Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Geraldo Discusses Ft. Hood Massacre- Slams US For Widespread Predjudice and Discrimination

Geraldo Rivera on The O'Reilly Factor: "I think what happened in Orlando and what happened in Fort Hood Texas is the same thing. You have a paranoid obsessed, impotent, frustrated loser who takes out his rage, whatever it is, whether he lost his job, or like the kids at Columbine High School who were being bullied in school or in the case of Major Hasan he's got whatever his psychobabble religious beef is. They go off and they inflict terrible harm on innocent people to assuage whatever it is that's bugging them. It is totally about them. It is the same story. And the people I feel the most sorry for tonight are the 12 to 15,000 Muslim GI's who serve honorably and the four million Muslims in this country the citozens who are patriots and believe that believe in our country and now will be because of this, the way this story is being played will be subjected to more of this kind of undertone, widespread, resentment and prejudice and discrimination that's happened really since 9-11.

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