Sunday, August 24, 2008

NSW Lib Updates

Reba Meagher Incompetence - Half Newcastle Ambulances Out Of Action: Paramedics
Written by Jillian Skinner MP
Revelations half of Newcastle’s ambulances are unavailable for local emergencies every day highlights Health Minister Reba Meagher’s incompetence, Shadow Minister for Health Jillian Skinner said today.

“When paramedics are telling Reba Meagher that under-resourcing is costing lives, you’d think the Health Minister would start listening,” Mrs Skinner said.

Iemma Govt Backflip On Taxpayer-Funded Advertising Doesn't Go Far Enough
Written by Barry O'Farrell MP
NSW Opposition Leader Barry O’Farrell today welcomed the Iemma Labor Government’s belated effort at transparency in taxpayer-funded advertising, but said it still doesn’t go far enough.

The Iemma Government has said it will publish all taxpayer funded advertising online.

An Auditor General's report in August 2007 found ‘guidelines are not adequate to prevent the use of public funds for party political purposes.' (p. 3).

Heartless Iemma Govt To Treat Disabled As 'Trespassers'
Written by Andrew Constance MP
The Iemma Government and Disability Minister Kristina Keneally have reached a new low, putting forward a policy that will treat people with a disability as a ‘trespasser’ if they cannot be picked up by their carers, Shadow Minister for Disability Services Andrew Constance said today.

“The Iemma Government has lost the plot having referred to people with a disability who overstay their time in respite as ‘trespassers’, and stating the Department of Ageing Disability and Home Care will not accept responsibility for providing care to the person past the cut off date,” Mr Constance said.

Labor Will Send Your Water Rate Bill Soaring
Written by Chris Hartcher MP
Shadow Minister for Water Utilities, Chris Hartcher, today released details of an IPART submission regarding Tillegra dam, which will mean Central Coast ratepayers will be paying a lot more for water.

“Just like the people of Sydney will have to pay more in their water rates to pay for Iemma’s Sydney white elephant, the Kurnell Desalination Plant, now Central Coast residents are going to be asked to pay for their white elephant, Tillegra Dam,” said Chris Hartcher.

NSW Patients Wait Four Times Longer Than Qld Patients For Eye Surgery
Written by Jillian Skinner MP
Shadow Minister for Health Jillian Skinner said the release of today’s Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) report confirms patients in NSW needing eye surgery will wait longer than patients in any other Australian state.

The AIHW report Eye Health in Australia: A Hospital Perspective is available online from

Alfords Point Upgrade - A Bridge Not Far Enough
Written by Barry O'Farrell MP & John Ajaka MLC
NSW Opposition Leader Barry O’Farrell and St George-Illawarra Liberal MLC John Ajaka today slammed Premier Morris Iemma for misleading the public on the long overdue and over-budget duplication of Alfords Point Bridge.

Morris Iemma today claimed ‘the Alfords Point Bridge duplication had been completed on time and under budget’. The Alfords Point Bridge will open tomorrow and have cost NSW taxpayers $42 million. The 2006-07 NSW Treasury Budget Papers states the Alfords Point Duplication would be complete by 2007 at a total cost of $25 million.

Auditor General Report On Electricity
Written by Barry O'Farrell MP & Andrew Stoner MP
The NSW Liberal/Nationals today welcome the release of the Auditor General's report on Morris Iemma's electricity privatisation plans.

The NSW Liberal/Nationals will now consider the report in detail.

More Needed From Morris Than A New Phone Number
Written by Mike Baird MP
The Premier’s latest announcement of a new phone number to access State services shows the Iemma Government has run out of ideas, Shadow Minister for Commerce Mike Baird said today.

“The Premier announcing a new phone number and website as a ‘major initiative’ is a sad reflection of the standard of government we currently have in NSW,” Mr Baird.

Iemma’s Mental Health Priority Collapses In The Illawarra
Written by Greg Aplin MP
The news that mental health services in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven area are on the edge of collapse following the resignations of eight psychiatrists in the last 12 months should come as no surprise to Premier Morris Iemma and his Minister, Paul Lynch, Shadow Minister for Mental Health Greg Aplin said today.

“Morris Iemma nominated mental health as priority when he became Labor Leader but he has failed to deliver,” Mr Aplin said.

Minister Brown Or Charlie Brown
Morris Iemma - 'Do Not Pass Go'. The Only Monopoly You Have Is On Incompetence
Labor Out Of Touch: Iemma Doesn’t Know Which Seats He Holds
Della Bosca Must Not Return To Ministry
Watkins No Honest John: On Time Running Example Doesn’t Stack Up

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