Sunday, October 21, 2007

Outing A Fictional Character, Dumbledore

Originally uploaded by Sydney Weasel
JK Rowling has invented a world which children play in. It is a fantasy world which occasionally resembles reality. Dumbledore, the Hogwarts School Principal is gay. So have been many eminent people. Does it matter?

The character of Dumbledore is wise and giveing. He is flawed, yet praiseworthy. Dumbledore being gay does not change, nor enhance that. But Dumbledore being gay is important to the storyline because it will satisfy those people who need to see Gay people as leading worthy lives.

The truth about Gays is that they tend to live with the fear that life can pass them by because they don't fit in. That is a truth which all must deal with, but for gays it becomes an issue because they often don't fit in, and their world is invisible.

In recent years, the well intended but misleading attempts to portray many, either fictional or real, as Gay has grown strident .. and ebbed.

Maybe Bilbo Baggins, or his nephew Frodo were not gay. But if they were, the story does not change, nor the beauty of the story. And for some, the world may seem less lonely.

Personally, I struggle calling Hermione a Witch .. but that is one of my issues :p

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