Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Headlines Tuesday 3rd November 2009

Commuters freed from stranded train

PASSENGERS were trapped in a broken down Sydney train with no air conditioning for almost 40 minutes on the hottest day since January. - thank you Rees - ed.

Key NSW unions out to roll Nathan Rees

PREMIER Nathan Rees has lost the support of key NSW unions in a new indication that his leadership may be terminal.

As Hamid Karzai is handed victory in Afghan presidential election, lawmakers are urging Obama to finalize his overhaul of America's war strategy there — and do it soon.

12 drown near rescue boats
TWELVE people believed to be asylum seekers drowned within sight of boats sent to save them. - More people will die for Rudd as his policy bites. - ed.

'Rudd's policy to blame for drownings'
TONY Abbott says PM to blame for ocean deaths after a suspected asylum seeker boat sinks.

Backyard Battleground
ELECTION HQ: New poll shows Republican Bob McDonnell holding double-digit lead over Democrat Creigh Deeds in Virginia gov's race — with Dems battling to prevent big loss in Obama's backyard

Tainted Beef Linked to 2 Deaths?
Federal health officials say at least two deaths, 26 illnesses could be connected to New York meat recall

9/11 Memories Forged in Steel
The USS New York — made with the steel of the fallen World Trade Center towers — arrives in namesake city

Leaders beg RBA to show rate restraint
BUSINESS leaders, led by John Symond, have pleaded with the RBA to take baby steps in its push to raise interest rates. - interest rate rises are a direct result of Rudd's spending spree. - ed.

'Airport security pervert caught'
A GUARD has been sacked after he was allegedly caught using security cameras at an airport to look at women's breasts.

Childcare worker 'chopped up in bath'
A MAN charged with the murder of a young woman chopped her up before throwing her body off a pier, a court heard.

Your job outsourced for $2 an hour
AUSTRALIAN businesses are hiring people on the other side of the world to do office work for as little as $2 an hour.

Cops' personal details divulged
POLICE have been forced to admit they left the personal details of two police officers in the brief of evidence given to 11 members of the Comancheros.

Parents fight over child's right to live
COURT to decide whether a baby who can see, hear and smell but can't breathe unaided should die.
=== Journalists Corner ===

Two hard-hitting interviews!
First, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks about the Afghanistan-Pakistan border crisis.
Then, the fall of the Berlin wall as seen through the eyes of former President Bush!

Guest: Chris Christie
The candidate speaks out on his plans for NJ and how his victory could jumpstart the GOP.
Guest: Doug Hoffman
The third party House candidate weighs in on his first rate support. He speaks out on his incredible run for the House.
Tuesday, November 3
Stay tuned to Fox News for the best reporting, the smartest analysis and sharp insight as poll results come in!
=== Comments ===
With foes like these, who needs friends
Piers Akerman
PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd’s appointment of ex-treasurer Peter Costello to an $87,000-a-year job with the Future Fund is a huge endorsement of his former opponent’s economic track record. - Of great concern for me is the ALP habit of appointing to public service positions those who are not competent. In NSW there are way too many appointments to high and mid level positions, so that with the case of Hamidur Rahman, political appointments can stymie legitimate avenues of complaint. I note that political appointments in mid level positions of public service are illegal, but practiced by NSW government, so that in the Education Department, a principal, a local director of schools, even a head teacher may be put in place by political will.
I do not see Costello accepting such poor praxis within his administration. - ed.

Are Feminists Jealous of Sarah Palin?
This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," October 30, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

Watch "The O'Reilly Factor" weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!

LAURA INGRAHAM, GUEST HOST: In the "Personal Story" segment tonight: Sarah Palin obsession in America, raging apparently as the governor gets ready to re-engage on the national stage with the release of her new book. She's still the target for some reason of all sorts of attacks. The author of an upcoming book about the governor says the anti-Palin rhetoric is all about jealousy, but is that true?

Joining us now from New York is Kellyanne Conway, a Republican pollster and president of Women Trend. And here in D.C. is Sally Quinn, a columnist at The Washington Post.

Ladies, great to see you. Sally, every time I host, you're coming in to talk about how the feminists are jealous of Sarah Palin. Admit it right now. Palin is hot. She is pro-life. She shoots. She hunts. She has a big family. And all these feminists are like just seething with jealousy about it.

SALLY QUINN, THE WASHINGTON POST: Well, of course, she is a feminist. I mean, if you look at all the things you've just said about her, she's a feminist. I mean, she clearly believes in equality for women.

INGRAHAM: And babies in the womb.

QUINN: And most women I know are feminists. So I think it depends on who you call feminist. I think one of the producers was saying the sort of raging crazed pro-choice liberal women. But I have to say that of all the people I know, I don't know a single person who feels jealous about her. I think that most of the people I know who are not Sarah Palin fans just don't like what she has to say.

INGRAHAM: And Kellyanne, I mean, what do you sense about this? Look, a lot of people don't like Palin. Yeah, "We just don't think she was qualified. We don't care for her." I mean, she's kind of a colorful figure and is really a masterful politician, but it stops there.

KELLYANNE CONWAY, REPUBLICAN POLLSTER: Yeah, the qualified stuff is a canard, and it came late after she made many women feel inadequate, Laura. This is a woman who is — her path to power was so unusual for women in power. She didn't have the money or the power or the access of a father, of a husband. She certainly didn't go to an Ivy League school. She was a standout athlete. I think of some of the spinster childless columnists who have attacked this woman for her right to choose…

INGRAHAM: Can you name names?

CONWAY: ...and have five children. There are too many to name and then it would make them relevant on such a great show.

INGRAHAM: Spinster columnists, OK.

CONWAY: But Laura…


CONWAY: No, there are too many to name actually.

INGRAHAM: OK, got you.

CONWAY: But most of the criticism of her came from females, and we should make that point from the beginning. And the fact is this woman's right to choose was to have five children and help raise a grandchild out of wedlock. She's pro-life. And the feminist movement is rooted in the fact that no matter who you are and what your background is, if you dare think you're going to become president or vice president of the United States as a woman, the calling card cost at the beginning, the cost of admission is that you be pro-choice. And this is a woman who lives her values. I think she makes some women feel inadequate because she has five children, no household help. Not only is she not anti-man, but she has, as we could tell, a supportive husband and father.

INGRAHAM: And cute, too. He's real cute.

CONWAY: ...the extended family. He's cute to go. And look, she lost all her baby weight. It makes some women crazy. They've got 1.3 children and a Pilates schedule they have to keep, and it makes some of them crazy.


CONWAY: I'll admit it.

INGRAHAM: Now Sally, if she were pro-choice and had all the same, you know, other attributes, I think a lot of people on the left probably wouldn't have been writing these columns, wouldn't have criticized her not staying home with her Down Syndrome child and so forth. I mean, if she were more of a liberal Republican, they would have said wow, it's a big tent party. Isn't this fascinating?

QUINN: Well, let me just say first that she has a point about people being jealous about her losing her baby weight. I have to say.

INGRAHAM: OK, we've gotten that out of the way.

CONWAY: But you did too, Sally.

INGRAHAM: I got that.

QUINN: No, I'm crazed about that.


QUINN: And I have to admit it right here.

INGRAHAM: You've always been fit.

QUINN: Yeah.

INGRAHAM: So we're not going to hear that from you.

QUINN: But my feeling is just that people just don't agree with her. And you know, the irony here…

INGRAHAM: Well, the public doesn't really have much of a problem. Sixty-four percent say she's a good role model for women.

QUINN: Right.

INGRAHAM: Fifty-five percent, according to the CNN poll, say she's honest and trustworthy. And, you know, I think most people, the jury's out on whether she's, you know, nationally going to be a force politically. But the other stuff, people kind of like her.

QUINN: Well, I think that in general, the public is feminists. I think most women and most men today are feminists and that they believe in equality for women. And certainly she does. And certainly her family does. So I think all of that is makes sense. I think the irony here is that the criticism, so much of the criticism you're talking about, you know, having the governorship and trying to raise all these children, a Down Syndrome baby, those — the people who normally would be anti-that are her base. These are the Christian right, who believe that a woman's place is in the home. And that criticism I've heard for her and sort of taking on this job with all these children and the Down Syndrome baby of three months and the pregnant daughter was that maybe she should have stayed home at this particular time.

INGRAHAM: But if a conservative guy had told a liberal woman to stay home and take care of the kids, I'm sure Maureen Dowd, Sally Quinn, and the whole elite Washington journalistic establishment would have been down their throats. You don't tell this woman what to do. I imagine you would.

CONWAY: Actually, Sally wrote a piece about that. Sally wrote a piece called, "Palin's Pregnancy Problem." It was kind of mean and it ended up being untrue, that the base did not leave Sarah Palin because her daughter Bristol was going to have this child out of wedlock. The whole crisis pregnancy culture is to embrace young girls who have unexpected pregnancies.

INGRAHAM: Choices also.

CONWAY: And look, I just want to say this, that with Palin, she looks so feminine. She acts like a woman, but governed like a man. She didn't take - she didn't raise taxes and throw all this money into social programs. Instead, she put the governor's jet on eBay, makes her kids' own lunches. And I think if people disagree with her in principle, that's fine. But look, Laura, the people who attack her control the poison keyboards in this country. But the people who love and support her are still pushing babies in strollers and elderly women in wheelchairs just to go see her, just to go buy her book, which is already No. 1 and not even out.

INGRAHAM: What do you make of that, Sally? I mean, this book world, which is a tough world for book publishers, sold, No. 1. The book's not even out.

QUINN: Well, I'm not at all surprised. I mean, every time that I write about her, well, you can see the reaction here, every time I write about her, every time you all talk about her on television, my numbers go up on the Web site. I mean, just skyrocket. I mean…

INGRAHAM: You can forward me some of those e-mails, Sally? I want to know what people are saying to you.

QUINN: I don't think you want to read them.

INGRAHAM: Oh, really? They're nasty towards me.

QUINN: The nicest one would be.


QUINN: Well, I don't even want to say, adulteress, I got a call.

INGRAHAM: Oh, lovely. Ladies, thanks.
Tim Blair
So check out the before-and-after names of several Presbyterian converts lately the focus of police attention:
• Christopher Thomas – Luqman Ameen Abdullah
• Franklin D. Roosevelt Williams – Mohammad Abdul Bassir
• Norman Shields – Muhammad Abdul Salaam
• Detric Lamont Driver – Abdullah Beard
• Dwayne Edward Davis – Abdul Saboor
Personally, I’d go for something with a little more zing to it; “Haqdude Bish Massacree” perhaps, or “Abbadabbadullah Mododo Badonkadonk”. But probably there are rules and converts don’t have a choice.
Tim Blair
“Why,” I asked in 2007, “are the British among the Earth’s loudest warming whiners? They’d kill the Queen Mother all over again for a cheap holiday in sunny Spain or Florida, but as soon as a few stray solar rays hit Scunthorpe or Hull they act like the Blitz is back.” Not any more:
Britain is less concerned about climate change than any other country in the world, according to a new survey.

The annual Climate Confidence Monitor found the number of people worrying about global warming worldwide has fallen by eight per cent to just over a third in the last year as the economic downturn kicked in.

Just fifteen per cent of people in Britain worry about climate change and how the world responds to the problem, the lowest figure for any of the 12 countries surveyed. The figure is down from 26 per cent last year.
This has been assisted by demented British government advertising: “If you don’t reduce your carbon footprint, then puppies will drown and bunny rabbits will die. And a terrifying, jagged-toothed monster with crazy hooked hands will descend from the clouds to eat you up.” Australians give less of a damn, too:
A new international survey has found Australians no longer care about climate change as much as they do about domestic issues and the financial crisis.

The survey looks at attitudes towards climate change in 12 different countries and found concern in Australia dropped in the past year by 14 per cent – the largest drop among the developed nations surveyed.
Our result is even more impressive when judged on a per capita basis. The survey’s main goons remain hopeful:
The Climate Group, which advises governments and businesses on low-carbon policies, was one of the groups that commissioned the survey.

The group’s CEO Steve Howard says Australians do still care about climate change.
Sure we do. None of us would dare hurt the tooth fairy, either.
Tim Blair
Fox News should use this as an advertising slogan: “Not a news network the way CNN is.”
Tim Blair
Just like a unseaworthy vessel headed for the Western Australian coast, Labor support is sinking:
Support for the Rudd Government has slipped by seven percentage points over the past two weeks amid the ongoing asylum seeker debate, the latest Newspoll shows.
On a two-party preferred basis, that leaves the coalition – having picked up seven per cent – trailing 52-48. Yet Kevin Rudd maintains a massive advantage over the opposition leader: 63 per cent to 19 per cent. The gap might become even wider now that voters have heard Malcolm “I believe climate change is a real threat” Turnbull identify himself as an absolute pancake on every major issue. Meanwhile, in the US:
“They stay in the truck,” grumbled a vendor who identified himself as “Dick,” as he pointed to a rusty vehicle behind him. “They don’t sell anymore.”
He’s talking about Obama souvenirs.
Tim Blair
“What would have happened in India,” asks Don Boudreaux, “if that country had liberalized its economy ten years earlier than it did?”
Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar does a commendable job supplying a plausible, if gruesome, answer. He

finds that with earlier reform, 14.5 million more children would have survived, 261 million more Indians would have become literate, and 109 million more people would have risen above the poverty line. The delay in economic reform represents an enormous social tragedy. It drives home the point that India’s socialist era, which claimed it would deliver growth with social justice, delivered neither.
Tim Blair
Sensational cowbell work on this 1976 George Harrison tune.
A sceptic in Higgins
Andrew Bolt
A climate sceptic will run in the byelection for Peter Costello’s seat of Higgins:
Climate Sceptics president Leon Ashby has announced Stephen Murphy will run as an Independent Climate Sceptic in the Higgins by-election on a platform of opposing the emissions trading scheme.
Pity the Liberal candidate, Kelly O’Dwyer, can’t promise the same.

But at least voters now have a clear alternative to the Greens’ Clive Hamilton, who demands big cuts to growth to save the “Gaiaen earth in its ecological, cybernetic way” and warns we might need a ”suspension of democratic processes” if the public refuses to agree.


Support dissent while it’s still legal:
A CSIRO economist whose research criticising emissions trading schemes was banned from publication said last night he had been subjected to harassment by the senior agency management.

Clive Spash ... was told in February he could publish the work if it were peer reviewed. But in July, CSIRO management said it could not be published after it was cleared for publication. This month, he was informed he could not publish it even in his private capacity, because it was “politically sensitive”. Within 24 hours, he also received a letter outlining a list of trivial instances in which he was accused of breaching CSIRO policy, for example not completing a leave form properly…

The gagging of Dr Spash’s work is embarrassing for Science Minister Kim Carr, who defended academic freedoms in opposition and last year trumpeted a new CSIRO charter he said would give scientists the right to speak publicly about their findings
Yes, but that was before this growing scepticism about warming and the Government’s dodgy “fix”.


Alan Moran spells out some of the costs of Kevin Rudd’s plan for colossal taxes on emissions, and warns:
...the carbon tax means nobody will again build an aluminium smelter, a steelworks or any other facility that makes use of Australian low-cost energy

Australia is just pipped by the Poms in the Sceptic’s Cup - a competition attracting more fans by the day:
Britain is less concerned about climate change than any other country in the world, according to a new survey. The annual Climate Confidence Monitor found the number of people worrying about global warming worldwide has fallen by eight per cent to just over a third in the last year as the economic downturn kicked in. Just fifteen per cent of people in Britain worry about climate change and how the world responds to the problem, the lowest figure for any of the 12 countries surveyed. The figure is down from 26 per cent last year.
But never mind. We take out the Most Improved Player Award:
Concern in Australia dropped in the past year by 14 per cent - the largest drop among the developed nations surveyed.
The air is going out of the global warming balloon.
Why not liken Sri Lanka to Hitler’s Germany instead?
Andrew Bolt
The Sydney Morning Herald cartoonist Cathy Wilcox claims democratic Sri Lanka is just like totalitarian East Germany. But ignore her ignorance, and admire her loudly beating heart.
Rudd’s balloon bursts
Andrew Bolt
Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberals spent months distancing themselves from the immigration policies of that embarrassing John Howard, as well as from his workplace laws and the rest. How stupid they must feel, as Kevin Rudd’s huge lead is dramatically slashed almost overnight:
As aircraft from the Royal Australian Air Force and the Royal Flying Doctor Service scoured the Indian Ocean for any trace of those still unaccounted for, a Newspoll taken for The Australian showed support for the Rudd government had slumped as the asylum-seeker debate dominated the headlines.

Primary support for the Coalition rose seven points to 41 per cent, level with the ALP, which also polled 41 per cent. The government’s two-party preferred lead was slashed to four points from 18 points in the previous Newspoll…

The Coalition has drawn level with Labor at 41 per cent, although the government maintains a lead of 52 per cent to 48 per cent in two-party preferred terms, according to a Newspoll conducted exclusively for The Australian at the weekend.
Now, if the Liberals had dared two years ago to fight Kevin Rudd’s mad plan to tax and spend billions to “stop” the world from warning....

Get on your feet and fight.


Rudd knew this was coming, which explains this brittle man’s crushed demeanour on the 7.30 Report last night. And explains this:
KERRY O’BRIEN: You’ve conducted a nation-wide media blitz from Townsville late today; at least five radio interviews around the country in less than an hour. You’re doing this program as well. It seems more frenetic than usual. What sparked it?

KEVIN RUDD: Not at all, Kerry. I mean, when I’m in Parliament during the week, life’s pretty busy; I’ve got other things to do in Canberra. I’m on the road today in Townsville and there was an opportunity to respond to a whole range of interview requests and to do other interviews as well....

KERRY O’BRIEN: When I talk about the media blitz I’m referring to the flurry of media alerts that hit the press gallery this afternoon. Is it true that the public mood is moving away from the Government on the asylum seeker issue?

Rudd’s fumbling of the boat people problem has to be responsible for most of the big drop:
MOST voters believe Government weakness on border protection is to blame for the rising number of boats in Australian waters, according to a new poll…

Only one in three respondents in the Essential poll said Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was doing an “excellent or good” job on border protection. More than half rated his performance as “not so good” or poor.

This is bizarre. Kevin Rudd has claimed that the Tamil boat people are just fleeing civil war in Sri Lanka, suggesting they’re real refugees:
What we’re faced with in Sri Lanka is 260000 people displaced because of the civil war.
Only now he’s sent former Ambassador John McCarthy to Sri Lanka on an urgent mission to help stop the boats, and the only hint he’s given here is that he wants to do something about ”housing needs” there.

But today’s excitable Sri Lankan Daily News reports that Sri Lankan officials believe Rudd thinks the boat people are just after better jobs, and need only to proper invite to come in legally:
A high official of the Australian government has arrived in Sri Lanka to explore the possibilities of recruiting around 200,000 unskilled workers from here. The aim was to stop the influx of illegal immigrants coming into their country in boats, Immigration and Emigration Commissioner P.B. Abeykoon told the Daily News yesterday. He said the illegal immigration racket was still going on with each person paying around 1,500,000 to go to Australia…

This was a sudden decision taken by the Australian government after discussions they had with Sri Lankan authorities to discourage illegal migration to Australia considering the high risks taken by the migrants and the problems they cause to other countries, he said.
Claims that Rudd wants to import 200,000 unskilled Sri Lankans are clearly fanciful. (UPDATE: And have been refuted this morning by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.) But what exactly has Rudd offered Sri Lanka? How many houses is he now planning to build there? How many Sri Lankans does he now intend to invite over?

And does his apparent offer of better housing and - reportedly - more jobs here imply that the boat people are not true refugees at all, but just people after a more comfortable life?


Oh, and the same Daily News report confirms that the defeated Tamil Tiger terrorists are indeed sponsoring supporters to take to the boats here - a suggestion Rudd dismissed two weeks ago as “disgusting” and “divisive”
Your cash splashed to make houses too dear
Andrew Bolt
Terry McCrann says the new caps on the Rudd Government’s first home owners grant will hurt the very people they’re most meant to help:

HERE is only one thing dumber than the first home buyer’s grant and that is the ceiling politicians have now put on it. Talk about designing something specifically to hurt desperate home-seekers, especially the ones most needing real help…

Over the weekend, Federal Housing Minister Tanya Plibersek said state governments would be allowed to set a price cap on the grant… Almost all of them were ready to go. Three, NSW, WA and the NT, opted for $750,000. Victoria picked $600,000, Queensland confirmed itself as the home of white shoes with $1 million.

Terrific. So if you stop the children of rich parents getting the grant if they buy a house/property that costs more than those sums, what is the single most obvious thing they are likely to do? Buy a house under the limit.

That works just great for Joe and Joanna Average trying to buy the average home. Now they’ve got somebody extra bidding against them. Somebody with much deeper pockets.

Before the weekend they might have worried that competition amongst similar stressed home-seekers to them could have forced that $500,000 house up to, say $550-560,000. Now they can rest assured the pollies have guaranteed it will go to the rich kid at, say, $595,000.

Ferguson puts his old comrades in their place
Andrew Bolt
He’s right now, of course:

AS A fully paid-up member of the former ACTU presidents’ club, Martin Ferguson doesn’t normally take public swipes at his erstwhile comrades. But the Minister for Resources and Energy yesterday dismissed the ACTU as a mere lobby group representing ‘’sectional interests’’.

Had John Howard said that.... - Or Malcolm Turnbull - ed.
Rewarding their friends with your cash
Andrew Bolt
Kevin Rudd hands out $100,000 (of your money) to his favorite non-fiction authors of the year:
The non-fiction prize was split between Evelyn Juer’s multiple biography, House of Exile: The Life and Times of Heinrich Mann and Nelly Kroeger-Mann, and Drawing the Global Colour Line, by Marilyn Lake and Henry Reynolds.
So who helped him decide the non-fiction winners of his new Prime Minister’s Literary Awards?

The non-fiction judges - Phillip Adams, Peter Rose and Joan Beaumont - said that Drawing the Global Colour Line “makes the racial policies that defined so much of Australian history more comprehensible by linking it to the dynamics of race around the world”.

Oh, Adams is back, is he? Thisa is the man who, under Paul Keating, was allowed to choose the Australian of the Year, and did so to push his own far-Left agenda, choosing winners, he later admitted…
who would discompose calcified conservatives
So how did he go this year? Actually, he’s long liked and promoted the sometimes bizarre politics of Lake and Reynolds, too, and here’s the publisher’s description of their winning book:
In 1900 W. E. B. DuBois prophesied that the colour line would be the key problem of the twentieth-century and he later identified one of its key dynamics: the new religion of whiteness that was sweeping the world. Whereas most historians have confined their studies of race-relations to a national framework, this book offers a pioneering study of the transnational circulation of people and ideas, racial knowledge and technologies that under-pinned the construction of self-styled white men’s countries from South Africa, to North America and Australasia. Marilyn Lake and Henry Reynolds show how in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century these countries worked in solidarity to exclude those they defined as not-white, actions that provoked a long international struggle for racial equality.
I haven’t read the book and can’t say if it’s deserving or not. But I think we can safely say that the Left is back in charge of the cultural patronage game, and its favorite sons and daughters may expect even greater rewards.


Lake’s take on racist whites sure gets a lot of patronage from the arts bureaucracy, using your money. Not only does she get her share of Rudd’s $100,000 and her university salary, but she also snaffled this grant for ”whiteness” studies from the Australian Research Council in 2004:
Professor Marilyn Lake, the feminist who claims women are ‘worked to death’ as ‘slaves to the nation’ now gets $480,000 to attack the ‘history of white Australia through an investigation of the idea of the ‘white man’s country’ as a defensive response to a changing world order.
Reynolds, too, won an ARC fellowship and is a professor of Aboriginal studies. His enthusiasm for diagnosing racism has led to charges of inventing massacres.

But counting all the cash, I’d conservatively estimate that at least $1 million of your money went into producing and promoting this excoriation of the alleged religion of “whiteness”.
Tim Blair
Noor Faleh Almaleki, run down by her father in Phoenix last month, has now died. According to Associated Press, her father was annoyed that Almaleki didn’t live according to his “traditional Iraqi values”.
Tim Blair
Going green is easy:
The Little Green Guide is a great pocket guide to going gree, identifying some key steps that will make the most difference for the least cost and effort, and utting it all into context. If you want to help save th planet but aren’t quite sure how, then start here …

Printed on 100 percent recycled paper using vegetable inks, the book’s small size in itself designed to show people that being green need not be difficlt or complicated.

Tim Blair
Trouble in Hopenchangen:
Negotiations to save the planet from catastrophic climate change are heading for trouble, five weeks before the U.N. conference in Copenhagen to tackle the problem …

Even in Europe, which adopted ambitious goals last year to cut the output of carbon dioxide by at least 20 percent by 2020, signs of climate fatigue are setting in … if the Europeans cannot agree among themselves on how to share the burden, what hope is there for reaching a global accord at the Copenhagen meeting?
Answer: None at all! As for Australia, the government that couldn’t run a grocery site now reveals that it can’t run an insulation program:
The federal government has caved into pressure from the opposition by reducing to $1,200 the rebate it pays households to install insulation.

The government will also publish a “name-and-shame list” of deregistered installers found to have engaged in unfair or dodgy behaviour.
Good luck fixing the planet’s temperature, geniuses.
Save the planet! Turn the lights off for burglars
Andrew Bolt
Some hysterics are so scared that global warming will drown them in their beds that they’d rather take the risk of being bludgeoned in bed instead:

Scotland Yard has been accused of ignorance about climate change after urging people to deter burglars by leaving lights on when they are out....

Ms Jones, a member of the Metropolitan Police Authority and London assembly member for the Green Party, accused the police of failing to address the “environmental ramifications” of Operation Bumblebee.

She said: “The Met simply does not get Climate change, and neither does the Mayor of London. They need a basic education in these issues before we all drown in our beds. I would encourage people not to leave their lights on, and rather to invest in proper insulation and lock systems.”

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