Friday, September 07, 2007

Waiting to be Mugged

Originally uploaded by Sydney Weasel
My story was ready to break. A journalist was ready with the first of four articles on my fifteen year dispute with my former employer. And now I must wait longer before the story breaks.

In the mean time, I am without income. I have not yet the means to prove my citizenship, and so acquire unemployment benefit although I am a citizen. I still have a mortgage and other cost of living expenses.

The delay comes about because the state government has decided to investigate, this time seriously. Well, last time was serious too, but this time they will include more information from me.

Of course, the paper could still run with the story it has. In fact, had the story been in any way critical of the Federal Government, I’m sure the story would already have run.

I cannot print the story, because that would not be reporting. I am a player in the story. All I can say is that a school-boy has died, a paedophile investigation has been bungled and a public servant has been harassed out of their workplace. I believe that people close to me are partly responsible for some of the issues and my life is threatened as a result of the issues. I believe the threat to my life is dismissed through public exoneration which I will not have until my story is made public.

I don’t need anything, other than what I have provided, to have my story published. But some bureaucrat isn’t satisfied.

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