Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Some Bolt Stuff

Howard shared those boundless plains
Kevin Rudd tries to politicise the national anthem, which he tells the 7.30 Report fills him with pride
Rumor Closes Paper
No hemp lingerie
A bureaucrat’s heaven
I’ve checked the final report of Kevin Rudd’s idea summit for its list of best ideas. You want proof of the Big Government mindset such a summit inevitably inspires? Here’s a partial list of the government agencies, units and qangos 1000 of Rudd’s closest advisors recommend
Warming worriers snowed under
So how did global warmenists in Canada celebrate Earth Day?
Going Potty
Ramsay for Liberal leader
Professor James Allan is sick of the Left/Right labels
Give this plot a grant
Sounds like the premise of an art-house movie:
Rudd: what tax cuts?
Don’t tell me you thought Kevin Rudd would actually honor all his promises to cut taxes
But does Costello need the Liberals?
Rudd’s next idea: invent a wheel
Memo to Kevin Rudd and his 1000 applauding summiteers: Here’s a reminder of why it’s wiser to trust private enterprise rather than big government for fresh ideas
Run! Polar bears are coming!
Larissa Dubecki, green believer and Age journalist (tautology, I know), is outraged
Rudd balladeer protected
Fresh from the national ceremony of group worship of Cate Blanchett, comes more news of our galloping celebrityitis:

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