Sunday, November 23, 2008

NSW Lib Updates

Juvenile Justice For The Illawarra Or Half A V8 Car Race? Rees Priorities All Wrong
Written by Anthony Roberts MP
Shadow Minister for Juvenile Justice Anthony Roberts said the decision to close Keelong Juvenile Justice Centre today as part of a $17 million Labor Mini-Budget cut was not just stupid but abhorrent, to the people of the Illawarra in the light of NSW Labor Government spending over $30 million on a V8 Supercar Race in Sydney.

“Juvenile detention centres throughout NSW are already overcrowded, with many young detainees spending nights in police cells due to the closure of Juvenile Justice facilities,” Mr Roberts said.

Paedophile Tillman’s Secret Release Raises More Questions Than It Answers
Written by Greg Smith SC MP
There are serious concerns about the secret release of convicted paedophile Kenneth Tillman and the State Labor Government has to answer the community’s questions, Shadow Attorney General Greg Smith SC MP said today.

“There is genuine concern the State Labor Government were trying to cover up Tillman’s release because they may not have done all that they should have to keep him in detention,” Mr Smith said.

NSW Lib/Nats Support Eye Tests But Urge Govt To Increase Preschool Participation Rates
Written by Barry O'Farrell MP
NSW Opposition Leader Barry O’Farrell today welcomed plans for eyesight tests for preschoolers across the state, but urged the State Labor Government to adopt NSW Liberal/Nationals policy to increase participation rates.

“We supported the program when it was first announced by Morris Iemma during the last election campaign – and that support remains,” Mr O’Farrell said.

Labor’s Inaction Over Railcorp Corruption: $28 Million Wasted
Written by Gladys Berejiklian MP
Shadow Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian said today’s seventh and final Independent Commission Against Corruption report was a damning indictment on the State Labor Government’s failure to address widespread corruption within RailCorp.

“The fact this final report finds 31 RailCorp employees and contractors were involved in 97 corrupt conduct findings demonstrates just how widespread corruption is throughout RailCorp,” Ms Berejiklian said.

NSW Labor Set To Break Health Promises: Feds Won’t Provide Funding Bailout
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
At least 14 health infrastructure projects in NSW will not proceed after the Federal Government indicated it would not provide health infrastructure funding to bailout their hapless State Labor colleagues, Shadow Minister for Health Jillian Skinner said today.

“Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon has confirmed NSW will not be able to use the national health infrastructure fund to make up for the State Labor Government’s mismanagement and fiscal incompetence,” Mrs Skinner said.

Growth Centres: Labor’s Levies Raise Nil While Killing Housing
Written by Brad Hazzard MP

It has been revealed that State Labor’s levies and charges on new homes in the NW and SW growth sectors have ensured not a single house has been built and nor has one dollar been raised!

“The revelation that in addition to no houses being built in the growth centres, Labor has raised not one cent from its growth centre levies shows what a dumb lot make up the NSW Labor Government,” Shadow Minister for Planning, Brad Hazzard, said today.

O'Farrell Launches Website to Save Student Travel
Written by Barry O'Farrell MP
NSW Opposition Leader Barry O’Farrell today launched the website in response to the Rees Government’s decision to axe free school transport for students.

Liberal Members of Parliament and Councillors were at commuter hubs throughout Sydney this morning, speaking to angry members of the community and calling on them to send a strong message to their local Labor MPs.

Tony Kelly Threat And Raising Personal Matters Out Of Line - Rees Must Act
Written by Barry O'Farrell MP
Nathan Rees’ failure to take action over Police and Emergency Services Minister Tony Kelly’s behaviour during a meeting with a key stakeholder reveals his hypocrisy over ministerial standards, NSW Opposition Leader Barry O’Farrell said today.

The Australian reports Mr Kelly allegedly threatened to use a Taser against an Insurance Council of Australia representative. He also allegedly raised a personal matter involving a family member.

Schools Set To Cop The Brunt Of Student Transport Scheme Fiasco
Written by Gladys Berejiklian MP
Shadow Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian said today the NSW Labor Government looks set to lump the burden of the collection of fares from parents under the new arrangement for the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) on all local schools across New South Wales.

“In today’s Supplementary Transport Budget Estimates hearing it was revealed schools were most likely to bear the burden of administrating and collecting the taxes for Nathan Rees’ plan to charge parents for their children to catch public transport to school,” Ms Berejiklian said.

$120 million slashed from SES AND RFS - Mum and Dad Insurance Policy Holders to pay
Sky High Levies Equals Sky High Rents
Nathan Rees Must Adopt NSW Lib/Nat Plan To Restore Free School Travel
Blackouts To Come As Rees Gov’t Drains Energy Budget
Labor Turmoil Spells Bad News For Community: O’Farrell

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