Thursday, June 05, 2008

Promoting New Music Thor's Day 5th June

Beautiful Sunset
Cotton Bolls (1901)
by georgeptingley

Ragtime in Nashville? Absolutely. Nashville publishers were already quite active in the late 1890's. And Nashville-born Charles Hunter was to produce several country rags before succumbing tragically to the nightlife in St. Louis in his mid-20's.

Cotton Bolls was published in 1901. You can almost hear them banjos and fiddles playing along. Nothing very self-conscious here, just country music at its very best.

George Peter Tingley plays Cotton Bolls (1901) by Charlie Hunter.
Beautiful Sunset
the road I travel
by Mystified

two piano improvisations
tracks overlapped,
...reassigned as synths, blips and various washes of sound...
Beautiful Sunset
Cataract Rag (1914)
by georgeptingley

With a little help from LogicExpress, I suddenly sound like Vladimer Horowitz. The great Russian pianist surely would have loved playing this one,

St. Louis composer Robert Hampton produced this unique classical rag in 1914. Listen close and you might even hear echoes of a tango somewhere in there.

George Peter Tingley plays the Cataract Rag (1914) of Robert Hampton
Beautiful Sunset
A Dream So Real
by Storkaas

Staying overnight with friends, his sleep was disturbed by a vivid dream: a thief broke in, stole everything in the flat - then carefully replaced every single item with an exact replica. "It felt so real," he told his friends in the morning. Horrified, uncomprehending, they replied, "But who are you?"
Beautiful Sunset
The Break Down Song
by Choirbox, amateurpro and DJmevsme

A light elecro-pop tune. One more amateurpro tune that is just so easy to hum along with. His songs make it easy for vocalists to dance over.


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