Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rudd Dumped as PM as Gillard waits to be Dumped

A tearful Rudd listed his failures in office, calling them achievements. If Gillard is to extend her Prime Minister-ship beyond those that failed early she will need to admit those failures.
The BER was a wasteful failure that cost billions and delivered little more than an extra burden to the states.
Hospital care has not been reformed and people are dying from poor hospital care while blameshifting has not changed.
Kyoto was meaningless, but signed by Rudd. The 20% figure Rudd gave was meaningless.

The apology to Aboriginal peoples was meaningless, with the ALP looking to strip resources away from Aboriginal peoples.
Many other issues were listed by Rudd. None of which would bring pride or joy to any but the black guards that profited.
Australia side stepped a recession because Mr Howard left a strong economy. Rudd has lifted debt to 30% of GDP from a positive start. Australia has dark clouds it must navigate in the future because of Rudd's administration of which Gillard was part.
Gillard has said nothing to date which suggests she will lead a strong or responsible government.
In her first question time, Gillard has promised to do nothing about the bad policy for which Rudd was notes as the worst PM of all time. Gillard promised that her 'door was open' for discussion with those her party has abused in recent times (the miners, not me).

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