Sunday, August 10, 2008

Promoting New Music Sun's Day 10th August

Beautiful Sunset
Rue Domremy 63

Archive ... visit to Paris with Anto
we could not escape the charm of the street DOM RE MY!
recording in 2006 and forgotten!!
Thanks for listening.

Anto & Cesare
Beautiful Sunset
Where Would I be?

Hey Everyone, just wanted to bid ya'll a farewell. I'm taking a little break after this weekend to kind of focus on my priorities, yuck! Life kinda got in the way, so I have to take care of some issues, then I'll be back. Thank you for making me feel very welcomed here, and supporting my music.

My apologies to all the people I am supposed to collab with. I promise, once I get stuff sorted, I will get back in to the swing of things! MickD – this goes out mostly to you, I know you’ve been patiently waiting for a while; you’ll be my top focal point when I come back. Scout’s Honor!

I wrote this song, and it was supposed to be my second single released, however it never was finished nor finalized due my manager's swindler partner! UGH! It got some club play around the NYC Underground scene, which was kinda neat.

Thank you again, and see ya'll soon...If you need to reach me, send me an icomp message; it goes straight to my phone.


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