Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Keith Olbermann: Has the oil spill created a 'doomsday effect' for the Gulf? - 06/08/10

Remember when a vote for Obama meant such things would end? I think that changed within hours of him being elected.


  1. I don't dislike Obama. I just wish he hadn't accepted campaign money from BP, a corrupt and highly flawed company. I also regret that he gave in to placing compromised CEO's in positions of power to regulate the same entities that they represented prior to his taking office ie: oil, coal, financial industries. Obama won by a landslide. He didn't need to have a cabinet of 'adversaries' who would undermine him at every turn. He should have appointed people that supported the incentives of the people who voted for and elected him. Bush certainly did. Also, former Bush and Cheney were responsible for massive deregulations of the corrupt industries that are tearing apart our country and planet. Haliburton is involved in the gulf oil disaster and we need to know what role that company played in it. What we're seeing is the result of greed, recklessness, disregard for human life, disrespect for our one and only nurturing world and mindless, rampant deregulation that only serves to protect the rich greedy few at the top who don't see that they can't escape a global environmental disaster anymore than the next guy.

  2. Wow anonymous. You have a strange view of the world. BP is a large and old and successful company run by very good people. The situation they are in in the gulf is not by design and not really by fault. It is an accident. It is a result of a policy to work in deep oceans rather than shallow water so people can't see their work, and so to limit protests. The result is the compromise with environmentalists has led to this disaster. BP will be the solution, while Obama is just another problem to those wanting to solve it. Give Obama some credit, he has tried to surround himself with handpicked cronies and the inept that agree with him on everything. In many ways, Obama did not navigate the GFC, but make it worse. Bush and Cheney are former political leaders. there are new leaders now in the conservative movement, and they seem like very capable people.
