Monday, May 12, 2008

Promoting New Music Moon Day 12th May

15. Drama
by THE_SISCOM_GURU and Geechi3

This is Linda's original vocal demo for what I later turned into 'Running Girl'

I sent her a version of one of the SISCOM GURU backing tracks I had and she added her vocal (in Garageband I believe)

So here it is - Linda's 'Drama' vocal to SISCOM GURU from almost 18 months ago

(Thank you for finding this and sending it to me Linda)
Beautiful Sunset
The River (eno/cale)
by sonic_magpie, Mystified and particledots

Space Age Country Western for astronauts in Saturn 5 rockets

Vocals - particledots and mystified
Guitars and Synths - particle
Beautiful Sunset
A Certain Elegance
by PaulFPage

Well, just a touch of elegance as this little piano number slides by. No imagination necessary...Only your ears, and the hope that this is a smooth little step into my world of the piano. Soft butter and a hot knife. That'll do it.
Beautiful Sunset
by Bampot

Smooth and sensual!
by rinca, RAMZAR and SELES

THANK YOU. a very quick throw down now i'm over my migraine
Beautiful Sunset
I'm in the Bread Line
by PowerMatt

A song by Josef Brinckmann that is more pertinent now than it ever was. With prices around the world skyrocketing and wages not rising with the elevated costs of living I wonder if we'll be standing in line soon...

I hope not.

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