Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Thick of It - Episode 1 - Part 1

Andrew Bolt brought this to my attention. We believe that it is a brilliant portrayal of how Rudd treats his ministers.
Rudd bans initiative
Andrew Bolt
Paul Daley reviews Kevin Rudd’s method of control:

Some senior figures in Rudd’s office… have taken to bollocking ministers who show too much initiative, especially when it comes to spinning their own good news stories.
Clinton quits
Andrew Bolt
Hillary Clinton finally realises she’s dead and quits.

The delay in conceding a race that was formally lost four days ago, and in effect lost months earlier, suggests she won’t get much sympathy for a couple of last wishes
Bloody Melbourne
Andrew Bolt
I moved to Melbourne thinking it was civilised. Turns out Melbourne has since moved, too
Labor rules and you’re sacked
Andrew Bolt
Charming behaviour from two politicians of the workers’ party:

(NSW) EDUCATION Minister John Della Bosca allegedly threatened and bullied staff at an upmarket nightclub before driving home, despite having lost his licence.

Six staff members have signed statutory declarations alleging aggressive and threatening behaviour by Mr Della Bosca and his wife Belinda Neal, the federal member for Robertson, at Iguanas in Gosford on Friday night…
Obama the lightworker #2
Andrew Bolt
It’s not just journalists who hear heavenly choirs sing when they see Barack Obama. Take Jesse Jackson:

I cried all night. I’m going to be crying for the next four years. What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history. ... The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance. -for the record, I met a man who was dead for seven days, during the Rwanda crisis which Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan inflated. He didn't make the claims that Jesse makes for Obama. - ed.

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