Sunday, June 29, 2008

Liberal Messages Sunday 29th June

Nelson Doorstop with Rohan Fitzgerald - Gippsland
Gippsland by-election, petrol excise, emissions trading scheme, Ken Henry, nuclear power...

Rudd held to account on fuel
With petrol prices reaching the $1.70 a litre mark, it is clear that Australians are demanding a secure, reliable and affordable energy supply, not more empty promises from the Rudd Government.

South Pacific Tyres
The closure of South Pacific Tyres is an extremely sad day for the 600 affected employees.

As oil reaches $140 a barrel Kevin Rudd must stop hiding behind excuses
It’s time for Mr Rudd to stop hiding behind excuses, stop posturing with mindless rhetoric and start taking responsibility as the nation’s Prime Minister.

Secure and affordable fuel and energy supplies key challenge
The Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy will investigate in depth the dynamics that are impacting upon our energy future, in particular the extent to which current state and federal government policies are adding to those pressures.

Leader of the Opposition - Motion of Condemnation - 26/6/08
I seek leave to move a motion condemning the Prime Minister and his government for seven months of watching committees’ inaction and indecision.

Nelson interview with Lyndal Curtis (AM Programme)
Emissions trading, price of petrol, Gippsland by-election...

Government is lying on cost of Senate scrutiny
The Government’s continuing claim that Senate delays will lead to a revenue loss of $284 million was exposed as a complete lie.

Rudd Government admits GroceryWatch is a charade and will not save consumers one
The Rudd Government today admitted it will waste $13 million on a website that will not save consumers one cent.

Copy cat Rudd Government does it again
Helping Children with Autism package re-announced with great fanfare yesterday is a Howard Government initiative that was set to begin in July 2008.

Coalition Supports Proclamation of Battle for Australia Day
Whilst not taking away from the importance of Anzac Day as Australia’s national day of commemoration this proclamation acknowledges the service and sacrifice of Australian servicemen and women who served between 1942 and 1943.

Loaded gun at the head of PM's Chief of Staff
The relationship between the PM's Chief of Staff, Mr Epstein, and a senior lobbyist in Ms Eccles, is nothing if not an apparent conflict of interest in any situation where a Rudd Labor Government policy affects any single one of Ms Eccles clients.

Rudd and Gillard stumbling in the dark on jobs...
Bring solutions, not spin Mr Rudd
QANTAS strikes 'up, up & away' with Kevin Rudd
Rudd government misplaces $4.75M in pork barrel funding
Too little for those caring for our country...
Labor drowns sorrows with community fund announcement
Government expenditure: Labor fraud on inflation
Where the bloody hell is Rudd on tourism?

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