Sunday, May 18, 2008

Promoting New Music Sun Day 18th May

Beautiful Sunset
solemn music
by Narananda
by RiGee
Beautiful Sunset
Le Message de Mary & Cesar
by grathy and RAMZAR

Cesar always comes up with some interesting arrangements, and this one is no exception. I added some ambient vocals to this etherial creation.

Thanks Cesar!
Beautiful Sunset
St. Louis Tickle (1904)
by georgeptingley

One of the big hits of the St. Louis World's Fair of 1904 was Theron Catlan Bennett's ST. LOUIS TICKLE. Here it is given piano roll production - rhythms quantized and notes added. Listen for the build to the very end.

George Peter Tingley plays the St. Louis Tickle (1904), music from the St. Louis World's Fair of 1904
Beautiful Sunset
Broken (collab)
by fromano, NorthPoint, Filmscorz and reinacollins

Well, it's no big news I love the Blues, and even though I'm not BB King (not even close), I tenaciously keep tryin' to play my guitar "the bluesy way"... failing, most of the times. This is one of those efforts.
The making of this song started on August 2007 when Alan (NorthPoint) wrote lyrics upon Jeff's (FilmScorz) "Blues 7 (for collaboration)" and asked Reina (ReinaCollins) to sing them and me to play some guitar but, for various unfortunate reasons (Jeff's mac crashed and the original Logic project got lost), never got to the point of being released.
Some days ago me and Alan (NorthPoint) decided that it was time to make it see the light of day, so we started from scratch, recorded all tracks once again, and I made a mix with Reina's Incredible vocal track I already had, shaked it a lil' bit, and here it is, at last.
It's a traditional electric blues number, no frills, no bells and whistles. I tried to keep it simple, arrangement-wise, so don't expect screaming synthesizers, hehe.
I'm always thrilled when I can collaborate with musicians like Alan, Jeff and Reina, because whatever we decide to do, I'm sure that we'll have al lot of fun doing it, and that's what the whole thing is about, isn't it? Thanks Alan, Thanks Jeff, Thanks Reina. It's an honor to make music with you.

Enjoy the ride, my friends, and long live the Blues.


The band:
ReinaCollins: Vocals
FilmScorz: Music
NorthPoint: Lyrics, Bass
Fromano : Guitars, Piano, Organ, Drums, Production
Beautiful Sunset

Today is my birthday
Aujourd'hui est mon anniversaire
Heute ist mein Geburtstag
Hoy es mi cumpleaños
Hoje é o meu aniversário
Oggi è il mio compleanno

Azz….. I am older !

archive "January 2006", stolen and developed
dedicated to .... Farewell my old love

thanks for listening
Beautiful Sunset
by zallaz and rhonie

Rhonie on vocals/lyrics Laz music

Trouble's on the way...

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