Sunday, July 06, 2008

Liberal Messages Sunday 6th July

Draft Report of the Garnaut Climate Change Review
The Coalition will carefully consider the 537 page draft report and adopt a constructive approach – to ensure there are real reductions in Australia’s emissions while at the same time ensuring we protect everyday Australians and our economy.

Statement by Hon Alan Stockdale - Federal President - Liberal Party of Australia
The Federal President of the Liberal Party, Hon. Alan Stockdale, said today that he had been consulted about the merger discussions between the Liberal Party and National Party in Queensland.

Nelson Press Conference
Garnaut Climate Change Review draft report, Alan Jones, Barry Desker...

Australian Fuel Botch
The Wall Street Journal has slammed Mr Rudd's 'Fuel Watch' scheme, warning it may make high petrol prices worse.

Air Combat Capability Review must be released
Minister Fitzgibbon must release the findings of the Air Combat Capability Review which has been sitting on his desk for weeks.

Trade Practices Act – section 46 cases
The Coalition shares the concerns of the Law Council of Australia that the Government’s foreshadowed amendments to the Trade Practices Act to enable Section 46 cases to be dealt with by the Federal MagistratesCourt.

Carbon tax needs to fund CO2 capture
Carbon capturing technology, known as geosequestration, is the only lasting solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from coal fired power stations, and should be a big ticket item in Garnaut’s interim report on climate change.

COAG Fails Workers
The Rudd Government’s failure to convince the States to sign up to their training agenda at yesterday’s COAG meeting highlights that Federal/State relations have a long way to go.

No fuel discounts under Kevin Rudd's FuelWatch scheme
Australian motorists will be denied the substantial fuel discounts currently being offered by some service stations if Kevin Rudd’s FuelWatch scheme is introduced...

Alexander Downer
His achievements include significant roles in the Bougainville peace process in 1997 and in bringing independence to East Timor in 1999, standing up to terrorism after September 11 and the attacks in Bali...

E-Security review must tackle Cyber-Bullying, Stalking and Harassment
The Coalition welcomes the announcement of an e-security review, but is disappointed that the real and widespread community concern about personal online security is not expressly addressed in the review’s terms of reference.

Small businesses need greater clarity on COAG decision
The Shadow Minister for Small Business has called on Labor to urgently provide greater clarity on operation of the new national system so small businesses in Australia can have certainty.

Tourism strategy committee brings together experience
Alexander Downer Resignation
D-Day for Kevin's computer con
Retirement of Alexander Downer
Alexander Downer's retirement
Minchin pays tribute to retiring defence service chiefs
COAG deadline to save the Murray lower lakes
Let's go green without going on a tax binge (Opinion piece for The Australian)

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