Monday, July 21, 2008

Headlines Monday 21st July

Warming Swindle film swindled of justice
Andrew Bolt
Ofcom, Britain’s media regulator, seems to have been too quick to damn the Great Global Warming Swindle, and too quick to exonerate one of Britian’s leading warming hysterics:
In the closing moments of the program a voiceover from the climate change sceptic Fred Singer claimed that the Chief Scientist of the UK had said that by the end of the century the only habitable place on the planet would be in the Antarctic and that “humanity may survive thanks to some breeding couples who moved to the Antarctic”.
Russians: Warm causes CO2, not vice versa
Andrew Bolt
More of those wicked sceptics that freak our media:

Russian scientists reject the very idea that carbon dioxide may be responsible for global warming… “The Kyoto theorists have put the cart before the horse,” says renowned Russian geographer Andrei Kapitsa. ”It is global warming that triggers higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, not the other way round.”
Tim Blair
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency:
The greatest health burdens related to climate change are likely to fall on those with the lowest socio-economic status.
Then the obvious solution is to become wealthy, or at least to conserve what wealth you have. First step: stop buying Saturday’s Age, which has recently increased its price to $2.40. Second step: buy an economical V8 rather than eventually be forced into a tiny Chinese Gwkulla.
Tim Blair
According to Reuters, the Berlin Wall was brought down by ... Bruce Springsteen! Generously, however, Reuters does allow that ”other Americans had spoken out against the Wall.”
Tim Blair
Canadian lobster conflict:
A countrywide bidding war has begun to boil over a 100-year-old, 10-kilogram Bay of Fundy lobster.
Tim Blair
Anxiety in France:
Enough Semtex to make 56 bombs the size of the one used in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing has been stolen from a French castle.
Tim Blair
Briefly describe how you might react were you to catch British hypergreens in the act of vandalising your car, upon which this note has been attached:
Driving an SUV is an unacceptably selfish act in the face of this global emergency. Your destructive vehicle and scores of others across Oxford have been disabled as part of a wider struggle to avert a global emergency.
Sceptics deny
Andrew Bolt
My accusations are denied, as they weren’t when I put them directly to Craig Emerson on Q&A:

A CHORUS line of Rudd Government ministers lined up yesterday to declare they are not climate change sceptics after being “outed” on national television.
We have ways to make you feed baby
Andrew Bolt
How dysfunctional are these communities that mothers need this prompting to feed and dress their babies?

EVERY child born in a Queensland indigenous community would receive food, clothing and basic pharmaceuticals - either free or at token cost - until the age of four under a scheme being considered by the state Government.
It was power, not principle, our artists were defending
Andrew Bolt
Peter Garrett asks arts adminstrators what to do about artists who use taxpayers’ money to show off naked children in sexualised poses:
PETER Garrett has asked the arts community to draft a set of protocols for artists who depict children, amid concerns that Kevin Rudd would have taken a much harder line.
A pig in a poke would be a better bet
Andrew Bolt
Either Australians are just telling pollsters what sounds acceptable, or they’ve really lost their minds:

AN OVERWHELMING majority of voters support Kevin Rudd’s drive to tackle climate change and 77 per cent believe Australia should press ahead and cut its greenhouse gas emissions, regardless of what other countries do.
His alleged crime, so why my money?
Andrew Bolt
I accept that the ABC wants to help an employee, but surely there’s a limit to how much of taxpayers’ money should be used to defend a man charged with a criminal offence over private behavior in private time:

THE family of jailed ABC journalist Peter Lloyd were last night trying to raise $45,000 bail to free him from Singapore’s Changi prison, where he is on remand facing drug charges.
North Pole still icy, predictions still wrong
Andrew Bolt
The widely reported scare last month:

Arctic warming has become so dramatic that the North Pole may melt this summer...
Why won’t the CSIRO come clean on its scare report?
Andrew Bolt
The CSIRO is still stonewalling on a request by a leading modeller to let him check the data it used to claim we’re facing terrible droughts thanks to global warming.

This is a scandal. And the CSIRO’s claim - seized on so gratefully by the Rudd Government - looks even more suspect by this refusal to let it be reviewed.
A Hicks rant against Israel
Andrew Bolt
The ABC is publishing comments by ”David Hicks” attacking Israel as the “Jewish entity”, which he says he “passionately” resists and is responsible for the terrorism waged against it:

The OCCUPATION is the cause of the resistance...
Where are Rudd’s climate-catastrophe fridge magnets?
Andrew Bolt
I thought the Rudd Government had promised not to use taxpayers’ money for political advertising.
Our writers’ real paymasters
Andrew Bolt
The big book prizes - especially the many now funded by Labor governments - are the kind of help that poisons.
I’m sorry, but I tried
Andrew Bolt
At the Melbourne Press Club today, I asked Climate Change Minister Penny Wong the following question (from memory):
The IPCC, the UN’s climate change body, in its February report said it had detected human-induced global warming in just one 25 year period, up to around 1998. Since 1998, the consensus of the four bodies that measure the world’s temperature is that the world has not warmed. It has not warmed for a decade, and over the past couple of years has actually cooled. Minister, how many more years of no-warming will it take before you accept that the global warming theory on which you’ve based your huge carbon cutting scheme is actually wrong? One more year of no-warming? Five years? Or 15 years?
Is it just money they want, then?
Andrew Bolt
Is this a classic example of how a victim industry cannot afford to ever admit it’s satisfied? Let’s go through the saga:

Flying to Australia, the Pope says he’ll express regret to victims of priests who abused them. Broken Rites says that’s not enough, and demands a formal apology
How Rudd lost Gippsland
Andrew Bolt
The National Party gives its polling results to Glenn Milne, so treat with interest - but caution:

The polling results were delivered to the Nationals’ federal management committee by party director Brad Henderson last week…

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