Saturday, October 17, 2009

Headlines Saturday 17th October 2009

Is this Australia's toughest boss?

MORE than half of Kevin Rudd's staff have fled the Prime Minister's office since the election. - he employs me full time on no conditions of sick leave or holiday pay or superannuation. He pays less than the minimum wage. - ed.

School Chief Sticks By 'Zero Tolerance' Ruling for Eagle Scout

Call him Mr. Zero Tolerance. The upstate New York school superintendent who suspended an Eagle Scout for 20 days for keeping a 2-inch utility knife locked in his car is unwilling to speak to the teen's family or bend in his ruling.

New currency to challenge US dollar
LEFTIST Latin American leaders agreed today on the creation of a regional currency, the Sucre, aimed at scaling back the use of the US dollar.

Student shot dead in struggle with police
A POLICE officer assigned to a South Carolina school shot dead a 16-year-old student after the 11th grader stabbed him, the local school district said.

Grass fire proves deadly for firefighter
A FIREFIGHTER has collapsed and died while fighting a grass fire on the NSW mid-north coast.

Baby Survives After Stroller Falls Off Australia Train Platform

A six-month-old boy has miraculously survived a train slamming into his stroller after it rolled off an Australian railway platform.

Estate agents zoom in on a homes boom
PROPERTY is back in fashion after a year of caution, as investors shun the share market.

Farmers fleeced by lonely hearts scams
ESCALATING online dating scams leave a trail of broken hearts and empty bank accounts.

Brothel offers discounts to 'green' clients
STUNG by the financial crisis, brothel offers discounts to clients who arrive by bus or bicycle.

'Lift the legal drinking age to 21'
AT least 100 lives a year could be saved if we raised the drinking age to 21, AMA chief says.

Police to quiz family over 'balloon boy'

THE family in Colorado's runaway balloon saga will be quizzed by detectives following a comment from the boy at the centre of the drama that fuelled suspicions of a hoax, police say.
=== Journalists Corner ===

A Special 'Beck'!
We've heard the arguments for and against Obama Care. But what's it all mean for your family doctor and the kids in medical school today?
Health Care Plan Exposed!
A groundbreaking study revealing billions in new taxes, premiums & fees! So, how much will the bill cost you?
Guest: Donna Shalala
Will the health care bill flatline? Former Health Secretary Donna Shalala responds!
=== Comments ===
The New Witch-hunters
By Bill O'Reilly
Late Wednesday, Rush Limbaugh was bounced out of contention to buy into a pro football team. That happened because various people, like Al Sharpton, put forth that Mr. Limbaugh had made a series of racial comments and thus did not deserve to be part of the National Football League. That race theme quickly became a hammer used against Limbaugh:


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't see him as much as a racist, as he makes racial remarks, but I see him more as a bigot. And a bigot is someone who, regardless of the facts in evidence in front of them, they still go their own way.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All I know is about what I read about Rush Limbaugh. But I do know what he talks about and the line that he tries to play. It's an easy line to play. It's a race line.


So what's the evidence that Limbaugh is a race-baiter? We investigated the statements that are being tossed about.

The first one allegedly has Mr. Limbaugh praising James Earl Ray, convicted of assassinating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. There is no evidence Rush Limbaugh ever did that. The accusation comes from a far-left guy named Jack Huberman, who provided no evidence to back up the claim.

Huberman is also the source for Limbaugh's alleged quote saying slavery was not entirely bad. Again, Huberman provided no back up. The allegation was also published on Wikipedia without any sourcing.

Mr. Limbaugh denies making both comments.

Finally, a Kansas City Star columnist named James Fussell quoted Limbaugh as saying bad things about the NAACP. The quote came from a newsletter called "Flush Rush," but so far there is no confirmation that the disparaging remarks were ever made.

So what we have here are accusations without merit, but in our hype-media age that's enough to paint someone as a racist.

I've been through this. A couple of years ago I said on the radio that having dinner in Harlem was the same as having dinner anywhere in America. The context was my grandmother, who was very afraid of blacks even though she never even met a black person. Her fear was irrational, and I made that point quite clearly.

But the vicious Web site Media Matters put forth that I was denigrating a black-owned restaurant, and some people believed it without even listening to the radio broadcast, which I posted on

There goes my NFL career.

Fair-minded Americans know that playing the race card is easy and hateful. The only thing we can find about Rush Limbaugh is that he thinks quarterback Donovan McNabb is overrated by some people who want black quarterbacks to succeed. Mr. McNabb resented the remark, as he should have. He's a good player and his color has nothing to do with his performance. I think Limbaugh made a mistake with that analysis, but that doesn't make him a racist and should not disqualify him from owning part of a team.

Let's stop the racial witch-hunting in America.
Tim Blair
Welcome to the The Einstein Factor. I’m your host, Peter Berner, and tonight our contestant is Sydney internet hobbyist Tim Blair.

Tim: Hi, Pete.

Peter: And your special subject?

Tim: Idiotic protesters, 2002-2009.

Peter: Your 90 seconds begin now. The lead singer of which 1980s band decided in 2003 it would be smart to protest the invasion of Iraq by taking off her clothes?

Tim: The Eurogliders.

Peter: Correct. And what was unique about the protest?

Tim: It was conducted at an undisclosed location, for fear of unwanted onlookers.

Peter: Correct. How old was the little Islamic girl holding the sign “Jews haven’t learn they need Nazis more than before” at a Melbourne rally this year?

Tim: About 12.

Peter: Incorrect. She was about seven. How many turned up at Bondi Beach on October 4 to take part in the “biggest world march ever known to mankind”?

Tim: According to the Wentworth Courier, about 30.

Peter: Correct. How far did artist Jenny McCracken drive last December in order to protest carbon emissions?

Tim: 550km.

Peter: Correct. The emblem for which German car company frequently appears at peace rallies where protesters are too stupid to draw a proper peace sign?

Tim: Mercedes Benz.

Peter: Incorrect. I think you’ll find it’s “Mercedes-Benz”, with a hyphen. Points deducted. Four hundred global warming activists were covered in what during a 2008 protest in Maryland?

Tim: Snow.

Peter: Correct. True or false: an anti-Jewish protester’s sign in New York last year read “Death To All Juice”?

Tim: Can I go to the brains trust on this?

Peter: Yes. Brains trust, your verdict.

Sheik Hilaly: There was no such sign!

Keysar Trad: The sign was taken completely out of context.

David Marr: Here we go again, with the tiresome race-baiting and dog-whistling of Australia’s anti-Islamic right. The issue isn’t whether there was a sign or not, nor what it said. Rather, the issue is whether the malign influence of John Howard’s divisive rule will ever be …

Tim: I’ll say true.

Peter: Correct. What is the finest protest sign ever presented at any rally in the history of humankind?

Tim: That would be “Look at all these ridiculous people”, a sign planted in the ground during a 2003 anti-sexism rally at Augusta National Golf Club.

Peter: Correct. Although the ABC switchboard is currently lighting up with nominations for “Get a brain! Morans”, said to have been held by a pro-war protester in Missouri.
Tim Blair
Way over in Canada, veteran Australian climate wrongist Tim Flannery is trashing business, according to the Financial Post‘s Peter Foster:
Mr. Flannery condemned “ordinary” businesses – that is, those that want to make profits and look after their employees – as being like “crime syndicates.”
Flannery has previously – while in Los Angeles – slammed industry leaders. But he’s shortly due back in Australia, where the bearded bone bore is possibly less likely to criticise capitalism:
Global warming activist Tim Flannery will give a climate change update at the next Western Sydney Business Connection lunch at Crowne Plaza Parramatta on Thursday, October 29, between noon and 2.30pm.

Tickets cost $99 for Western Sydney Business Connection members and $130 for non members.
Not cheap. Let’s hope our local crime syndicates can afford it.
Tim Blair
Little known but true. Also true (but NSFW): the weather in Alice Springs and Adelaide is changeless.
Even Dave Hughes has conservatives in his audience
Andrew Bolt

An interesting example of how the media tends to be to the Left of its audience - even a media that I assumed had developed a loyal following.

On Thursday I went again on the 7pm Project - the Channel 10 chat show starring former lawyer Charlie Pickering and Dave Hughes, both comedians and FM radio celebrities and talents I actually respect. Joining me were show regular Carrie Bickmore and FM host Jo Stanley, so I knew already that, politically speaking, it would be four against one.

I also knew that the topic I’d been brought in to discuss, boat people, was a totemic one - one that many used to announce their political orientation. So on a show run by and dominated by those of the young Left, and meant for an audience presumed to reflect them, I expected not only to be outnumbered on this issue but even rather pilloried.

Here’s the strange thing. True, it was indeed four against one, with at least one on the panel reacting as if never before had she encountered my kind of opinions in polite company, or even within her hearing. I was a representative of an alien world, with arguments to protest against rather than logically rebut. (I may be exaggerating slightly.)

But check the strong trend of thought in the long list (for that site) of comments from viewers afterwards on the show’s website. True, there are some abusive of me in the way you’d expect from the young and passionately Left. But if the totality of comments on this most ideologically charged issue is a measure of the 7pm Project’s audience, then once again - and even here - we can assume that the media is to the Left of its audience.

There’s a cutural opening here that the media has been very, very slow to explore - or exploit.
So “circumstantial” that four pleaded guilty
Andrew Bolt
Those arguing that the five Muslims convicted in Sydney yesterday of preparing a terrorist act were found guilty on merely “circumstantial” evidence and are victims of a mistrial should first consider what some of the evidence against them was - and wonder why the most damning of all was kept from the jury.

Note also in this excellent Sally Neighbour piece how John Howard’s changes to our terrorism laws - much attacked by civil liberatians and academics at the time, and opposed even now by the Greens - may well have been important.
Nine more months of Obama’s “peace” could be lethal
Andrew Bolt
Charles Krauthammer says those claiming that Barak Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize is merely “premature” are kidding themselves. Given Obama’s record in just nine months, peace is the last thing he’ll achieve:
What’s come from Obama holding his tongue while Iranian demonstrators were being shot and from his recognizing the legitimacy of a thug regime illegitimately returned to power in a fraudulent election? Iran cracks down even more mercilessly on the opposition and races ahead with its nuclear program.

What’s come from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton taking human rights off the table on a visit to China and from Obama’s shameful refusal to see the Dalai Lama (a postponement, we are told)? China hasn’t moved an inch on North Korea, Iran or human rights. Indeed, it’s pushing with Russia to dethrone the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

What’s come from the new-respect-for-Muslims Cairo speech and the unprecedented pressure on Israel for a total settlement freeze? “The settlement push backfired,” reports The Post, and Arab-Israeli peace prospects have “arguably regressed.”

And what’s come from Obama’s single most dramatic foreign policy stroke—the sudden abrogation of missile defense arrangements with Poland and the Czech Republic that Russia had virulently opposed? ...

Surely we got something in return for selling out our friends. Some brilliant secret trade-off to get strong Russian support for stopping Iran from going nuclear before it’s too late? .... Well, Clinton went to Moscow this week to nail down the deal. What did she get?

“Russia Not Budging on Iran Sanctions; Clinton Unable to Sway Counterpart.” Such was The Post headline’s succinct summary of the debacle…

It gets worse. Having failed to get any movement from the Russians, Clinton herself moved—to accommodate the Russian position!
Warming framed for squashed walruses
Andrew Bolt

When dead walruses were found last month on an Alaskan beach, it took no time at all for reporters and warming prophets to blame their favorite bogeyman:
Shaye Wolf, spokeswoman for the Center for Biological Diversity, said the walrus deaths were alarming.

“It provides another indicator that climate change is taking a brutal toll on the Arctic,” she said.
World Wildlife Fund has obtained dramatic high definition footage along the Arctic shorelines of Russia and Alaska showing the dramatic impact climate change is having on walruses.
A joint investigation by groups including the UN National Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alaska SeaLife Center has now been completed. Conclusion: just another walrus stampede - and no mention of global warming needed to explain it:
Trampling by other walruses was the most likely cause of death of 131 walruses carcasses found on the shore near Icy Cape, Alaska… An aerial survey of the Chukchi Sea coast conducted by USFWS and NSB confirmed the die-off was localized to the Icy Cape region…

Trampling-related injuries and mortalities are not uncommon at coastal walrus haulouts.... The cause of the disturbance or disturbances leading to the trampling deaths is unknown.
And as Canadian Geographic explained seven years ago in its Walrus Facts:
On ice floes or on land, walruses are often seen packed together like sardines, with calves resting on top of adults to avoid being crushed. When disturbed, such as when a plane flies over a resting herd, the walruses stampede into the water.
If the evidence for apocalyptic man-made warming is so clear, why this constant invention of more?
And the ones they haven’t monitored?
Andrew Bolt
This suggests that many in certain categories of criminals are beyond redemption, and public safety should count for far more in their sentencing than their prospects of rehabilitation:

NEARLY half of all serious sex offenders released from prison and fitted with electronic anklets monitoring their every move have breached conditions of their release and been returned to jail.

Some of them - pedophiles and rapists deemed at risk of offending again - have since been in and out of prison repeatedly, when breaching their conditions a second and third time.
Air leaks from balloon claim
Andrew Bolt

The boy-in-the-balloon drama was an astonishing global publicity coup for a publicity-hungry family. But then came this interview, with interviewer Wolf Blitzer taking an awful long time before he realised a cat had just escaped a bag. Or a boy a balloon hoax.

The family denies any trickery. But I doubt its denials will save it. Blitzer’s own reputation as a journalist won’t be helped much, either.


The vomiting suggests a boy under real stress. Get his father off the air.
Bastard boss deserted
Andrew Bolt

Remember how hard Kevin Rudd campaigned at the last election against bastard bosses and the laws that allegedly helped them? Remember him insisting:
Every working man and woman deserves to be treated fairly in the workplace.
Once again, check the spin against the reality, at least as it pertains to Rudd himself:
MORE than half of Kevin Rudd’s staff have fled the Prime Minister’s office since the election less than two years ago.

Despite promising to rid Australia of workplace bullies, the PM - dubbed Kevin 24/7 - has emerged as one of the country’s most demanding employers, with insiders describing him as “manic"…

“He’s demanding and a bit all over the place,” says one former staffer of the PM, who recently tore into Labor’s factional chiefs with an expletive-laden rant…

It has been revealed 23 of 39 staff have left Mr Rudd’s office - and there are whispers of more to follow.
This is far from the first time Rudd’s bastardry as a boss has surfaced. Remember the RAAF flight attendant?

And perhaps you now know one reason why Rudd’s style is far more about spin than performance. Performance demands good, experienced staff, but spin takes just a couple of wide boys. - I work for Rudd as a teacher's aide, being paid through federal funding. I work full time with no conditions of sick leave, holiday pay or superannuation. I work extra hours for no pay. I am paid less than the minimum wage. He is not a good boss. - ed.
Normally you wouldn’t rate the agent
Andrew Bolt

ABC Lateline’s Margot O’Neill, a global warming worrier, waves goodbye to the Maldives:
Think of the Maldives, that Indian Ocean idyll which could be wiped out by rising sea levels due to global warming by the end of the century…
Strange, though, that these islands allegedly about to sink under warming seas are in fact being sold as great investments.
200 Bed Resort Island ( New) For Sale Or Rent.

A beautiful coral island with lush vegetation & white sandy beach right around it with the license to develop a 200 bed (100 room) resort on it is available for immediate sale or rent. The island is only a 40 minute Seplane ride away from the Airport and is on the route of the current Seaplane network. This is an excellent island to develop an international branded hotel. Even now certain international brands have expressed interest to manage the property.

Who you going to believe on global warming: an ABC alarmist or a real estate agent from the Maldives?
Flooded with reasons why their dam ban was crazy
Andrew Bolt
Melbourne Water’s latest global-warmy excuse for not building Melbourne the new dam in Gippsland we desperately needed:
Why aren’t we building another dam?… Our reservoirs need steady rain over days and weeks, to wet the ground and then generate runoff. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on this kind of rainfall like we used to.
The latest flood alert from the Bureau of Meteorology:
See how foolish you look when you believe the warming alarmists?

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