Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Aus Business, Gov Discuss Security

Oz Security
Originally uploaded by Sydney Weasel.
Senior government ministers will meet with key Australian business leaders today to discuss Australia's ongoing fight against terrorism.

The discussions will take place at the third meeting of the Business-Government Advisory Group on National Security.

"The Group was established to ensure that we have open and productive lines of communication between business and government leaders on security issues and the protection of our critical infrastructure," Attorney-General Philip Ruddock said.

1 comment:

  1. "There are many areas where our national security depends on business and government working closely and we must be continually vigilant."

    "We must also be proactive in identifying areas of possible risk and managing that risk in a comprehensive and coordinated way."

    The meeting will address a range of security issues with particular attention to be paid to how business and government can keep working together to defeat terrorism and protect the national interest.

    "The Government's approach to national security is an inclusive one, we want to know what business thinks and we want to work with business to put in place the right policies and initiatives," Mr Ruddock said.

    Senior government ministers will attend the meeting, including the Minister for Transport and Regional Services, Warren Truss, the Minister for Justice and Customs, Chris Ellison, the heads of Australia's security and law enforcement agencies as well as CEOs from major industry sectors.

    Proceedings will be chaired by the Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock. Business representatives include Paul Anthony (AGL), Steven Lowy (Westfield), Solomon Trujillo (Telstra), John Stewart (National Australia Bank), Andrew King (P&O), John Ellice-Flint (Santos), Heather Ridout (Australian Industry Group), Peter Hendy (Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry).
