Sunday, January 04, 2009

Vietlish - a sign of maturity

Vietlish Entertainment, co-founded by Maria Tran & Joseph Hieu, two of Australia’s Vietnamese youth representatives welcomes you.

The term “Vietlish” means Vietnamese- English, and here we celebrate the Vietnamese culture by providing our products and services in a bilingual way as we recognise that strong need for initiatives to be accessible to diverse generations of the Vietnamese Community in Australia and abroad.

We run a variety of projects and are known in the community as MC/ Host, workshop facilitators, community & business consultants, marketing/ promotion, translators and event organisers.

Our core values are:





Overall, our tagline is that we embark on social media and our interests in all aspects of our Vietnamese Community and also the Asian Market.
The above advert of Vietlish is consistent with the application. It is a well run group, professional and capable.

Vietlish - Thanh Bui vox pop by Maria Tran & Joseph Hieu Dinh - Bloopers
Social Media Personality Joseph Hieu & Maria Tran bombard the streets of Australias Asian Hub Downtown Cabramatta, Sydney in the quest to find out what are peoples thoughts on our Australian-Vietnamese Idol.

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