Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's Coming .. From Rumble's Vaults

Rumble Pictures - WestXpress 2 Youth Event

Due the success of the first WestXpress short film and acoustic night held in April 2007, young filmmakers Rumble Pictures with Fairfield's Powerhouse Youth Theatre (PYT) produced the youth event, WestXpress 2 which was held at the PYT School of Arts on Saturday 8th September 07. Gaining wider acclaim in the community, WestXpress 2 boasted 120 people in attendance where film, art, music and the youth remain the focus.

Edited/directed by Michael Zhu
Rumble Pictures - Maximum Choppage Bloopers

Winner of "Best Film" at the 2005 Shortcuts Film Festival

Martial Art/Comedy

"Cabramatta Local Champion", The Champ calls out for fighters in the local area. Henchman Kanh, is ordered to seek out and test potential fighters in which haplessly chosen, is loser Tim. Tim, lured by the prospect of a great amount of prize money, would have to fight his way through Kanh in order to have a final battle with the Champ at the Dragon Champ Dojo.

Tim: Timothy ly
Kanh: David Hoang
The Champ: Brian Lee

Wayne Pham

Directed/edited/choreographed by Timothy Ly
Rumble Pictures ( Formely Rumble Productions ) 2003
Rumble Pictures - Happy Dent

Happy Dent is a documentary which explores the life of a six year old boy who sells chewing gum for a living in Vietnam.

Directed by Maria Tran

Winner of 'Achievement in Directing' & 'Best Film' at the Shortcuts Film Festival 2008.
Kung Fu Shuffle

Short Film - Martial Arts Action

Action by Rumble Pictures

Directed By Garnet Mae

Rayon Productions 2007

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