Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Promoting New Music Tyr's Day 2nd September

Beautiful Sunset
I Can't Sleep
by particledots

I Can't Sleep
by particledots

This is another version of the song 'Still Here'

I originally wrote 'Still Here' in 1995 and recorded it using a load of outboard midi gear like EMU samplers and Yamaha tone modules. I have always wanted to recreate it using newer instruments so I set about doing so in May and June of this year - and it was quite a challenge to do so but well worth the effort.

The original 1995 version can be found here...

Fishcow uploaded his mix the other day and it can be found here....

There is also a sonicmagpie version soon to be uploaded with a great vocal from Mystified.
Beautiful Sunset
Liebestraum By Franz List
by JodyG

One of my all time favorite pieces By List. I am Learning some mastering techniques and applying them.

Hope you enjoy
Beautiful Sunset
she's leaving home (cover)
by eagle_1

its been a while...so here is one to complete the list to 190 songs.
---she's leavin' home in acapella---(i always loved that song...)
for the love of music - the fab 4 - and friends
i managed to squeeze this one out.
be so kind to leave a comment if u like it.

life is what happens while you are making other plans.
John Lennon
Beautiful Sunset
Seraphin the Kitten (warning : for children only)
by Lafayette

< 5 years listeners
If they aren't happy before 1 minute, I'll give your money back !

Not very serious but everything goes better since that time...
The first time I post something for childrens.
The test is positive: my daughter Carole is laughing

Hope you enjoy.

- LaFayette

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