Thursday, April 17, 2008

From The Traps, Bolt, Akerman

Can Rome give up that teat? by Andrew Bolt
A quick primer on Berlusconi’s challenge
Romulus Wolf
Green sees some sense by Andrew Bolt
Guardian columnist and global warming worrier Simon Jenkins repents - partially
Dam progress by Andrew Bolt
Well, at least I’ve convinced the Victorian Liberals, whose state council last weekend outed itself as closet dammers, passing this resolution
Do not as I drive Andrew Bolt
ABC host Jon Faine, a fervent global warming apocalyptic, badgers Industry Minister Kim Carr about green cars, until the conversation takes an awkward turn
Maybe I should teach Dutch by Andrew Bolt
Strange that English lessons from a Russian teacher with a heavy accent should get 45 million hits on YouTube in just eight months.

Our films - the salvation and the danger by Andrew Bolt
Jim Schembri has frank advice for our film industry - advice of the kind it almost certainly won’t get from the court artists at Rudd’s 2020 summit
Henderson and Rudd
Summit no-shows by Andrew Bolt
Kevin Rudd’s attempts to suck the media into his summit have unravelled a bit
Destroying the France of Voltaire by Andrew Bolt
The trial of Brigitte Bardot kind of proves what she was saying
Blame Mbeki instead, says Fraser by Andrew Bolt
Malcolm Fraser says it’s not his fault that Robert Mugabe refuses to go - or, indeed, that he first won power. He reasonably fingers a more likely villain
Another target for man without darts by Andrew Bolt
This big-government plan to help pop more four-year-olds into care may have some marginal benefits
Rudd the snake oil salesman Piers Akerman
AFTER five months in office, the Rudd Government’s modus operandi has become clear - another day, another stunt - in this case another political exercise to get petrol prices off the front page.
No room at Summit’s peak Piers Akerman
IT is easy to criticise next weekend’s 2020 Vision Summit gabfest - one doesn’t have to be a cynic to do so.
All talk but no action Piers Akerman
PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd achieved a personal and international best when he became the first national leader to mention the T-word in Mandarin in a speech to a group of hand-picked students in Beijing.

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