Thursday, February 26, 2009


Queensland Senator Sue Boyce said she expected an inquiry into immigration criteria for people with disabilities to be finalised next week.

“The Immigration Minister, Senator Evans, answering my questions at a Senate Estimates Hearing today said he expected to finalise the terms of reference in the next few days and refer the matter to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration next week.

“The ongoing problem has been that the system has treated people with intellectual disabilities have been treated as though they were ill and always going to be a drain on society.”

“It’s good to know that Community Services (FaHCSIA) have had input so we can get away from the antiquated notion that disability equals illness”, Senator Boyce said.

Discriminatory aspects of migration law have been highlighted recently by the case in Victoria of Dr Moeller and his son with down syndrome.

Following Dr Moeller’s successful appeal Senator Boyce has assisted two other families migrate. There are believed to be dozens of other families affected.

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