Friday, August 04, 2006

NSW Economy, Nothing to Celebrate in Poor Report Card

Originally uploaded by Sydney Weasel.
Twelve months of Iemma and twelve years of Labor leaves nothing to celebrate as families, businesses and job-seekers battle Labor's high taxes, big bureaucracy, and the dead NSW economy, Shadow Minister for Finance Peta Seaton said today.

Morris Iemma and Michael Costa have compounded Bob Carr’s economic mismanagement with a steady stream of bad tax and management decisions, all of which avoid dealing with the rampant over-expenditure, bureaucratic growth, waste and paralysis identified by the Stokes Vertigan Audit in February.

1 comment:

  1. Ms Seaton said Morris Iemma should stop making excuses and adopt Liberal/Nationals Coalition policy to stimulate the NSW economy including:

    • Investor concession for purchase of new homes for rental
    • First Home Buyer top up to make homes more affordable
    • Payroll tax reductions, exempting 4,500 business from the tax
    • Exempting employers from Workcover premiums for apprentices
    • Reducing red tape and regulation, and limiting new regulations
    • Pursuing new industry and job opportunities such as defence
    • Cutting taxes (including Clubs tax)
    • A fairer valuation and land tax system

    "NSW deserves a better future, and families and businesses are right to expect that things can be a whole lot better than Morris Iemma and Labor have delivered.

    "Under the Liberal/Nationals Coalition policies to stimulate the NSW economy, we can deliver higher standards, better services and balanced budgets, and put NSW back in it’s rightful position of the nations economic powerhouse," Ms Seaton.
