Thursday, October 09, 2008

Headlines Thursday 9th October

Blame Labor-style socialist engineering
Piers Akerman
IT will take more than the Reserve Bank’s 1 per cent rate cut to shore up confidence in the Australian economy. It will require a shift in the Rudd Labor Government’s thinking.

International markets believe Australia is fundamentally safe - because the Howard Government paid off the underlying public debt - though Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his economic ministers fail to give John Howard and former treasurer Peter Costello due credit.

They are not reassured by Rudd’s shaky grasp of global economics.
Corruption rife in the State of NSW
Alan Jones
Those who've been driving the RailCorp train have been sacked and we're changing the driver.

The Government will now do it.

Yet this is the same Government that on the same day yesterday was confronted with unprecedented corruption at the Labor dominated Wollongong Council.

There is a connection.

RailCorp has been before ICAC for months and months, a mammoth investigation.
How dare Palin monster this sweet boy
Andrew Bolt
Beautiful Sunset
Someone - allegedly this Democrat politician’s son - hacks into the private email account of Sarah Palin, takes screen-shots and shows others on the Internet what he found, and tells them how to hack such accounts, too.
Just 150 million hardliners to worry about
Andrew Bolt
Daniel Pipes checks the figures:

I suggested just three days after 9/11 that about 10 per cent to 15 per cent of Muslims are determined Islamists. Subsequent evidence generally confirmed that estimate and suggested, if anything, that the actual numbers might be higher.
Wouldn’t this little letter have avoided all the fuss?
Andrew Bolt
Miranda Devine wonders why the principal of St Kilda Primary School didn’t simply inform parents beforehand of her invitation to let photographer Bill Henson scour her playground for talent.
You will joke only about Bush
Andrew Bolt
Finally Saturday Night Live decides to attack some Leftists, too, especially those it thinks helped to create this financial disaster engulfing the world. Here’s the skit. And here’s the story of how it was promptly censored.
Inventing excuses for hating Palin
Andrew Bolt
Katie Allison Granju invents yet another reason to explain away why so many in the Leftist media hate - not just disagree with - Sarah Palin:

The real reason that a lot of woman can’t stand Sarah Palin is because she’s smug… Sarah Palin is undoubtedly accomplished and charismatic all on her own. However, for her to smugly act as if she doesn’t owe a debt of gratitude to the generations of American women before her who marched and organized and protested and brought lawsuits and ran for office themselves so that she could stand on a national stage in 2008 - while at the same time successfully mothering five children - is just plain rude. And it irritates a lot of us who share her gender.

Bizarre. Palin, for a start, actually represents all that feminists claimed to want. She’s a strong woman who not only has five children and a he-man house-husband, but is having stunning professional success in a man’s world.

Palin also has no trouble calling herself a feminist, and expressing gratitude to those who supported her most:

”I’m a feminist,” Palin said, “who...believes in equal rights and I believe that women certainly today have every opportunity that a man has to succeed, and to try to do it all, anyway. And I’m very, very thankful that I’ve been brought up in a family where gender hasn’t been an issue.”

(UPDATE) And in accepting her party’s nomination, Palin likewise praised and thanked women who’d gone before her in federal politics - singling out two Democrats:

I can’t begin this great effort without honoring the achievements of Geraldine Ferraro in 1984, and, of course, Senator Hillary Clinton...

No, Palin isn’t smug or ungrateful, and that’s not the reason a Granju loathes her even before she’s worked out why. The fact is that Palin has offended the Left by living their dream without taking on their ideology. She’s an individualist not a collectivist, a conservative not a Leftist, and she above all destroys the comfortable excuses for failure that sustain many of the bitterest and most strident of feminists - that it’s the world and its wicked ways that really holds them back.

No, Palin isn’t whining, protesting and marching. She’s simply doing. Instead of demanding quotas and favors from the good ol’ boys who ran Alaska, she got them jailed and sacked. She’s standing on her own two feet. And all collectives fear and loathe the individualist.
Feed the humans to the cattle
Andrew Bolt
PETA, the greenshirt animal rights group, yet again demonstrates the truth of my warning that if you insist on treating animals like humans, you’ll wind up instead treating humans like animals.
Forget the hot air; blame wind
Andrew Bolt
You know the melting ice sheets of Greenland and West Antarctica that alarmists keep telling us are signs of global warming?

Wind, not global warming, may be to blame, according to two new studies.
Obama vs McCain
Andrew Bolt
This is a debate John McCain badly needs to win. And he’s started very aggressively - much more than he did in the first debate - hammering Barack Obama on his earmarks, his spending, his refusal to take on his own political machine and the payola he took from the now collapsed Fannie Mae. Strong stuff, if on the strident side.
Italy won’t co-sign Rudd’s suicide note
Andrew Bolt
The financial smash will kill any hope threat that the world will next year agree to a deal - with enforceable targets - to slash greenhouse gases. Even Europe, which stands to gain most, is now getting scared
Scientist backs warming hype from a hypocrite
Andrew Bolt
Physicist Professor Richard A. Muller says having hypocrites stretching the truth of the warming science is fine if it makes people believe:
How could a terrorist’s friend be president?
Andrew Bolt

The mainstream media is only now - reluctantly, and after prodding from Sarah Palin - probing the links between Barack Obama and Bill Ayers, far-Left radical and unrepentant former member of a terrorist group which bombed the Pentagon and other federal buildings. And when even CNN suggests Obama hasn’t told the truth, the issue may well bite.

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