificed much to bring it to you. Yours sincerely, David Daniel Ball 14/168 Sandal crescent Carramar NSW 2163

September 8, 2010

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