Ceremony for a drowned fish
by Narananda
Broken Hearts and Tear Stained Eyes
by BossHook
Combined some electro beats with steel string feats.
This is for Theresa, she's such a dirty girl.
All instruments and production John LaMantia
(c) Boss Hook Music, 2008
Fix You
by etgilles
The Acoustic Sessions.
Have We Met?
by Illuminator
With abundant time on my hands, I've put this together, with a little help from some friends. Thanks to Lapskin for some insightful thoughts on the track and to Mick Fleetwood for the percussion (loops).
This started out as an electronic mix but wound up being something a bit different. A single line lyric changed the whole thing.
All of the instruments, except for the percussion track, are done using the Korg, via MIDI, played in realtime.
You may have to turn up your speakers to hear this. It sounds different on my systems, which is crazy. But, oh well.
Here's to a great weekend.
Pushing Up Through The Earth
by JodyG
Hi Folks!!
This is the 2nd piece in the, "Muir Woods Project" a piano solo CD I am working on. Any opinions on the recording will be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone is happy, healthy and doing well.
St. Louis Rag (1903)
by georgeptingley
A more joyous rag has yet to be written. Composed in 1903, the St. Louis Rag will forever be associated with the great St. Louis World's Fair of 1904.
Composer Tom Turpin (1873-1922) was born in Savannah, Georgia but raised in St. Louis. He followed his father's trade in the saloon business, and his Rosebud bar became a ragtime center for Scott Joplin and others.
For those keeping score, the form is intro AA BB CC DD. The last section as written is particularly repetitive which means the composer is inviting the performer to strut his stuff. No problem, Tom. Hope you like it!
George Peter Tingley plays the St. Louis Rag (1903).
Cool blog(s) ddball :)