Monday, June 23, 2008

Promoting New Music Moon Day 23rd June

Beautiful Sunset
by eagle_1, SELES, LWinston and Soundhound

Learning You - Learning Me,
by Soundhound, LWinston and SELES...This terrific piece was the reason for making vox on it...its one of the hottest tracks i heard lately on iComp and i hope the trio do not mind my singin' (sometimes through the lead)
hope some iCompers will like it...
the original is here
Beautiful Sunset
Funk on the Rocks - Done w/DWL
by Sloparts

The first version of this song with lyrics was a bit tame, so I beat it up a little in Logic to make a hotter more aggressive mix. I think I want this one to be the one to stand the test of time. Again, Dick Langford is playing the lead guitar part in the break. Thank you Dick, that's one great track you sent me.

I left the other version including the groove only version intact.



  1. It seems that you're a lover of music too... my day won't be complete without it...
